View Full Version : Dice color resetting

November 3rd, 2021, 14:19
I and my players have come across changing dice colors between session. As far as I can tell this defaults to red (#FF70002A) and happens very sporadically. If I'd had to guess, only sometimes when changing campaigns from GM to GM.

- Played last thursday in a 5e campaign
- Played last friday in a CoC7e campaign
- I open a personal test campaign -> dice are red.

Has anyone else encountered something like this?

Moon Wizard
November 3rd, 2021, 16:10
The color of your dice/pointers is supposed to be saved as a user level preference for your user before characters are selected or when you are a GM; then each character ID color is saved in the campaign registry on the GM machine and restored on identity selection so that the player client updates.

If that's not the case, I'll need some guidance on the steps to see the issue so I can investigate.


November 9th, 2021, 13:33
Sorry for the late reply. I played another session last night in that same CoC7e campaign and wanted to do some more module work today for D&D 3.5e and now my dice color reset again.

Do you mean by campaign registry the CampaignRegistry.lua file? If so, there are no dice/pointers saved in there.
I'll try to get hold of the other DM to find reproducable steps and can upload affected campaigns.

Moon Wizard
November 9th, 2021, 16:55
There is supposed to be a CampaignRegistry.colortables[identity] saved in the CampaignRegistry.lua file on the GM side. It's been around for many years, so not sure if something has broken recently for some reason; but also not getting multiple reports. Any additional information is appreciated.


November 9th, 2021, 17:31
I'm not seeing dice colours resetting over different campaigns even different campaigns using different rulesets but equally the CampaignRegistry.lua file is bereft of any colour information. I checked the Global Registry as well but that's empty.

November 9th, 2021, 17:38
-deleted, obsolete-

November 9th, 2021, 19:02
All campaigns are new, blank and without extensions. FGU is in LIVE and updated, Windows 10.

Steps to reproduce:

1. GM A opens a 3.5E campaign and sets his dice color to white (#FFFFFFFF)
2. GM B opens a Call of Cthulhu 7e campaign
3. GM A joins the CoC7e campaign as a player -> dice color is red (#FF70002A)
4. GM A creates a character -> dice color is black (#FF000000)
5. GM A changes his dice color to white (#FFFFFFFF) and leaves the campaign
6. GM A opens the 3.5E campaign -> dice color is red (#FF70002A)

This is the first time I saw such things happening, also the first time we played CoC7e, so maybe something to do with that ruleset?
Worked fine so far with switching between 3.5e, 5e and PF2e.

Mike Serfass
November 11th, 2021, 15:30
We've seen intermittent dice color changes in our games. I'm the only one that runs games, and most (if not all) the players are not in other FG games. They log into the game, pick a color, and the next week when they log in the dice color is reset. I'll pay closer attention to this in the future and try to figure out the steps to recreate it. It happens to most of the players once or twice, then the issue disappears for weeks. Also, my CampaignRegistry.lua file is as bereft of color entries as is Zacchaeus's.