View Full Version : [Paid] 5e D&D Weekly ($10/week): Mon 9pm-12am Pacific - LMoP

November 1st, 2021, 00:08
Game: 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons
Adventure: Lost Mine of Phandelver (Wizards of the Coast Starter Set)
Frequency: Weekly
Time: Mondays 9pm-12am Pacific Time
Delivery: Fantasy Grounds and Discord (voice)
Cost: $10/session
First Session: TBD, once there are 4 players

Spaces Available: 5 (1/5 filled) plus 2 alternates (0/2 filled)
Party: Half-orc Barbarian (Bleederpunk)

Payment Method: PayPal, due 1 week in advance
Commitment: Pay per session, estimated 10-20 sessions to completion
Potential to Continue: Yes

Players: All levels of experience welcome
Player Support: I can do a 1-2 hour session before the campaign starts to help with character creation and using Fantasy Grounds

November 8th, 2021, 22:13
I am interested! Bleederpunk#8904 on discord.

January 21st, 2022, 17:13
is this still a thing? it's been a few months since this was posted

January 22nd, 2022, 08:10
Yes, it's still a thing. Once we get four players we'll start.