View Full Version : Old School Essentials Forge *paid* Products support Thread-Advanced Players Tomes

October 25th, 2021, 19:12
Both tomes can be purchased from Necrotic Gnome on the Forge.

To use these tomes you are required to have the Free OSE ruleset located here: (When you Create your new Campaign Select the OSE2 ruleset in the dropdown)


Advanced Referee's Tome

Advanced Players Tome

Please provide feedback or bug reports here.

November 1st, 2021, 01:14
Update for the Advanced Player's Tome should be coming out This week.
- Spell effects added to many spells
- Fixed a formatting issue in the reference manual (specialists)
- Made the duration boxes consistent so the parser can auto calculate durations when you drop a spell with an effect on your character sheet.
- Fixed a few broken links in spells that summon an NPC.

January 23rd, 2022, 20:28
Howdy! Thanks for building this ruleset.

The search box doesn't seem to be working within the Reference Manuals for the Advanced Referee's Tome or the Advanced Player's Tome (Library/Modules/.../Reference Manual).

The search box does work within the OSE Classic SRD Reference Manual.

FGU: 4.1.13 (2022-01-05)
OSE: Advanced Player's Tome (latest version as of 2022-01-23)
OSE: Advanced Referee's Tome (latest version as of 2022-01-23)

Have a good one,


January 23rd, 2022, 23:17
Hi. This is concerning a few items in the OSE:Advanced Fantasy Player's Tome not being visible to players.

I figure my players don't need to see all of the magical items listed in the OSE SRD (Free) ruleset, therefore, in "Module Activation", I set it to "Player load blocked."

For OSE Advanced Fantasy Player's Tome (OSE AFPT), I set it to "Player load allowed."

With these settings, I discovered the player's are not able to see the following (from the OSE AFPT):

1) Ammunition (Arrows, Crossbow bolts, Silver tipped arrow, Sling stones)
2) Chainmail
3) Holy symbol
4) Torch (single); (Although, "Torches (6)" is visible)

Just an observation.

For the meantime, I simply added these items to an item list in my custom module.


PS: Similar to this, when only the OSE SRD is loaded, opening "Items'' and looking beneath "OSE Classic Fantasy SRD - Equipment", the Rod of Cancellation is listed (the only magic item listed).


January 23rd, 2022, 23:54
Hey so Chainmail armor is listed for both GM and player but your right there are some missing items! Ill get them added. I absolutely missed the ammunition box in the pdf. Also SRD is run by Alterawerg and is not a product Necrotic Gnome developed.

I bet people load this and SRD and have never noticed before.

As far as the search function goes Ill have to look into that something changed with the new reference builder.

January 24th, 2022, 00:15
Hi. This is concerning a few items in the OSE:Advanced Fantasy Player's Tome not being visible to players.

I figure my players don't need to see all of the magical items listed in the OSE SRD (Free) ruleset, therefore, in "Module Activation" is set it to "Player load blocked."

For OSE Advanced Fantasy Player's Tome (OSE AFPT), I set it to "Player load allowed."

With these settings, I discovered the player's are not able to see the following (from the OSE AFPT):

1) Ammunition (Arrows, Crossbow bolts, Silver tipped arrow, Sling stones)
2) Chainmail
3) Holy symbol
4) Torch (single); (Although, "Torches (12)" is visible)

Just and observation.

For the meantime, I simply added these items to an item list in my custom module.


PS: Similar to this, when only the OSE SRD is loaded, opening "Items'' and looking beneath "OSE Classic Fantasy SRD - Equipment", the Rod of Cancellation is listed (the only magic item listed).


Ok I pushed the update to NG. I noticed some of the 2e Tomes I also own lost the search function. This could be from the reference builder update. I'll dig into it thank you.

January 24th, 2022, 00:34
Dang! You're awesome.

As far as chainmail, I figure I must have accidentally moved it from the default module to my custom module. I do see it listed in the default module now. ;)

Good work


January 24th, 2022, 00:36
Yeah no worries. Figured out the search thing to (Thanks to Celestian). So it is updated as well. I also did the referees Tome just in case .

January 24th, 2022, 00:40
Sorry, last thing while I'm thinking of it. I noticed there are no alignment languages listed in "Options/Languages". Not sure if that's by design. I've played with them since '78. They were a part of my 3x and 5e games, also.

Have a good week.

January 24th, 2022, 01:49
Yup Looks like I just put in the d20 table. Ill update the ruleset for it. It wont show up until you make a new campaign. That data is set on campaign creation.

February 11th, 2022, 20:56
2/11/22 Update ADV Fantasy Player and Referee and Incandescent Grottoes
-Player: Added several missing items(ammunition, wineskin, holy symbol among a few others), Keyword search is enabled.
-Referee: Treasure table E updated, Several Items on Misc Magic Items table will now roll its result randomly, Keyword search is enabled.
-IG: Numerous Bug fixes and typos corrected.

February 11th, 2022, 22:05
Great work!

November 28th, 2022, 12:22

Is there an option to turn on ascending armor class and To Hit bonus as opposed to THAC0?

November 28th, 2022, 12:33
No only Descending.

October 13th, 2023, 15:55

Super minor.

Advanced Referee Tome, in NPCs, the Black Hag's talon attack property is misspelled as "slasging"

October 13th, 2023, 16:09
Whoops thanks for letting me know.