View Full Version : Memorial Weekend SW One Shot

Waldo Pepper
August 31st, 2007, 17:54
I'll be running a one-shot adventure on Sunday, Sept 2nd start at 8:30 PM GMT+1 through about 11pm, show casing the new Savage Worlds ruleset from Digital Adventures as well as the SW RPG as well. I haven't exactly decided upon an exact adventure them yet but it will probably be some sort of pulpy horror-type game.

If you're interested, drop me a PM and I'll send you the details.

August 31st, 2007, 18:27
Can't wait. Thanks for running this Waldo

Waldo Pepper
August 31st, 2007, 19:59
What kind of game would you like to play? You're actually the guy that suggested it so maybe you should have a say.

August 31st, 2007, 21:26
I'm very easy. I'm just looking to get an idea of the flow of FG as well as Savage Worlds. Whatever you feel most comfortable in, I'm an rp chemelon so I'll adapt =)

Waldo Pepper
August 31st, 2007, 21:35
Anyone else up for the time? The number of participants I've got really makes a difference in the style and type of game.

August 31st, 2007, 22:08
I definately want to play just tryong to figure out the time's and such and I am new to savage worlds but i have the soure book. I could defiately play this weekend.

I am gmt -5


Waldo Pepper
August 31st, 2007, 22:21
8:30pm at GMT+1 is 2:30pm at GMT-5.

I have set up a sign-up in the Game Calendar under "Still Waters".

New to the SW is fine...

We're starting at 8:30 sharp but everyone should start logging on around 8:15pm because it takes 10-20 minutes for the data swap the first time.

September 1st, 2007, 02:21
8:30pm at GMT+1 is 2:30pm at GMT-5.

I have set up a sign-up in the Game Calendar under "Still Waters".

New to the SW is fine...

We're starting at 8:30 sharp but everyone should start logging on around 8:15pm because it takes 10-20 minutes for the data swap the first time.

But he may not really be at GMT -5. If he's really in Florida, that is Eastern Time on Daylight Savings (EDT) which is actually at GMT -4 (since GMT doesn't have daylight savings).

Just a clarification to avoid confusion.

September 1st, 2007, 02:55
this is true iam in the sunshine state and yes we are at gmt -4

Waldo Pepper
September 1st, 2007, 20:17
We're on DST here too. Essentially we're 5 hours apart, so subtract 5 from my starting time and that will tell you your starting time.

Waldo Pepper
September 2nd, 2007, 15:54
We're set and ready to go. To those logging in, please choose one of the pregenerated characters since that's the only way I can get us moving quickly and ensure all my props make sense. The first person to log in should choose "Sebastian Locke." Anyone after can choose whoever is left (it doesn't make too much of a difference): The male is more of a fighter, the female more of a persuasion type character.

September 2nd, 2007, 17:05
could u pm me the server alias :)

Waldo Pepper
September 2nd, 2007, 18:10
Done. The best place to look though is the game calendar; I typically post it there.

For any drop ins, it's meek keep meek bard

September 2nd, 2007, 18:59
trying to connect now...so far it's not letting me. First time with FGII, any hints?

Is there something I need to do to my router?? I play MMO's all the time and no restrictions, but as soon as I get connecting, it says it can not connect.

Nvmd...in :D