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View Full Version : Developer Request: Names in the token trays

August 30th, 2007, 09:10
Hi im new to fantasy grounds and I'm pretty impressed, however there are a few things that surprised me and one of them is as follows:

I can't understand why tokens in the tokens tray dont show monster names?

most games have hords of monsters so being able to hover over the token and then see the name whilst it's still in the token tray seems a no brainer lol.

please please could we have the option to hover the mouse over a token and have the file name of the token apear whilst its still in the token tray.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

and keep up the good work, its a good app :)

August 30th, 2007, 18:18
Tokens in the tray are not bound to particular monsters, so they can't show monster names there. They could conceivably provide a tooltip that shows the filename, similar to how the token bags give the directory name for the directory they represent, and if the filename is descriptive, it would provide essentially the same functionality.

August 30th, 2007, 19:10
I think the tooltip idea is good and very likely to be implemented if there is enough request for it.

August 30th, 2007, 20:14
I tend to think of the token box like a box of miniatures at a tabletop game. Each figure can be used for numerous pcs/npcs/monsters. I guess if you have hoards of tokens, particularly large tokens that get shrunk to fit it could be helpful to see the filename.

Other stuff you might not already have discovered:
A token can be labeled once it has been placed on a map (or rather: once a copy of it has been placed on a map - you can have multiple copies of the same token on the same map).
Simply drag text onto the token on the map (e.g. type a name into the chatbar and drag it from there onto the token)

If the token is 'linked' to an npc/pc (by dragging the pc portrait, or npc token field, to the combat tracker. and then dragging the token from the combat tracker to the map) then it is automatically labelled with the PC/NPCs name (which you can change by dragging text onto the token on the map).
NPCs can also be assigned a token ahead of time by dragging the token from the token box onto the little token field on the NPC sheet.