View Full Version : LFP for BXE I am playing the Classic B Serie Modules in "My World"

September 30th, 2021, 15:56
So I am now starting my campaign, the world and map are my own though the location are barrowed from some of the best B Series Modules of all times. The Original Plan is to offer a world where the party does the Moldvay starter adventure from the "1981 Basic Book" and then head out towards either B1 Search of the Unknwon, B2 Keep on the Boarderlands, or B3 Palace of the Silver Princess. The map below is a small portion of the Grand Dutchy of Karameikos which is set in the Known World. However, while I am using a lot of that, I am doing a lot of the work myself using the modules as more a template for adventure than running it straight out the box.

The Party will start in the large village of Abcis, which is near the Rodemus Keep which I am treating as an old toll road gatehouse that had a keep and used to have a Lord and Lady Rodemus that lived there before the Hill Giants came down and tore it down brick and mortar. Now it is rumored to be haunted, but no one has been there in years that has told the village of Abcis anything. The Reeve of Lord Alfred Eadwig runs the village in his absence, and he often comes the village 2 or 3 times a month to have court and check up on things. Lord Eadwig lives in Thorsold which is town to the North, and the Red Glow from Lost City of Haven can sometimes be seen on clear nights.

This game will be on Wednesdays at 8 PM CST. lol

If you are interested message me or state it here, I will be active in this post until we are full.


September 30th, 2021, 15:59
If you are wondering what BXE is, it is the Modern Day Clone for BX. The author and editors took great care to try and keep the game the same while explaining somethings that were either lost in translation or could have more clearly wrote. I post videos on this and I am not totally satisficed with this video, but here is a video talking about BX D&D if you prefer learn through video.


October 1st, 2021, 00:17
Hi Xoan, if you want good results to your post, I would recommend specifying what day/time you are looking at, if undecided I would suggest at a minimum you specify what Timezone this is for.

Example, I am from Australia, and judging by the time you posted, I am not likely able to play with you. Having a timezone listed will reduce messages from those that don’t match.

Good luck with the game.

October 1st, 2021, 04:24
Hi Xoan, if you want good results to your post, I would recommend specifying what day/time you are looking at, if undecided I would suggest at a minimum you specify what Timezone this is for.

Example, I am from Australia, and judging by the time you posted, I am not likely able to play with you. Having a timezone listed will reduce messages from those that don’t match.

Good luck with the game.

You are completely correct, I did totally forget to put that on there. It is on Wednesdays at 8 PM CST which should make it almost lunch time for you on Thursday. One of players is actually from New Zealand, he works early morning gets off an hour or so before I start.

October 3rd, 2021, 12:55
How long are your sessions. I want to join you, but I need to stop at 10 p.m. CST.

October 4th, 2021, 07:03
How long are your sessions. I want to join you, but I need to stop at 10 p.m. CST.

I am looking to stop at 10:30 to 11 depending on if I have to work at 06:45 the next day or not. lol it makes for a long 12.25 hour days if I have to work.

October 4th, 2021, 14:35
11 CST is 12 midnight my time. That is really late for me. I want to play Basic D&D but past 11:30 is too disruptive. Besides, I can only play until March anyways. Maybe you will find someone else who is a pefect fit (can play until later, can play on into the future).

EDIT: I am in Toronto until March.

October 13th, 2021, 19:47
11 CST is 12 midnight my time. That is really late for me. I want to play Basic D&D but past 11:30 is too disruptive. Besides, I can only play until March anyways. Maybe you will find someone else who is a pefect fit (can play until later, can play on into the future).

EDIT: I am in Toronto until March.

I too, am hopeful to find perfect matches, but I am keeping my options open. If you see me posting here or on FB hit me up if the time frame works for you or just to say hi and see what is going on.

November 22nd, 2021, 22:28
I too, am hopeful to find perfect matches, but I am keeping my options open. If you see me posting here or on FB hit me up if the time frame works for you or just to say hi and see what is going on.

I am looking to play in an old school game on a week day.
Please let me know if/when you are doing this. Thanks
I could also run an old school type game, but I have only run games in person so I'm still learning how to do online stuff.

November 23rd, 2021, 23:55
We "Normally" play on Wednesdays at 8 PM CST. We run only 3 hours, and we have 4 active players and currently. This week due to Thanks Giving, we are not playing. We use Facebook Messenger Rooms to talk over, it is super easy, and you do not need to have FB which is nice. Of course we play on FGU, and I have a license so that is covered.

The Current group is a Halfling, an Elf, a Thief, and a Fighter. We have an NPC Cleric that travels with the party, we have a NPC Thief and Fighter that has been associated with the party but is not with them currently. That said play what you want, I will make micro changes so it works, and we can go from there.

November 24th, 2021, 01:54
I figured I could play one of your pregens, and then when my character dies I can make a new character. If you would prefer I could make a new character.