View Full Version : Resources Needs for Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20

September 24th, 2021, 19:11
Hello, I am looking to run an Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 game and thinking of using FG for it.

Figure that Nerd Eye Industries will be doing an official ruleset at some point as they are doing so for the other 2d20 Modiphius games. Did asks over on their forums but still no reply.

In the meantime, is there any existing rulesets/extensions I should concern using? Do not want to bother make my own if something already exists. Think that MoreCore has lot of the things I would need already in it and could build from there.

January 16th, 2022, 12:36
Looks like most of the basic functionality is already in the Conan 2d20 ruleset. It appears from looking relatively easy to copy-n-paste from the guides into the system to create a module. Do not know how difficult it would be to add Occupations etc. This might requiring a module exporting and then a bit of tweaking with XML.

January 16th, 2022, 15:52
Looks like most of the basic functionality is already in the Conan 2d20 ruleset. It appears from looking relatively easy to copy-n-paste from the guides into the system to create a module. Do not know how difficult it would be to add Occupations etc. This might requiring a module exporting and then a bit of tweaking with XML.

Unfortunately, 2d20 ruleset seems to vary from game to game, so a lot of work would be needed. Also, the developers, Nerd Eye Industries, of the Conan 2d20 for FG seems to be having issues and that is reflected in the broken nature of the ruleset.

Fortunately, there is a fan made 2d20 ruleset out there, plus stuff for Star Trek Adventures and Dune. Given what that I think I might have enough to start building my own ruleset. I have built a couple extensions, which the good ones are in the Forge.