View Full Version : Advertising one-shot horror game, Fred Hicks design @ 10:00 p.m. GMT-5

August 26th, 2007, 16:40
The game is a free rpg designed for one-shots called Beat the Clock. It was designed by Fred Hicks, who also designed Don't Rest Your Head and Spirit of the Century. The game dynamically simulates any scenario where people are trapped in a horrific situation and trying to get out of it. Examples: any haunted house move, Alien, Screamers, Poseidon Adventure, etc.

See a relatively full review and get the game rules at https://porousmind.blogspot.com/2007/04/beat-clock-link.html

Players can learn the game and be ready to go before the game, no problem. All the rules are contained in two pages! I have run the game previously, though not through FG. It is great fun and easy to finish up in one session.

If you're interested, I need 2-4 players and I will run it at 10 p.m. U.S. Pacific time (GMT-8). Which night? Sunday or Tuesday (players' preference).

Am I forgetting anything? Let me know.

Waldo Pepper
August 26th, 2007, 16:56
Sounds awesome. Unfortunately I'm at 7 hours ahead of you. :cry: Good luck and report back here how the game goes!

August 27th, 2007, 03:24
Isn't Pacific time -7.
Eastern is -5.

I run a game on Tuesday, was thinking of running it every other Tuesday, I could probably convince some of my players to try this as a one shot on one of the off tuesdays, if the timing can be arranged. We play at 9:30pm eastern time.

Regardless it sounds like a fun one-night game.


August 27th, 2007, 21:39
Nope. Pacific is definitely -8. Mountain Time is GMT-7. I just moved from Indiana to San Diego, so nobody is more painfully aware that we are three hours different than I am! :)

[OOOPS. I see what you mean. I originally put in that Pacific was -5, which can be explained by the fact that my brain is still parked in Indiana.]

Tuesday at 6:30n (Pacific) would be iffy for me. I have two small boys and pretty much every day from 5-9 p.m. is 'family time' for me. Even if I could convince them that "Daddy has to focus on this computer thingy," it would be hard for me not to be distracted. I'll let you know if I change my mind about that or if a good Tuesday opens up where the family is going to be out or something.

August 28th, 2007, 04:02
Whew, I thought I was on crazy pills for a second...
I totally understand if you can't swing that, I have two young girls and a wife, and the only sane time is after 10pm my time.
