View Full Version : Pathfinder for savage worlds bestiary listed as FGU only , core rules as FGU/FGC

September 21st, 2021, 21:08
SO , went to buy the bestiary but steam wont allow it as I only have a FGC licence through them and my FGU is through Smiteworks.
As stated in the title the core rules are set to both so im not sure if this is an oversight or not.

The reason I buy modules on STEAM is my family usually just sends me STEAM vouchers , so I have something to spend them on.

Does anyone know if this is an oversight of if this is the new policy as Wild before the witchlight was also released today and I can buy that fine if I wanted as it is listed as both.


September 21st, 2021, 21:36
Wishx helped me sort this out in around 2 minutes.
A jolly great chap.
I didnt know you could register your FGU licence in steam , now I do and hopefully you do too.


September 23rd, 2021, 04:42
I didnt know you could register your FGU licence in steam , now I do and hopefully you do too.

It's a good thing you registered it, because without linking your Steam account to your FG license, there's no guarantee the Steam DLC your purchase will download correctly. That problem usually comes up once a week in the Steam FGU forums, if not more frequently. Glad to hear you got it sorted out.

September 23rd, 2021, 14:28
It's a good thing you registered it, because without linking your Steam account to your FG license, there's no guarantee the Steam DLC your purchase will download correctly.
To clarify - you need to link your Steam account with you FG account - do that here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/syncSteamAccount.xcp This allows your Steam DLC purchases to be downloaded when you do a FG update.

Adding your license key to Steam doesn't affect the DLC download, but it does show that you've purchased FG in Steam and can therefore make Steam DLC purchases. Details on adding your license key to Steam here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/252690/discussions/2/558755530621472814/