View Full Version : M-Space Mod

September 12th, 2021, 14:40
Hi there guys.

I have created this small mod for M-Space, the Mythras future setting. Like my Mythras mod it provides a skeleton for you to build your campaign upon. If you are familiar with my Mythras mod you will find it very familiar.

October 1st, 2021, 18:19
I love this mod, the only thing I think need is the starship. If you can add the starship sheet, this mod will perfect for my campaign

October 1st, 2021, 18:26
Ok. I will see if I can make that happen. Thanks for the feedback. :D

October 1st, 2021, 19:07
Hello again.
I took a look at what the CoreRPG rules have already built in, and I found that you can recreate the M-Space Starship Sheet quite nicely. I created this in 15 minutes in the vehicles tab and could be used as a template. If you do not know where to find the vehicles tab, it is enabled through the sidebar options menu.

October 6th, 2021, 13:54
Thank you very much, the only thing that I think would be missing from both the Mythras and M-Space mod is being able to add more body parts to both the characters and the NPCs. My players often pick non-human creatures in Mythras and I'm creating playable races for M-Space

October 8th, 2021, 10:48
Hi there,
I have done some work to my mod to add the changes you have requested.
You may now add additional Hit locations to the character main page, and the NPC page by right clicking to the right of the basic location table and selecting create item.
I have provided two jpegs to show what has been added.
The Mythras Update can be found in my Mythras post.

November 5th, 2021, 22:23
Hello, it's me, again.
I have a small problem and it is that I cannot export some elements of the mod (Weapons, Psionics and Skills). Can you help me on how I can do it? I am working on exporting small modules to lighten the work.
Thank you very much, this mod has me very motivated.

November 5th, 2021, 23:11
The problem may be that the elements you mention are not part of the CoreRPG system, but parts that I added to the mod.
What are you trying to export, and what are you trying to achieve?
Once I know what it is I will check if there is anything I can do to help.

November 6th, 2021, 13:36
I try to create independent weapons modules, for example a set of electric weapons, or a set of chemical weapons. The idea is that each set of weapons is an independent module to be able to use it separately and, if shared, only the necessary element is shared.
I also want to have the Basic Skills and Professional Skills saved as a separate module so that I can have them done every time I create a new game without having to create skill by skill when I have a new game.

November 6th, 2021, 14:14
Ok. I think I know what you want.
Items created in a module are saved to a campaign folder, db.
If this folder is copied to any other campaign, then that information is copied over.
When starting a new campaign I use this to populate my new campaign with the data from a campaign I have saved as BLANK. There is nothin in this campaign other than spells, weapons, skills and items. Periodically I have to update this campaign with any new spells, weapons and skills I have decided to create, but basically it provides a base start for any new campaigns that I run.
You can find the file db at C:\Users\YOUNAME\AppData\Roaming\SmiteWorks\Fantas y Grounds\campaigns.
I hope that this helps.

November 8th, 2021, 12:32
That may be a temporary solution, but it would be great if you could export the modules without having to copy the entire campaign, since if I want to mix the weapons of one campaign with the magic of another I cannot do it without getting into the code.
This also affects Mythras, as I have a group that we play with without magic,
and another in which they do have magic, but they like to create weapons and objects, and I would love to have a module only of magic to import it when I need it (or to place a module for each of the 5 types of magic that the game Mysticism, Animism, Sorcery, Common Magic and Theism).
Thanks in advance for the concern.

November 8th, 2021, 14:40
Hello again,
Thanks for your continued interest. Unfortunately I think the problem lies with the fact that the module exporter does not recognise the Spell, Skill or Weapon groups. At this time I do not know how to fix this problem as the module exporter is not something I am proficient with. So I do not know of a solution to fix it. This is why I used a work around. I am sorry that I cannot provide a more long term solution to this as it is something I am sure I and many others would like.

November 24th, 2021, 09:26
Thanks to Damned you are now able to export Skills, Weapons and Psionics(Spells) when you create a module for use in future campaigns.
I have updated the M-Space download.

A huge thanks to Damned for this very small, but very important line of code.:)

July 4th, 2022, 20:34
I have updated the .pak mod. This should fix some of the small bugs that had appeared.

July 14th, 2022, 00:14
Fixed another couple of bugs.