View Full Version : Consolidating Things from Books and Adventures

September 9th, 2021, 02:35
As most of us know all the released books and adventures have a plethora of new monsters, mundane/magic items, hazards, spells, feats, etc. I own most much of the PF2e material for FG but do not know of a good way to make it available to myself and my players without having all of it loaded all at the same time as this would not be feasible due to the amount of material. I had a thought of creating a new campaign and copying over the aforementioned things into their proper places and saving it off as a module that can be updated and opened as needed. This obviously just creates copies of things and if those things get updated the module I created would be outdated. At this point creating my own module seem like the best choice.

Any other suggestions?

September 9th, 2021, 14:42
You can either do as you suggested and create your own module from content you created local copies of (a 'development campaign' works great for doing that) or you can just load the module(s), drop the records (spell, item, whatever) into a container (character inventory, party sheet, parcel) which creates a copy of that record anyway when doing that, then unload the module(s). It's a baker's dozen with pros and cons; more something you'd need to decide which is better for your personal workflow.