View Full Version : Is this an impossible dream?

September 3rd, 2021, 13:09
I would like to have the following automations in the future:
1 - Differentiate one- or two-handed weapons to apply parry
2 - Consume exhaustion, with the chosen movement
3 - Apply modifier on movement and distance covered.
4 - Increase DB when using Tumbling, Acrobatics, Dodge because the apply button already exists.

September 4th, 2021, 06:18
1. Is definitely doable and something that I have on my list.
2. Is already implemented. Just turn it on in the options. There are a couple options for exhaustion.
3. It will calculate it on the Combat Tracker but won't automatically apply it. I don't even think that functions are available to automatically apply it.
4. These would have to be manually applied but you can now use effects to add DB modifiers so just add them to the effect sidebar and drag them on the appropriate target when needed.

September 4th, 2021, 11:53
Thanks for responding so quickly!
1 - This will make it much easier, especially if the parry consumes double and only increase half the DB.
2 - Possibly it should be the option I chose, because I think the consumption is low, and as a player I confess that I didn't notice if the exhaustion is greater with greater types of movement, whether for moving or for "maneuvers", but attacking in tenths , I think low.
3 - I know and know how to use it, but my group has difficulties with this, so I asked about the possibility
4 - As for the "modifiers" I asked because when Move and MM are rolled, the apply button appears in the solve table that displays an error log when it is clicked.

September 4th, 2021, 21:36
2. It is using the Character Law 10-08 Pace Table. A walk is 1 exhaustion point per 30 rounds, a job is 1 per 6 rounds and Run is 1 per 2 rounds so those will all show up as decimal values of 1/30, 1/6 and 1/2. The other paces will do 5, 25 and 40 respectively. You are likely seeing one of the slow paces so you are seeing the decimals.

3. Can you explain what you would like to see done here instead of how it currently works? I have an idea how I would like to change it but want to see what you think it should look like. Just realize we can't base it on how much they actually move the token.

4. Can you show me the error you are encountering so I can look into? Also do you get the error when you aren't using extensions?

September 4th, 2021, 23:16
2 - I tested it and saw it better, it works well!
3 - I know how to get by, but I'll try to show it in a video
4 - And the error that appears is this:

September 5th, 2021, 06:26
Can you give me the steps to reproduce the error?

Also are you running any extensions?

September 5th, 2021, 20:57
1 - Choose any player
2 - Roll Acrobatics, Climb or Tumbing
3 - Click on resolve
4 - Click on Apply

And the error appear

September 6th, 2021, 04:34
Hi yaho2020,

Unfortunately, most MM won't be able to be automated with the Apply button. How do you apply an 80 result to each of the skills you listed. The GM needs to determine how it happens and different GMs might handle it differently. I need to hide that button when rolling MM skills because it doesn't necessarily make sense and I don't want to dictate how those skills are interpreted. I see that as the GM's job and not my job to determine. The one area where I would like to keep it is for the Move maneuvers that you mentioned. I would like to update the table and code so that the value is filled into the Combat Tracker so it doesn't manually need to entered in. It should speed things up for you. Please let me know if you have any questions.


September 6th, 2021, 15:37
that's what I imagined, and yes the solution to hide the Apply button is perfect :D

September 7th, 2021, 06:17
Actually hiding it doesn't end up working because there are a few failure options that need to apply effects. I've fixed it in my development version so it won't create an error. Thanks for pointing it out.