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View Full Version : Skills coding

September 3rd, 2021, 01:26
Im trying to code in a skill proficiency into a race. Nothing seems to work unless I name it the same way another race names there. Like naming it Cat's Talent or such works but Naming it Nature's Gift does not. The wording is right as it applies when named Cat's Talent but not when named anything else. Here is a screen shot of the wording https://prnt.sc/1r2txvy . Honestly this has be stumped.

September 3rd, 2021, 10:14
This is working for me as long as I use drag and drop. If I use the Character Wizard not so much. I'm going to assume that the character wizard isn't picking this up in the same wasy as drag and drop does.

September 3rd, 2021, 18:15
Is that supposed to work like that or is it just a bug? Oddly though it does pick it up if I use a name for the trait that another race uses haha. Like Sneaky or Cat's Talent. Odd Quirk

September 3rd, 2021, 19:40
I can only assume that the Character Wizard is honing in on the ability rather than the wording of the ability; whereas in drag and drop it is reading the wording. I wouldn't consider it a bug but rather something which the wizard might not just pick up yet. You could report it in the Wizard bugs thread just in case it is a bug.

September 22nd, 2021, 06:28
I just messed with this a bunch and found that adding "skill" into the name works. Instead of something like "Survival Instincts"; name it "Survival Skill." It also wants the wording in there to be specific too.