View Full Version : Connecting to Savage Worlds Package

August 23rd, 2007, 02:57
I'm sorry to bother everyone with this but as usual my lack of computer skill is showing. I purchased FG2 and the new Savage Worlds Package for FG2 at Gen Con (pause for envious sigh, yes I was able to go). FG2 loaded flawlessly with the d20 package and I was able to copy the SW files to the FG2 location on my hard drive. However FG2 shows only the d20 set, not both d20 and SW. Any guidance (step by step is prefered) on how to get SW loaded to interact with FG2?

Thanks everyone in advance!

August 23rd, 2007, 03:05
When you say copy to the FG2 location what does the path look like?

It should be something like \rulesets\SavageWorlds in you user profile. Fantasy Ground should place a link to this folder in the Start -> Program -> Fantasy Grounds II

So in Windows Vista for me its C:\Users\Joshuha\AppData\Roaming\Fantasy Grounds II\rulesets\SavageWorlds
In Windows XP I believe its C:\documents and settings\Joshuha\Application Data\Fantasy Grounds II\rulesets\SavageWorlds.

Placing it in your Program Files location will not work.

Also, thanks for the support! (I am the coder for the Savage Worlds ruleset.)

August 23rd, 2007, 05:07
(Envious sigh...)


August 23rd, 2007, 05:50
Well Rich...not long now ;) Then the world will know the goodness ;)

August 23rd, 2007, 06:04
Kalan the Tease.... :p

August 23rd, 2007, 06:06
Seems to time well with my paycheck. :)

August 23rd, 2007, 17:04
When you say copy to the FG2 location what does the path look like?

It should be something like \rulesets\SavageWorlds in you user profile. Fantasy Ground should place a link to this folder in the Start -> Program -> Fantasy Grounds II

So in Windows Vista for me its C:\Users\Joshuha\AppData\Roaming\Fantasy Grounds II\rulesets\SavageWorlds
In Windows XP I believe its C:\documents and settings\Joshuha\Application Data\Fantasy Grounds II\rulesets\SavageWorlds.

Placing it in your Program Files location will not work.

Also, thanks for the support! (I am the coder for the Savage Worlds ruleset.)

Thanks Joshua! Here is the location windows XP:

mycomputer\utility\program files\fantasy grounds II

explorer does not show a rulesets folder just the following:


Hope this helps!

August 23rd, 2007, 17:18
Yeah it should go here:

C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Fantasy Grounds II\rulesets

Where [username] is your profile name in windows. Smiteworks decided to go Vista friendly for both XP and Vista and move data files into the user profile. Its a bit more confusing but in Vista you kind of have to.

August 23rd, 2007, 17:34
Thanks Joshua! Here is the location windows XP:

mycomputer\utility\program files\fantasy grounds II

explorer does not show a rulesets folder just the following:


Hope this helps!

Hi Bill,

I think the problem is you don't have SHOW HIDDEN FILES selected in your explorer options for Windows XP. From an explorer window goto TOOL --> FOLDER OPTIONS --> VIEW to find the option. That will show you the hidden folder APPLICATION DATA that Josh outlined in:

C:\documents and settings\Joshuha\Application Data\Fantasy Grounds II\rulesets\

... and this is where you need to copy the ruleset files for XP. I'll make sure that is in the README file for public release. Because of the programming requirements of Vista FG can no longer put files in their install directories.

If that doesn't work let us know.

August 23rd, 2007, 17:40
Thanks Joshua! I put in the cd and it came up as a file package. I saved to the ruleset using the settings you identified and it now comes up as package Savage Worlds. I tried to start a campaign and got the following error message:

"Could not load ruleset rootfile base.xml

Do you want to try reloading the data?

Yes (error repeats)
No (application closes)"


August 23rd, 2007, 17:45
Have you extracted the zip file to that location? The ruleset probably came in a zip file but Fantasy Grounds doesn't support that at this time so will need to be extracted to a folder called \SavageWorlds in the above directory.

August 23rd, 2007, 18:23
That did it Joshua! I'm in.

Will the token zip files also need to be extracted and saved into the token file?

August 23rd, 2007, 18:48
Into the Token directory, yes.

August 23rd, 2007, 19:32
You can also access where the folders go by using the Start Menu -> Programs -> Fantasy Grounds II. In there should be a Application Data Folder option, this will bring up the right spot

August 23rd, 2007, 19:38
So far, so good. I have the savage worlds screen and the tokens are available.

Now I need to figure out how to get the rules to show up in the library and the modules to show up anywhere (Against the Orcs, Zombie Run, etc.).

Then I need to figure out how to put weights in on the character sheet. Right now it is setting a "0" value and not letting any alterations take place.

Sorry for all these questions.

August 23rd, 2007, 19:55
Anything with a .mod extension goes into the modules subfolder (follow whichever directions you want to to get there). Once the files are in that subfolder, then once you're in the program, click on MOD. The modules should then show up in there. Dragging open/close the books will activate/deactivate the appropriate module.

Changing the weights, you either can use the mouse wheel (if you have one) or the number keys (not the numpad, those are programmed for something FG specific).

Hope that helps out some :)

August 23rd, 2007, 21:49
Thanks Kalan.

The mouse roller control worked to address the wieght issue.

I copied the .mod extensions into the modules folder and checked the program, nothing is showing up in the program.

I thought the Library section would also hold the rules so the gm could look them up without the book handy but that section is also blank in the program.

You have been great help so far! Thank you!!!

August 23rd, 2007, 21:53
You have to load the modules/books first. If you are not seeing the modules the books won't work.

Did you put the mods into the dir while FG was running? You might have to shut it down and start it back up again to view the new files.


August 23rd, 2007, 22:00
That was it! I had to close FG2 and when reopened the rules were there.

Thanks again for all the help! As I experiment more with the development of the game, adds and encounters I am sure I'll be back with more questions!

August 23rd, 2007, 22:04
We'll be here. :)


September 20th, 2007, 20:26
similar issue. OS: Vista 64, FG2, Savage Worlds for FG2. Unzipping the file reveals some unplayable mpegs, another zipped folder, a press brief.txt and a readme.txt which tells me to place included files in C:\Users\Rob\AppData\Roaming\Fantasy Grounds II
first I tried this with the additional file unzipped which does make a "Fantasy Grounds II" folder but FG2 still wouldn't allow Savage Worlds to be selected, so then I tried it unzipped "SWRuleset" thinking "well maybe FG2 unzips it and puts files where it wants it" and of course that didn't work either.



September 21st, 2007, 07:46
The deployment of the Savage Worlds ruleset is poor. The readme is wrong, the actual ruleset folder does not have the word "ruleset" in it. They should have done a step by step installation guide. I probably would have been smacked hard if I wrote a readme that bad. :p

From the beginning:
1) Unzip DGA040SavageWorldsII.zip. You will get a useful pdf & a folder called SW Ruleset.

2) Inside the SW Ruleset you will find four .mod files, another zip file and two files without extensions (these are text files). Copy all the .mod files in your Fantasy Grounds II\modules folder. You can find this folder by clicking the start button, clicking All Programs and then clicking on Fantasy Grounds II, then selecting Application Data Folder.

3) Unzip the SavageWorld_FG2_Final.zip. This will take a while because it has about 600 files. You will get a single folder called SavageWorlds. *This* is the ruleset folder. Copy this folder over into the Fantasy Gounds II\rulesets folder. Once again you can find it by clicking the start button, clicking All Programs and then clicking on Fantasy Gounds II, then selecting Application Data Folder.

I like this ruleset a ton, but man - what lousy packaging. After one unzip the PDF, readme, press sheet and modules should have been in the first folder along with the unzipped ruleset folder which should have actually been called something like SW_Ruleset_1_0. There was no reason to keep zipping that thing. It is ludicrous to call this final. We know there are going to be some updates all the “finals” should have been called 1.0. That way the name of the ruleset will tell you the version number.

September 21st, 2007, 13:45
Hey Griogre, can I copy and paste your install directions into a SW for FG wiki?

Saves me the trouble of typing them up. :)


September 21st, 2007, 20:53
Sure, be my guest. :)

September 30th, 2007, 20:09
thanks, I'll try that today.

October 7th, 2007, 22:09
didn't work. This has been a colossal waste of time and money. Guess I'll wait for the online tabletop aids for D&D 4x next summer. Specifically now all that happens is d20 ruleset is shown defaulted and greyed out so I can't choose any ruleset.

October 7th, 2007, 22:50
robo..are you placing the four sw mods in the modules folder? when I look at your path I see that you're installing them into the main Fantasy Ground II folder not the modules folder.

I unzipped using winrar and it allows me to manually 'grab' stuff and put it where I want. This may be part of your problem if you are not placing the files in the correct folder, you should do it manually.

The way to check to see where the SW files should go is easy; just find your d20 files (they show up as media files as windows doesn't know what to do with them). Thats where you should be putting those pesky files.

October 8th, 2007, 00:19
didn't work. This has been a colossal waste of time and money. Guess I'll wait for the online tabletop aids for D&D 4x next summer. Specifically now all that happens is d20 ruleset is shown defaulted and greyed out so I can't choose any ruleset.

I didn't work on the readme so if it can be improved please send an e-mail with suggestions to [email protected].

So your structure looks something like this?


October 8th, 2007, 03:23
The deployment of the Savage Worlds ruleset is poor. The readme is wrong, the actual ruleset folder does not have the word "ruleset" in it. They should have done a step by step installation guide. I probably would have been smacked hard if I wrote a readme that bad. :p

From the beginning:
1) Unzip DGA040SavageWorldsII.zip. You will get a useful pdf & a folder called SW Ruleset.

2) Inside the SW Ruleset you will find four .mod files, another zip file and two files without extensions (these are text files). Copy all the .mod files in your Fantasy Grounds II\modules folder. You can find this folder by clicking the start button, clicking All Programs and then clicking on Fantasy Grounds II, then selecting Application Data Folder.

Keep in mind that this will work for Vista, but you will have to find the folder itself for XP. If you are comfortable with winRar, you can select the module files and extract those straight to the

User\AppData\Roaming\Fantasy Grounds II\modules folder.

User\Application Data\Fantasy Grounds II

3) Unzip the SavageWorld_FG2_Final.zip. This will take a while because it has about 600 files. You will get a single folder called SavageWorlds. *This* is the ruleset folder. Copy this folder over into the Fantasy Gounds II\rulesets folder. Once again you can find it by clicking the start button, clicking All Programs and then clicking on Fantasy Gounds II, then selecting Application Data Folder.

It is easier to just unzip/unrar these to the

User\AppData\Roaming\Fantasy Grounds II\ruleset folder.

User\Application Data\Fantasy Grounds II\ruleset folder.

While inside WinRar, highlight the SavageWorld_FG2_Final.zip, and click the "extract to" button, and fill in the path as above. This will place the whole folder inside the ruleset folder for you.

While inside Winzip, click the arrow beside the "extract to:" button and fill in the path as above.

I like this ruleset a ton, but man - what lousy packaging. After one unzip the PDF, readme, press sheet and modules should have been in the first folder along with the unzipped ruleset folder which should have actually been called something like SW_Ruleset_1_0. There was no reason to keep zipping that thing. It is ludicrous to call this final. We know there are going to be some updates all the “finals” should have been called 1.0. That way the name of the ruleset will tell you the version number.

I see where you may be saying that we could have made things a lot easier on the user. The caveat here is that we have no way of knowing for sure where the user placed their FG files, what operating system they are using, what version of FG they are running etc. So we have to make a base for everyone. While it is not the touch and go of different games out there, it is not designed to be. The ruleset itself is zipped so that we can work around bandwidth issues, and keep the file sizes lower.

We also will not call a file something like SW_Ruleset_1_0 because that can lead to confusion. If there is a major change to the ruleset, we ensure that everyone who bought a copy of this ruleset will get the relevant changes via email.

These rulesets undergo a LOT of testing from the DA crew, but understand there is a little bit of a human element involved here. We also are doing this for the community, most of us on our spare time. Sometimes some things fall through the cracks. It is best, if there are any issues with your installations, or if you do not understand something, drop one of us a line, we will be more than glad to help. My email is available to anyone that has a question.

