View Full Version : Mutant Crawl Classics Role Playing Game Ruleset - Bug reports, feedback, etc.

August 17th, 2021, 04:29
Greetings seekers!

Now that the MCC ruleset has been released, it needs an official home on the forums. Post any bugs, feedback, suggestions, or questions here!


August 17th, 2021, 04:40
Moderators: Please change thread name to Mutant Crawl Classics… and sticky if you don’t mind;)

I’m working on the first update, which will include a new archaic alignment record for the data library. These can be dropped to the Main tab of the char sheet and will add a link to the alignment record. I am also consolidating the core rules into a single module to avoid duplication of library data. I’m going to merge some of the DCC ruleset changes including the 0-level char generator and improve compatibility with DCC char sheets for crossover games.

August 25th, 2021, 14:18
Moderators: Please change thread name to Mutant Crawl Classics… and sticky if you don’t mind;)
Done! :)

September 2nd, 2021, 19:48
MCC RPG v2021-09-01 (release 2)

[Fixed] NPC saving throws not linking to combat tracker.
[Fixed] Weapon meta damage bonus not adding to melee and missile attacks.
[Fixed] Divider displaying on NPC record when type and size fields are empty.
[Fixed] Vision types ‘infravision’ and ‘ultravision’ not working.
Archaic alignment link added to Alignment field on Main tab of char sheet.
[Updated] Separate number field created for missile attack bonus on class record.
[Updated] Core rules modules merged to avoid duplication of library data.
[Updated] Power counter functionality merged for wetware programs and abilities.
[Updated] Changed ‘Cast’ label to ‘Chk’ for power actions on char sheet.
[Updated] Changed ‘Spells’ label to ‘Pwr’ for NPC powers in combat tracker.
[Updated] Separated cast and save actions so each power can have multiple save actions. NPC powers display save buttons in the combat tracker, allowing the judge to roll a save for the target without opening the NPC record.
[Updated] Double clicking the NPC power name in combat tracker appends the ‘[LOST]’ label (or removes existing label).
[Updated] Bonus hit points from ‘The Ecobot’ birth sign applied at character creation and level advancement. Starting luck modifier must be appended to lucky roll field on char sheet – for example, ‘The Ecobot: Hit points (applies at each level) +2’.
[Updated] Bonus languages from ‘The Universal Translator’ birth sign applied at character creation.
[Updated] Mutant, Manimal, and Plantient appearance or subtype added to Notes tab when occupation dropped to char sheet.
[Added] Archaic alignment record type created in data library.
[Added] Slash command ‘/funnel [username] [#chars]’ created for 0-level character generation. Parameters are optional. Host/GM only.
[Added] Two-handed weapon handling type.
[Added] Charge modifier button adds +2 to attack and applies effect ‘Charging; AC: -2’ with duration 1 round to PC.

[U]Core Rules Module
[Updated] Attack bonuses updated in class records to match data type change in ruleset.
[Added] Archaic alignments added to Core Rules data module.
[Added] Rollable tables created for Table 6-3: Personal Assistant AI Ability Ranges.

September 2nd, 2021, 20:11
I submitted an update for the MCC ruleset (see list above).

I spent some time working on crossover compatibility for DCC characters, and it was not exactly difficult but definitely more complicated than I hoped to integrate deed dice, magic, and other DCC fields into the MCC char sheet. Depending on how many groups are playing crossover games, I can tackle this project at some point in the future, but I put this one back on the shelf for now.

Happy gaming!

September 26th, 2021, 21:10
It looks like 2 of the Archaic Alignments are missing, The Curators and the Atomic Equinox. Also, I'm getting an error when trying to use the effects for permanent mutations.

September 27th, 2021, 10:29
Thanks for the report drudi002. I’ll take a look at it.

September 28th, 2021, 23:22
I see the problem with the effects and will have that fixed in the next day or two. I noticed some overlapping labels on the power record, so of course I'll fix that. The two missing archaic alignments will be included with this update as well.

Thanks again for the bug report drudi002. You should see the updates by next Tuesday on the Live channel, sooner on the Test channel.

Happy gaming!

November 7th, 2021, 15:38
I found another. It looks like the pyrokinesis mutation is not working correctly when you add it to the character sheet. There are no check or effect buttons.

November 7th, 2021, 21:13
Thanks for the report drudi002! A fix is on hold for now due to pending CoreRPG updates, but I will have this ready to go.

December 21st, 2021, 15:56
Submitted an update today...

MCC RPG v12-20-2021 (release 3)
[Fixed] Actions not populating for mutation ‘pyrokinesis’ when dropped to Actions tab on char sheet.
[Fixed] Script error when dragging an attack roll from chat window to combat tracker or token target.
[Fixed] NPCs dropped to combat tracker do not roll d16 initiative die when option selected on NPC record.
[Fixed] Combat tracker effect durations decreasing by 2 each round.
[Fixed] ‘Armor Class:’ label truncated in Combat Calc dialog box linked on Main tab of char sheet. Label reverted to ‘Armor:’.
[Fixed] Wrong power table result displays when mutation or program check roll is not a natural 1 (ie, fumble) but total is less than or equal to 1 due to modifiers.
[Fixed] Slash command /funnel not adding weapons to Actions tab.
[Fixed] Slash command /funnel not adjusting AC for armor items.
[Fixed] Script error for birth sign ‘The Backup Disk’ when using slash command /funnel.
[Updated] Missing table error message now includes table name.
[Updated] Duration added to onHover display for mini action buttons.
[Updated] Improved parsing of NPC special properties for resistance, vulnerability, and immunity effects when dropped to combat tracker.
[Updated] Items with type (or subtype) equal to ‘artifact’ are unidentified when dropped from data library to Inventory tab on char sheet.
[Added] Two-weapon fighting and backstab options added to Weapons section of Actions tab.
[Added] Modifier button created for d16 initiative die (when two-handed weapon equipped).
[Added] Actions parsing of results table for custom powers.
[Added] Functionality for two-weapon fighting and backstab according to the DCC core rules.

Nothing crazy, mostly just cleaning things up and making sure the slash command /funnel is doing everything it can. The ruleset does have some DCC features like the d16 initiative die for two-handed weapons, two-weapon fighting rules, and backstab functionality even though these are not technically in the MCC core rules. I assume these are universal game mechanics in the DCC/MCC multiverse.

December 24th, 2021, 13:02
I’m going to update the sidebar soon with some more MCC-appropriate icons. The mutations and programs need to be moved to the player category also. Look for that in the next couple weeks.

February 16th, 2022, 23:34

When I first looked for MCC on Fantasy Grounds, it was not on the Fantasy Grounds store.. but it was on the Goodman-Games store. So I purchased it there, not knowing any better. How do I activate it? I have a product code but I don't see anywhere to add that to my FGC or FGU?


February 17th, 2022, 02:01
Go to the main store on this site and then use the menu for Store > Activate a product key


February 24th, 2022, 15:04
The Store button is not opening anything.51647

February 25th, 2022, 11:39
Hi Locomoto. Thank you for reporting your issue with the store button. I will look into it and post an update soon.

February 25th, 2022, 20:51
The store button does not link to anything - I will work on fixing that for the next update. In the meantime, you'll need to open a web browser and visit the store page the traditional way:


March 22nd, 2022, 03:22
52119 Hey I got this error with /funnel

March 22nd, 2022, 13:28
Thank you rathen45. I submitted a fix just now.

August 20th, 2022, 06:40
Greetings seekers!

Now that the MCC ruleset has been released, it needs an official home on the forums. Post any bugs, feedback, suggestions, or questions here!


Hopefully someone can help

When I run a combat all seems to be fine except when I score a critical hit with a creature using the Robots and Artificial life forms table?

The message i get is the table can not be found or needs activation ?

Is there anything I can try to resolve this



August 20th, 2022, 11:56
Thanks for reporting. I will check that and let you know if it’s a bug or if specific syntax is needed.

EDIT: Submitted a fix, working now.

August 20th, 2022, 16:48
Thanks for reporting. I will check that and let you know if it’s a bug or if specific syntax is needed.

EDIT: Submitted a fix, working now.

Thanks a lot for your help

October 16th, 2022, 03:02
thx for the work on this ruleset- so much fun to play...

/funnell 4 username wasn't working for me today - it created the sheets but the players didn't see them...

also, two weapon fighting didn't seem to work the same way as it does in dcc...

also having a weird issue with sirmotte's theme when opening npc stat blocks - figured I would mention it here (error msg attached)

many thx!54709

October 16th, 2022, 07:27
thx for the work on this ruleset- so much fun to play...

/funnell 4 username wasn't working for me today - it created the sheets but the players didn't see them...

also, two weapon fighting didn't seem to work the same way as it does in dcc...

also having a weird issue with sirmotte's theme when opening npc stat blocks - figured I would mention it here (error msg attached)

many thx!54709

Thanks for the bug report macDsinfo - I will take a look at these.

October 16th, 2022, 20:24
Thanks for the bug report macDsinfo - I will take a look at these.

Found my way here as well. I've only seen this error with Silent Ruins Death Indicator Extension, therefore I was wondering if some functionality was incorporated into the ruleset by chance.
Otherwise there's an extension conflict present.

Moon Wizard
October 16th, 2022, 20:27
@macDsinfo, @SirMotte,

Those fields do not exist in the DCC/MCC ruleset code; so they are coming from an extension.


October 22nd, 2022, 23:58
many thx for checking in here with us...

actually, I believe it is something sirmotte put in his theme to accomodate a particular extension author, not from an extension I was running (I wasn't running any)...

October 23rd, 2022, 00:01
on another note, in the Hive the Overmind adventure, there is reference to p181 in the Rulebook. now, the fgu modules/rulesets do not have pages like that. I am trying to find what it is referencing. in the adventure module, it is to detail rules re: the ant saliva mutation, which I assume is a defect mutation, but p181 in the second printing of the rule book is in the artifacts chapter, referring to misc. artifacts like the multi-tool and rejuvchamber...

edit to add: in the Hive the Overmind ref manual, it lists the fusion chamber as B6, yet on the map, and the pin, it looks to be B3...

October 30th, 2022, 05:27
edit to add: in the Hive the Overmind ref manual, it lists the fusion chamber as B6, yet on the map, and the pin, it looks to be B3...

I'm addressing this issue here: MCC #1 Thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?74020-MCC-1-Hive-of-the-Overmind)

December 2nd, 2022, 13:00
I submitted an update today, mostly syncing with DCC updates from the past few months. These are mostly minor feature updates, but I did improve the import functionality for DCC characters. The only thing that isn’t quite the same is the deed die. For simplicity, I assigned the deed die to the artifact die since this functions the same for attacks. You would just leave it disabled in the tech subwindow (no die bonus for artifact checks).

December 2nd, 2022, 20:46
MCC RPG ruleset v2022-12-02 (release 5):

[Fixed] Effects added to combat tracker remove plus sign after ‘NOTE:’ label.
[Fixed] Ability scores in party sheet display as 0 for new characters.
[Updated] Blank non-ID name defaults to ‘Unidentified item’ to match case format for other items.
[Updated] NPC powers list in combat tracker sorted by name instead of order created.
[Updated] DIESAVE effect modifier recognized as alternative to DIESAV.
[Updated] NPC effects for immunity, resistance, and vulnerability group multiple damage types under same effect type – for example, ‘RESIST: cold, fire’ instead of ‘RESIST: cold; RESIST: fire’.
[Updated] Initiative modifier displays for traps and hazards if non-zero value.
[Updated] PROG and MUT effect modifiers accept name filter.
[Updated] Casting table results accept a shortcut link, which displays with chat message when 'Show casting table results' option is enabled.
[Updated] NPC special property ‘regenerate X’ recognized as alternative to ‘regeneration X’, where X is a number or dice clause, which auto-populates as REGEN effect when NPC dropped to combat tracker.
[Updated] Damage types to align with DCC ruleset.
[Updated] Casting table results accept a shortcut link, which displays with chat message text when 'Show casting table results' option is enabled.
[Added] Luck die field for imported DCC characters (remains invisible for MCC characters).
[Added] Damage triggers concentration check when ‘(C)’ is appended to effect description.
[Added] Tooltips for 2-weapon fighting and backstab checkboxes under 'Attacks' header on Actions tab.
[Added] Backstab functionality on Actions tab as for DCC ruleset.
[Added] NPC target with special property ‘immune to critical hits’ does not trigger automatic crit roll. Override generates chat notification.
[Added] Link to store page.
[Added] GM houserule options for ability score generation using different dice rolling methods. Default is 3d6. Alternatives are 4d6 drop lowest, the Tatterdemalion’s Tampering, and the Sezrekan method.
[Added] Imported DCC characters convert to MCC as follows: (1) artifact check bonus auto-populates from core rules table; (2) spell check becomes program check; (3) invoke patron, divine aid, turn unholy, and all level 2+ cleric spells are marked as cast (i.e., invisible in combat mode); (4) deed die becomes artifact die; and (5) luck die field is visible if populated.

The Purple Sorcerer website has more info on Tatterdemalion's Tampering and the Sezrekan method for generating ability scores if you are curious. You will also be able to access the DCC core rules module from the MCC ruleset. Post here or on Discord if you have any problems - mention @leozelig#0361 for a faster response on Discord ;)

December 5th, 2022, 05:57
many thanks! is the "/funnel 4 username" command working? "/funnel 20" works, for example, but I haven't been able to assign. multiple sheets to specific users. am I doing something wrong? thx again.

December 5th, 2022, 11:27
many thanks! is the "/funnel 4 username" command working? "/funnel 20" works, for example, but I haven't been able to assign. multiple sheets to specific users. am I doing something wrong? thx again.

As long as the user is connected to the server, and the names match exactly, it should work. The username is case-sensitive. Let me know if that info doesn’t resolve the issue, and I’ll check it out.

January 20th, 2023, 11:41
We found a bug last night from the random dice gods.

The Mutation 'Heightened Strength' is currently programmed to add bonus effects to STA vice STR.

January 20th, 2023, 12:47
We found a bug last night from the random dice gods.

The Mutation 'Heightened Strength' is currently programmed to add bonus effects to STA vice STR.

Ah, good catch! I will patch that up, thanks for the report.

January 23rd, 2023, 11:46
Update submitted:

[Fixed] Effect actions for 'heightened strength' mutation apply stamina bonus instead of strength.

Note that the patch notes say heightened *senses* instead of strength, which is just a typo on my part ;)

April 19th, 2023, 09:59
Hi I have both DCC and MCC rulesets. I loaded both modules (DCC and MCC Rule Books) in the MCC ruleset. However, when I attempted to open the DCC rule book for spells, the list appears, but when I click on a spell nothing happens. It does not show the spell information. I tried several different spells and had the same result. Am I doing something wrong or does't the DCC rule book module work while in the MCC ruleset ? Thanks ahead of time.

April 19th, 2023, 11:06
Hi wolfknight75, thanks for the report. I should be able to fix that. It’s definitely not anything you’re doing wrong.

April 19th, 2023, 11:43
Great, I was worried maybe I did something. Thank you for the quick reply. By the way, are there any plans on more integration between both sets in the future? Just a thought, I've been using both for my physical game for over a year now in my Barbarians of New Earth campaign (think Thundaar).

April 19th, 2023, 12:15
I want the DCC stuff to mostly work within the MCC ruleset, but they created enough differences that it’s hard to make things fully interchangeable. I will definitely continue fixing minor issues like this. We considered making MCC an extension that runs off the DCC ruleset, but then you would need to purchase both to play MCC. That’s probably what most people do anyway, but it seemed best to make MCC stand on its own. Either way, I think there would be imperfections with switching back and forth. If I ever have time, maybe I can figure out a way to merge the 2 rulesets with an option to toggle the char sheet from DCC to MCC. I think most of the other game elements are more interchangeable.

April 19th, 2023, 12:36
That would be awesome, you are correct I have bought both the DCC and MCC rulesets for FGU. They are both well done, but I definitely have reason to cross over. For one my campaign is set with both magic and technology, as well as mutants. So it would be really useful and cool if you made an option allowing to toggle on certain effects from DCC to MCC. I have been using the MCC ruleset and this was the first time I really ran into a problem. Not having the spells and their tables available makes things very difficult. I had to pull out my actual DCC rule book and roll the spell results on it. Thanks again for your help and I'm looking forward to the patch for this. Despite this, I've been very very satisfied with both rulesets for FGU.

April 23rd, 2023, 02:51
Thank you! I have a fix ready so you will be able to see DCC spells in the MCC ruleset, planning to upload this weekend.

EDIT: Update submitted. DCC spells should be visible in the programs library, and the spell record should display properly now. I also updated the labels for custom dice damage types because a few of them did not match the formatting of the others.

May 1st, 2023, 17:44
Wow! I checked it out and everything seems perfect. Thank you so much for getting me the fix on this. This is a huge thing for my campaign. I appreciate all of the hard work you have done on these two rulesets. I am currently checking out the dice labels for custome dice damage types.

May 15th, 2023, 03:05
So, I was trying to use the DCC spells on a Super Sorcerer on MCC. I found something that does not cross over. The spells from the DCC module cannot be added to the MCC character sheet. Neither as Programs or even as powers. Is there a way to work around this or to allow the ruleset to add spells from DCC to the MCC character sheet? Otherwise, the only solution I can see is going through and creating each spell as a Wetware Program. This would take an incredible amount of time. Especially since I cannot simply cut/paste the information into the correct format. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ahead of time.

May 15th, 2023, 10:59
I should be able to fix that.

EDIT: I submitted an update to allow DCC spells to be dropped to the character sheet (as wetware programs).

May 17th, 2023, 23:45
WOW thanks leozelig, I was hoping it would be an easy fix. Although, if they don't okay, I have discovered it is not too hard to transfer the spells into the Wetware Program format. It allowed me to just drag the information from one to the other. Fortunately, my PCs are only3rd level, so I have transferred their character spells without taking too much time. Again, I appreciate the help with this. I'm sorry if I am bringing up a lot of concerns with the ruleset.

May 18th, 2023, 01:12
Nah, you’re helping me add some more DCC compatibility to the ruleset. I appreciate the playtesting ;)

July 14th, 2023, 04:32
I ran a MCC funnel for the first time in a few months. I'm not sure if these are bugs or a poor memory on how things worked last time:

-Players do not have the agency to fun the /funnel slash command. Worked fine for me as the GM.

-Funnel characters are created with correct items but weapons did not link to the Actions tab. We ended up deleting and dropping the like items back to the Character Record to populate correctly.

July 14th, 2023, 06:44
The /funnel command is GM-only. It has something to do with DB permissions.

I will take a look at the weapon issue. Thank you for the report.

EDIT: I uploaded a fix for the weapons not adding to the Actions tab when using the /funnel command.

September 1st, 2023, 03:09
leozelig, so it has been a while. I hope you are doing well despite all of the carziness of the world right now. I had a question. I noticed the ability scores on the MCC Character Sheet do not go past +6. I know it is unlikely for player characters to go higher than this, but NPCs may and of course monster would. Is this something that can be fixed? It seems to follow the following progression which is exactly as the B/X set or BECMI does: If this can't be fixed, do you have a work around you tell me? Thanks again for your help.
2-3: -3
4-5: -2
6-8: -1
9-12: 0
13-15: +1
16-17: +2
18-19: +3
20-21: +4
22-23: +5
24-27: +6 (Four Numbers)
28-32: +7 (Five Numbers)
33-38: +8 (Six Numbers)
39-45: +9 (Seven Numbers)
46-53: +10 (Eight Numbers)
etc. etc. etc.

September 1st, 2023, 11:04
I used the ability score table in the core rules for modifiers. I’m not able to introduce any individual interpretations to the published material, so that would require an extension. I am busy with DCC/MCC updates after the latest CoreRPG update, but I can try to throw something together when I have time.

September 4th, 2023, 05:48
Okay, I thought that may have been the case. If you are busy with updates, then that is good for us DCC/MCC players. Hopefully, you are finding some joy in working in the updates as well. No rush on the ability score thing, I don't expect my players to get that high, at least right now. Of course, this is the first MCC campaign I've run for this long, so getting close to uncharted territory. Thanks again for answering my question and working hard on making one of my favorite rulesets possible for FG.

September 7th, 2023, 15:39
Lots of bugs showing up since the last update.
It looks like I can't upload pictures...
Look here : https://discord.com/channels/274582899045695488/855609309999005746/1149050209956020294

September 8th, 2023, 11:32
Lots of bugs showing up since the last update.
It looks like I can't upload pictures...
Look here : https://discord.com/channels/274582899045695488/855609309999005746/1149050209956020294

Thanks Loco, I’ll get that fixed for you ASAP. The latest update will improve compatibility with themes, but you might encounter some missing icons during the transition.

September 14th, 2023, 16:55
Are we glad we swapped to Unity now? What is it with companies trying to retroactively change their licensing agreements. First WOTC now Unity Tech.

September 19th, 2023, 14:47
The bug report from post #53 was for DCC and was happening with spell checks for powers with an empty Source field - typically cleric abilities. A fix has been uploaded.

The other errors (again, for DCC) are simply warnings about a missing icon, which isn’t preventing anything from working. I’ll get that patched up soon. I am working on updating the MCC graphics for better theme compatibility.

I also fixed the Prone effect applying the inverse attack modifiers, which affected both the DCC and MCC rulesets.

October 2nd, 2023, 02:23
Update 2023-10-01

[Updated] Graphics for improved compatibility with themes.
[Updated] Effect modifier DIE now accepts a dice clause (previously number only).
[Added] Effect modifier DIEALL applies dice chain adjustment to all rolls.

You should see the new default theme now. Happy scavenging, mutants!

October 2nd, 2023, 02:33
Update 2023-10-01

[Updated] Graphics for improved compatibility with themes.
[Updated] Effect modifier DIE now accepts a dice clause (previously number only).
[Added] Effect modifier DIEALL applies dice chain adjustment to all rolls.

You should see the new default theme now. Happy scavenging, mutants!thx - looks great

November 11th, 2023, 10:02
So the NPC attack and damage rolls don't work off the NPC cheet.

November 11th, 2023, 10:39
Thanks for the report, Ahoggya. I uploaded a fix for that - might be a few days to see it on your end.

February 5th, 2024, 01:29
Update submitted, mostly just catching things up to the DCC ruleset:

[Updated] Power record labels specify mutations, programs, or abilities.
[Updated] Shifted some label positions on party sheet to avoid overlap with window buttons.
[Updated] Improved compatibility for DCC crossover games.
[Updated] Reorganized power actions by type (reparse to apply changes).
[Added] Chat notification for healing on overnight rest.
[Added] Recover 1 point of temporary ability score damage on overnight rest.
[Added] Power save actions allow selection of an ability check instead of a saving throw.

February 21st, 2024, 18:27
Why isn't Mutant Crawl Classics listed on the home page of Fantasy Grounds? Dungeon Crawl Classics is listed under fantasy, but MCC isn't listed under science fiction.

February 21st, 2024, 19:50
Thank You. Yes, 'MCC RPG' should definitely be listed under SCI-FI on the Home Page Ruleset Directory.

We have ADDED 'MUTANT CRAWL CLASSICS' to the Home Page Listings. Thank You for bringing it to our attention.

March 6th, 2024, 22:01
Hello, I am trying to get ready for a new Mutant Crawl Classics campaign this Friday and when I use the purchased Hive of the Overmind store module, I am getting a bunch of errors for the encounters. Compiled file logs attached.

Never mind, it was the Encounter Descriptions extension that was causing issues.

Thank you.

March 6th, 2024, 22:37
I bet the errors are coming from an extension. The errors will go away when you disable the offending extension or extensions.

Moon Wizard
March 6th, 2024, 23:06
You are running the following extensions:
<extension name="DCC Grouped Zocchi Dice" />
<extension name="Encounter Descriptions" />
<extension name="FG-ClockAdjuster-main" />
<extension name="FG-CoreRPG-Coins-Weight" />
<extension name="NaturalSelection" />
<extension name="OpticalReferendum" />
<extension name="PointsOfInterest" />
<extension name="SharedRecord" />
<extension name="UniversalModule" />
<extension name="B9_CommonCore" />
<extension name="FG-Effect-Builder" />
<extension name="MNM Core" />
<extension name="Turbo" />
<extension name="MNM Downtime Tracker" />
<extension name="Has Initiative Indicator" />
<extension name="calendarplus" />
<extension name="MNM Player Journal 2" />
<extension name="Chat Aesthetics Configurator" />


March 7th, 2024, 01:11
Looks like Encounter Descriptions was the problem according to the edited post.

March 8th, 2024, 21:01
I'm fairly certain the MNM Player Journal 2 extension does not work well with DCC and causes a host of errors.

May 31st, 2024, 11:00
Ruleset update 05-30-2024:

[Updated] NPC record dimensions increased.
[Updated] Character Selection window displays class (or occupation at level 0) for each character.

May 31st, 2024, 11:04
I forgot to post an earlier update...

Ruleset update 05-24-2024:

[Added] Optional table links for custom crit and fumble tables in weapon meta window of character sheet.

September 13th, 2024, 11:44
Hey Leozelig, will you be adding the NPC Import by Text capability to MCC?

September 13th, 2024, 12:28
Yes, once I finish the update for classes, I will get MCC realigned with DCC. I expect to finish testing the class update this weekend.

September 30th, 2024, 23:37
WOW ! Good to see a lot of activity for MCC and aligning it more with DCC for FGU. I just wanted to say thank you for all of the hard work you have put in on this ruleset leozelig. It is amazing and I for one am extremely appreciative of your support and the work you have done. THANK YOU !

October 1st, 2024, 00:46
Thank you, wolfknight75! I’m always trying to improve things, and the community is full of good suggestions.

October 4th, 2024, 09:43
Update 2024-10-04:

[Updated] Dragging result for Table 1-3: Birth Sign from chat window to char sheet modifies appropriate field and generates chat message.
[Updated] Format of crit, fumble, and artifact check custom table fields from underline to box frame.
[Updated] Core rules module for compatibility with new class record format (see below).
[Added] Table links for custom crit, fumble, and artifact check tables.
[Added] NPC importer converts pasted text to NPC record.
[Added] Customizable class advancement table with representation of all existing char sheet fields.
[Removed] Previous class advancement table with options limited to core rules class stats.