View Full Version : LFG Traveller MG2e

August 1st, 2021, 15:11
Hi all. I would love to find a weekly or bi-weekly MG2e (Traveller) game. I’ve got a basic knowledge of the system but lack long term experience. My goal is to play for a bit before refereeing. (Though my goal does not affect my standing as a player.)

I’ve joined multiple groups, but few seem to hold together. Or play as scheduled for one reason or another. I’ve purchased literally every available Traveller MG2e book snowbirds offers. I have hard copies of the others they haven’t yet. Point being, I’m very invested and want to truly learn and enjoy the system.

If you have a place for me, I’m available most days and times. I live in US CST (GMT -5) willing to play with anyone in any time zone as long as they soak English and the time matches up well enough… I can’t obviously play at 2am my time, but as long as it works for me, I’m open to playing with anyone!

September 29th, 2021, 19:30
Hi Vayne, we are looking to add a new player to our traveller PoD campaign.

We play every second Saturday 11am-5pm PST time.
