View Full Version : Bug reports and feature requests

July 21st, 2021, 21:59
Greetings, programs.

Please use this thread for bug reports and specific ruleset feature requests (such as "Drag and drop from ### to ### isn't implemented, it would be good to have this, please").

July 22nd, 2021, 13:49
Yes please! Work on the core ruleset will continue, as well as adding DLC, but it would be great to hear siome feedback and requests!

Dalton Calford
July 22nd, 2021, 19:27
Feature Request :
(1) Side bar buttons for Weapons, Armour, spells, effects, equipment etc - effectively make the Core book extras as easy to access, optional buttons on the side menu.
(2) Ability to put weapons and armour into parcels - parcels are great for creating standard adventure equipment packs or to add treasure to an encounter - but without the ability to add weapons and armour, it is missing a great deal of functionality
(3) New Category - Races, a package that modifies characteristics, skills, talents etc for starting character creation - something that can be dragged onto the character sheet in the same manner as equipment/talents etc
(4) Module that contains the archtypes in the core books

Dalton Calford
July 23rd, 2021, 20:53
Bug Report
Missing Items
Spear as weapon
Languages as skills

July 25th, 2021, 23:19
Feature Request :
(1) Side bar buttons for Weapons, Armour, spells, effects, equipment etc - effectively make the Core book extras as easy to access, optional buttons on the side menu.
(2) Ability to put weapons and armour into parcels - parcels are great for creating standard adventure equipment packs or to add treasure to an encounter - but without the ability to add weapons and armour, it is missing a great deal of functionality
(3) New Category - Races, a package that modifies characteristics, skills, talents etc for starting character creation - something that can be dragged onto the character sheet in the same manner as equipment/talents etc
(4) Module that contains the archtypes in the core books

Re 1 :
1. Click OPTIONS
2. Click SIDEBAR
3. Click ALL

Re 2 :
I've checked this and you can not drop weapons or armour into parcels. You can drop everything in: clothing, general equipment, livestock, lodging &services, other.
The Dev is aware of the issue.

Re 3 & 4. Noted and on the Devs list. No promises when (and if) they will happen, but passed on.

Re "Bug Report" - Dev made aware and sorting.

September 13th, 2021, 17:35
Is anybody do something with this DLC?

September 13th, 2021, 21:29
Is anybody do something with this DLC?

All of the bugs / suggestions to date have been passed on. I've not heard anything from Andy of late, so he may have hit a busy patch in real life!

October 18th, 2021, 20:33
Hello, is anybody here?

Moon Wizard
October 19th, 2021, 16:32
The original DLC developer does not appear to be active on here any longer. Is there a particular question you had?


May 28th, 2022, 13:23

In the AFF Core Book reference, under Hero Creation/Characteristics/Magic there's some text corruption:



May 28th, 2022, 14:36

In the AFF Core Book reference, under Hero Creation/Characteristics/Magic there's some text corruption:



Thank you for that. We will get that fixed.

May 28th, 2022, 14:38
Just having a re-read through as its been a while and spotted a few other little things:

* Keyword searches in the reference don't yield any results.

* Corrupted text:
* 4. Magic/Sorcery - one entry
* 5. Religion/Priestly Abilities - four entries
* 5. Religion/Common Power Abilities - one entry
* 5. Religion/Gods of Good/Sindla - one entry
* 5. Religion/Gods of Good/Fourga - one entry
* 5. Religion/Gods of Evil/Slangg - one entry
* 6. World of Titan/Allansia/Port Blacksand - one entry
* 7. Directors Guidelines/Hero Creation - one entry
* 7. Directors Guidelines/Experience & Development - one entry
* 7. Directors Guidelines/Dealing with the Unexpected - one entry
* 8. Monsters & Enemies/Non-monster Enemies - one entry
* 8. Monsters & Enemies/Out of the Pit Monsters - Weapons and Armour used by creatures is missing
* 9. Adventure Ideas/Adventure Ideas - one entry
* 9. Adventure Ideas/Adventure Hooks/Treasure Map - one entry
* 9. Adventure Ideas/Enemies - one entry
* 9. Adventure Ideas/Dungeon Generator - fourth paragraph from the end of the page "anda5-6indicatesthreewaysin"
* 11. Optional Rules/Alternative Unopposed Tests- one entry
* 11. Optional Rules/Archmage - one entry

* There are also a number of TODO in the AFF Core Book:
* 1. Hero Creation/Sample Archetypes - links to sample characters
* 3. Combat/Weapons - List link to all weapons on P60
* 3. Combat/Armour - List link for Armour in core book extras
* 4. Magic/Minor Magic - modifier table missing
* 4. Magic/Wizardry/Casting Wizardry Spells - x2 missing tables
* 5. Religion/Gods of Good/Verlang - missing description
* 6. World of Titan/History of Titan - The map is missing
* 6. World of Titan/Allansia - Another missing map
* 8. Monsters & Enemies/Monsters & Enemies - Missing sample monster table at the bottom
* 8. Monsters & Enemies/Non-monster Enemies - bottom of the page, Agbar the Victorious
* 8. Monsters & Enemies/Out of the Pit Monsters - two entries
* 9. Adventure Ideas/Dungeon Generator - three todo sections here
* 9. Adventure Ideas/Agbar's Retreat - one todo


May 28th, 2022, 17:27
Just having a re-read through as its been a while and spotted a few other little things:



Thank you fot those as well! I have passed them on and we will get an update ASAP.

July 13th, 2022, 20:35

I can't seem to start a campaign with this ruleset. Every attempt gives me the following error:

Error loading ruleset XML file. [AFF2] [campaign/record_talent.xml]: the 'windowclass' start tag on line 9 position 4 does not match the end tag of 'sheetdata', line 37 position 7.

Fantasy Grounds then kicks me back to the launcher. Can this be fixed?


- ToKo

Moon Wizard
July 13th, 2022, 21:22
I've just pushed a hot fix that should address the issue. Please run a Check for Updates, and try again.


July 17th, 2022, 23:00
Hi, just looking at the out of the pit module, when opening it up clicking on the map of Allansia or the map of Kakhabad, it comes up blank.
Regards Mark.

Moon Wizard
July 18th, 2022, 07:59
I've forwarded your report to the DLC developer who built that module.


July 19th, 2022, 13:24
Hi, just looking at the out of the pit module, when opening it up clicking on the map of Allansia or the map of Kakhabad, it comes up blank.
Regards Mark.
Apologies Mark. The reference page is loading correct, it's just that the page IS blank (aka, I forgot to put the images in). Sorry. Will fix in the next version.

July 28th, 2022, 23:01
Apologies Mark. The reference page is loading correct, it's just that the page IS blank (aka, I forgot to put the images in). Sorry. Will fix in the next version.

The quality of the couple of references pages isn't great. Formatting errors on The Creatures of Allasia and Beyond. I presume the bold DINOSAURS, DRAGON etc. should have been header styles. Yet again more corrupted text, check out the Elements section. Treasure page has 'Gold Piec -es'...

Where page numbers are called out, please put in the relevant links to the references pages in rules reference. I think you need to look at the process you're using to copy and paste text. It's not hard, you just need to put together a few macros for Notepad++ to strip/substitute dodgy characters.

On another point there are graphic issues with the frames. Just grab the right side of Setup pop-up and drag the width out towards the menu bar. You'll see a vertical spike on on the lower side of the frame:


August 2nd, 2022, 19:33
I had a HUGE problem with the layers in Fantasy Grounds Unity. I had made a detailed village in the image editorand suddenly i somehow accidentally moved one of my layers insted of selecting. Then the whole layer got deleted. When i tryed to undo ctrl+z then it somehow made even worse errors. so i lost much more. Then got a little frustrated and tryed to move more layers around to see if it would delete more. And yes it did. there was no way to save my work. 4 days work down the shitter. Well i hope that something can be done with the layers controls in the future. For now i have given up trying to create something with FGU like this again. Better to stick with my own drawings in the future insted. :(

Moon Wizard
August 2nd, 2022, 19:55
When you start FG each day, there is a dated backup of the campaign database created in the campaign folder using the data from the start of the session that day.

You can restore your campaign to one of these backups by following these steps:


August 4th, 2022, 15:16
Thanks guy's for the quick support ;) i hope that something can be done with the layer handeling someday in the future so they are not to easily moved around insted of selected.

August 18th, 2022, 12:07
The quality of the couple of references pages isn't great.
Thanks and noted. I only had access to the PDF and it's hard to spot some of the characters that XML chokes on (notably the medium dash). Many of the problems you pointed out were hyphenation and yes they were easy to search for. For what it's worth I use VSCode for the editing.

November 4th, 2022, 22:51
Any news on when some of these flagged issues, especially the TODOs are going to get resolved?

January 30th, 2023, 22:09
Bump, any news on fixes…?

February 2nd, 2023, 21:24
I'm going to help look this over. Can you give me a run down on the issues that need addressing?

February 2nd, 2023, 21:34
I'm going to help look this over. Can you give me a run down on the issues that need addressing?

Thank you! Have a look at the basics like the items and NPCs to begin with would be grand. If you look in the forum bug threads you'll see the some of the text corruption issues.

February 4th, 2023, 14:14
* I've done a clean install of FGU, so everything pulled afresh, NPCs creation now works for me but item creation is still broken. You get just the Non-ID Name, cost and weight as entry fields.
* Language support breaks if there is a space in the language name.
- Go into Options/Languages
- Add Elvish and you'll see the drop down isn't populated with any fonts. To get around this you can use Extended Language Fonts in Forge (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/62/view) and assign a font i.e. Cirnaja
- Add Ancient Allansian and pick a font.
- Add Elvish and Ancient Allansian as Skills to your PC with a value of 1.
- Connect a player FGU client and take control of the PC.
- On the GM system, select Elvish as the language and type some text and press return. The text will be flagged as "GM [Elvish]:" and the text will be translated by the connected player.
- On the GM system, select Ancient Allansian and send some text. The FGU player system should see that the PC has the Ancient Allansian language and show the message in plain English. Instead you will see "GM [unknown]:"
* Minor magic isn't working correctly as an assigned Magic Type. According to the rule book on page 69, paragraph 3:
To cast a Minor Magic spell requires a standard
spellcasting roll with a bonus of +6 to reflect the ease of
casting. A spellcaster’s total of his Magic characteristic
and his Magic-Minor special skill is refereed to as his
“Incantation” score.
- To get around this issue you can create a custom modifier and apply a -6 to the roll but it would nice if it worked properly for the skill.

Feature Requests:
1. Add the languages and suitable fonts by default to the rule system. Even if it's just the basic ones listed pg29 of core rule book.
2. Populate the Modifier list with the bulk of the common combat ones.
3. Add Dark Vision as a default available Effect so it's available for Elves and Dwarf players: VISION: 20 darkvision, duration of 0
4. Table for generating Treasure Types and other items should generate Parcels. Correct the syntax for generating coins and Magical Items table should nest dedicated tables for "Type of Item found", each populated with actual items rather than text. Here's an example of the working coins. Note, I've also added an additional table called Possible Magical Items which gives you a 50/50 chance of a roll on the Magical Items table.

May 12th, 2023, 08:37
Any news on getting the basics of this ruleset fixed? Months have past and not single update, items are still completely broken.

Moon Wizard
May 12th, 2023, 17:52
I've asked the ruleset developer to head over to this thread and chime in. There were some logistics delays on getting everything squared away in the background; but hopefully that's all cleared up now.


May 16th, 2023, 11:34
Any news on getting the basics of this ruleset fixed? Months have past and not single update, items are still completely broken.

Hi Sedgetone. I'm catching up now with code updates that SmiteWorks have done. SmiteWorks use a different source control system to what I usually use (I use Git, they use SVN and I had a lot more hair last time I used that system) so it might take me a little time to work out how I'm going to keep everything sync'd correctly . I think I've missed the automatic updates for this week, but cross-fingers for next week.

July 9th, 2023, 21:18
Issue opening any talent using the Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2e

I'm having trouble opening any talent using the Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2e book module.
The following error appears for me:

[ERROR] window: control () anchoring to an undefined control (content) in windowclass (reference_talent)

This issue started occurring after the recent updates of FG.

July 11th, 2023, 18:47
Issue opening any talent using the Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2e

I've let the dev know. He'll look to sorting it out asap, though real life is heaping it on him atm.

Moon Wizard
July 12th, 2023, 21:48
I just pushed a hot fix that should address this issue. I've been standardizing code across multiple rulesets including AFF2, and missed a rename. Please run a Check for Updates, and try again.


July 18th, 2023, 04:37
I just pushed a hot fix that should address this issue. I've been standardizing code across multiple rulesets including AFF2, and missed a rename. Please run a Check for Updates, and try again.


Wow, thank you very much, after the update the problem was solved!

But now it seems that the problem reached the Spells, the same error appears when we click on that item.


Moon Wizard
July 18th, 2023, 21:28
Just pushed another fix to address the Spells.


July 18th, 2023, 21:43
Just pushed another fix to address the Spells.


Problem solved!
Thank you very much!!
It is very gratifying to see that support for this amazing module (AFFE2) is helpful and assertive in solving user problems.
Thank you one more time!

July 19th, 2023, 18:52
Hello everyone, again I found an error similar to the previous ones above, this time when I click on the Item tab and select Weapons and choose any object within this selection, I get the same error as the others reported.
Follows image:


Moon Wizard
July 19th, 2023, 20:02
Apologies. I did a larger overall search to make sure that was the last example of that particular issue in this ruleset; and fixed the weapon one. Please run a new Check for Updates.


July 20th, 2023, 01:39
Apologies. I did a larger overall search to make sure that was the last example of that particular issue in this ruleset; and fixed the weapon one. Please run a new Check for Updates.


Problem solved again!
Once again I thank you for your attention and support!

October 27th, 2023, 13:32
On creating a Weapon type item, the "Related Skill" field is unpopulated with a drop down. I presume this should pull form Skills, I have the core book and core book extras activated.

October 27th, 2023, 23:54
On creating a Weapon type item, the "Related Skill" field is unpopulated with a drop down. I presume this should pull form Skills, I have the core book and core book extras activated.

When you add the weapon to the character, and the character has skills, the list will populate.

Dalton Calford
November 1st, 2023, 00:55
Feature request.
When creating a new NPC, if the weapon you want to use is not in the system, you can enter the roll result as a comma separated list and different weapons as semi-colin separated items.
This works to a point, but it has no way to indicate what the weapon was. So it is easy to forget which list is for which weapon.
Is it possible to have new weapons and armor types to have a field that is used for listing the weapon or armor in NPCs?
This would allow for new monsters with custom weapons and armor without any updates to the core rules.

Dalton Calford
November 1st, 2023, 17:55
Feature Request
Considering the Monster templates in the combat companion, you see multiple entries that modify the armour or damage rolls. Some even say +x damage which is different than just a modifier to the roll. All the variations would cause far too many weapon variants using the current text-based weapon armour method. All the variations would be far too many NPC weapons and armour types.

Perhaps a further four fields
Armour die modifier (+-)
Armour modifier (+-)
Weapon die modifier (+-)
Weapon damage modifier (+-)
Or have NPCs have a modifiable list of weapons that can be dragged onto the NPC description.

Dalton Calford
November 3rd, 2023, 16:10
Feature Request
Not all NPC's are plain jane foes - some are detailed with spells, powers, talents and luck.
Currently there is no way to have a detailed NPC to face the characters.
Perhaps having a NPC Character which is identical to normal player characters except the character does not appear in the characters list, but instead in the campaign list.
This way, detailed NPCs can be controlled by the referee without giving any information away to the players.

November 9th, 2023, 14:54
All of these have been added to our "To Do" list. Andrew (the developer) says that they should not be difficult to do. I have no coding skills whatsoever so cannot comment on that, but I will keep you informed. I know that he also has a list of further improvements to add to the core.

Dalton Calford
November 9th, 2023, 15:26
All of these have been added to our "To Do" list. Andrew (the developer) says that they should not be difficult to do. I have no coding skills whatsoever so cannot comment on that, but I will keep you informed. I know that he also has a list of further improvements to add to the core.

Thank you, this is appreciated!

August 16th, 2024, 18:27
After assigning a related skill to a weapon the Attack script won't work and return an error. If the skill is not selected it works fine. Are there any workarounds? Thank you.

Moon Wizard
August 16th, 2024, 19:15
Can you post the error? I'm not familiar with the ruleset; but that will help identify the issue faster.


August 16th, 2024, 19:31
Here is the Error - [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "AFF2:campaign/templates/attack_roll_btn.lua"]:78: attempt to call field 'getChildren' (a nil value)

I've entered a bug report for this issue.

Moon Wizard
August 16th, 2024, 20:48
Thanks. I've pushed an update that I think should address. Please run a new Check for Updates, and try again.


August 16th, 2024, 21:05
If you still see the error after updating, remove the weapon(s) from the character sheet and add them again.

August 17th, 2024, 09:53
Thank you both for your swift reply!
Unfortunately the issue is still there. I'm not sure if it the update has come through though. I have deleted all the files and forced a re-download of the ruleset and the additional modules, but the issue still remains.

Thank you!

August 17th, 2024, 17:10
I saw the issue after clicking "Check for Updates" from the Launcher window, but after reverting the module and removing the weapons from the character, the error went away.
Here is instructions on how to revert a module or item to it's original settings - https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/1165590530/Reverting+a+Module+or+Individual+Item

August 18th, 2024, 12:13
Thank you, I did what you suggested, but again the issue is still there, even trying a new campaign. Please see the log below

[8/18/2024 12:08:59 PM] RULESET: Core RPG ruleset (2024-08-13) for Fantasy Grounds
Copyright 2024 Smiteworks USA, LLC
[8/18/2024 12:09:00 PM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 2 - 1.7199508
[8/18/2024 12:09:10 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.1056744 - AFF Core Book
[8/18/2024 12:09:18 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.0939788 - AFF Core Book Extras
[8/18/2024 12:09:27 PM] [WARNING] Frame tabs contains out-of-range values in BottomLeft.
[8/18/2024 12:09:27 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_roll6_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:27 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_roll5_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:27 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_roll4_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:27 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_roll3_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:27 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_roll2_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:27 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_roll1_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:27 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_damage_roll_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:27 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weaponname_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:27 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll6_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:27 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll5_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:27 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll4_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:27 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll3_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:27 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll2_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:27 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll1_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:27 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:37 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (skill_test_label) in windowclass (charsheet_skills)
[8/18/2024 12:09:48 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (skill_test_label) in windowclass (charsheet_skills)
[8/18/2024 12:09:51 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_roll6_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:51 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_roll5_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:51 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_roll4_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:51 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_roll3_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:51 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_roll2_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:51 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_roll1_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:51 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_damage_roll_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:51 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weaponname_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:51 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll6_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:51 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll5_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:51 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll4_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:51 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll3_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:51 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll2_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:51 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll1_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:09:51 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:10:01 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_roll6_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:10:01 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_roll5_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:10:01 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_roll4_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:10:01 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_roll3_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:10:01 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_roll2_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:10:01 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_roll1_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:10:01 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weapon_damage_roll_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:10:01 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (weaponname_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:10:01 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll6_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:10:01 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll5_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:10:01 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll4_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:10:01 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll3_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:10:01 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll2_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:10:01 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll1_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:10:01 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (armour_roll_label) in windowclass (charsheet_main)
[8/18/2024 12:10:08 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "AFF2:campaign/templates/attack_roll_btn.lua"]:78: attempt to call field 'getChildren' (a nil value)

August 21st, 2024, 19:02
Thank you both. I tried and it didn't work, but as I suspected the new update didn't come in until today for some reason.

All fixed! Thank you again.

September 19th, 2024, 22:24
I get errors in the console when adding an Item. I'm not sure if that's from the last update. Adding Weapon and Armour works fine.

Moon Wizard
September 20th, 2024, 05:13
Just pushed a hot fix for the Item records. Please run a new Check for Updates, and try again.


September 20th, 2024, 05:48
Works now. Thank you.

December 17th, 2024, 22:18
I noticed that when creating an item the only Consumable actions available are "No Action" "Change STAMINA" and "Change LUCK"
Is there a reason why "Change SKILL" is not in the dropdown. Also when selecting "No change" it results in an error when consumed
