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View Full Version : "One Way Mirror" type terrain for LOS

July 18th, 2021, 20:14
Hi everyone,

I'm wondering if there is an option that allows for a type of LOS. Basically, I want any token that's "IN" an area to have full vision - but anyone outside the token cannot see either INTO or Around that blocker.

From what I can tell - terrain allows movement, and doesn't allow sight beyond it - but any token IN the terrain is still visible.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this not an option as of yet?

July 18th, 2021, 20:37
No occluder type like this. You can always request it by adding to the wish list.

July 18th, 2021, 22:31
Depending on what you are trying to do you might be able to do something like what you want if you surround a pit with terrain and start the encounter inside the pit.

In the first image Brogg walks "alone" through a walled "canyon" between walls to the north/south.

The Kobold Lair guard on top of the wall to the north is sure Brogg's days are numbered...

The dark brown is a pit. The wood walkways are terrain. Brogg can't see out of the pit. The kobolds/dragon in the terrain can see Brogg and both walkways. They can't see down the down on the other side of the walkways except where I made cutouts for the ladders.

July 20th, 2021, 02:06
Pit is the way to go, as Griogre mentioned. Or in this case, an inverted pit. You make a pit the goes around the area you want to seal off, although you have to make sure it goes out to the edge of the map.

See attached. Whatever is inside (represented by the light area) can see everything. Anyone outside that area cannot see in. The GM version you can see the other token, of course. But the player version, you cannot see in if you are "outside".