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View Full Version : LFG/LFP Tue evening UK Time Zone -5E- Looking for DM and players

July 9th, 2021, 18:20
FG License: Standard. All of the core books except campaign guides
Time Zone: UTC+1/+0 (UK)
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Tuesdays weekly 7.00pm - 10.00pm
Term: Happy with long term
Voice: Skype/Discord/whatever works

Game System: D&D 5E
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Decent experience as DM, some experience as player

About me: Based in the UK, English is my second language. 40 years old, I started DMing RPGs when I was 12 with Tunnels and Trolls. Pretty soon I settled for D&D.
I did not play for nearly 20 years and have recently started again.
I have both experience as master and player, even though I am still expanding my knowledge of the 5th edition.
As I mentioned, I have all of the core books except campaign books. And that's because I am too lazy to learn someone else's adventure/setting. I create my own.
My DM style tends to be free flow/open world with very little to no pre-defined plot.
I like the definition of RPGs as 'communal storytelling' and let the plot naturally emerge.
I also try to strike a balance between exploration, social interaction and battle.

The plan: I would like to set up a group of 4/5 people (20yo+) on a similar time zone to start weekly sessions, potentially long term.
If English is your second/third/n language not to worry. It’s not my first either.
It would be great if we could put together a group where we can take it in turns to DM. For example someone runs ten or so sessions and then I can run my sessions for another X number of weeks and so forth.
If most of the folks in the group only want to play that's absolutely fine with me. It would just be nice to have another DM as I have not played in a long time :)

I envisage this group to have four main dogmas:
1) Be respectful of your fellow players and DM
2) Everyone is welcome, as long as they observe Rule Number One
3) Gaming is great if people take it seriously enough, but not too much :)
4) Have fun

If the above resonates with you, please drop us a message here and we can set up a Telegram/Signal/Discord group to move forward.

Thanks for reading!

July 10th, 2021, 17:48
Hi all, potentially we have a player/DM on board so there are still 2/3 seats available

July 12th, 2021, 07:46
Quick update. We have another player who’s interested in joining.
Available seats are now 2

July 12th, 2021, 13:51
Hi. We are now full but please leave me a message and I will get back to you should we open more seats in the future.

Thank you!