View Full Version : Transition from Classic to Unity - Safely turn off the old FGC port forwarding?

July 5th, 2021, 22:33

I joined years ago with Classic and wrestled/wrangled my ports to get 1802 under control and was able to host my games! YAHOOO!

I have finally moved my players to FGU and for some security housekeeping,

??? Shouldn't I now be able to turned off port-forwarding that was set-up for Classic? ???

I'll have some of my players test the connection. Just not wanting to leave my keister out there for the threat actors to have at it! LOL

Thanks Unity for your upgrade and hard work!

July 5th, 2021, 23:01
Classic uses TCP on 1802 and Unity uses UDP on a port for "LAN" games which defaults to 1802. If you are running as a Cloud Game, you don't need an open port. If you are just using it locally, for example back when we played in person, we usually had a DM running from FG and a player hooked up to a TV laying on the table with the maps showing sized to be a 1" grid on the TV as the battle map. Nothing needed to be open because we actually were on a LAN. Because my group switched to Unity in the beta, I have 1802 open for UDP and I have a DDNS name which they use to connect to my system. We have not switched to a cloud game because "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

July 5th, 2021, 23:04
Thank you greatly for the reply! I think for sanity sake, working off the cloud will be best for us. I do appreciate your patience and great explanation!