View Full Version : UK-based, looking to join a group: Please check me out

July 4th, 2021, 10:54
Love to join an enthusiastic group of players in similar timezone to me. I'm solid and reliable guy who turns up to the games I've committed to. A bit more about me so you know if I might suit your group/campaign:

Time Zone: GMT +1 or GMT 0

Day(s) of week, Saturday and Sunday evenings preferred - but at a bit of a stretch I can do Mon-Thurs 7pm and alternative Fridays.

Term: One shots, but hope to find a longer game if possible

Game System Preferred: DCC (Lankhmar), D&D (if gritty/ dark), WFRP 4th Ed, Cthulhu, Alien RPG, SOTDL, I'm also interested in Traveller, Cyberpunk and Vampire (never played these). And happy to learn others if they look interesting.

Game System Experience: Used to DM in my teens (D&D Basic/Expert) in the Known World/Mystara setting. But being a player is pretty new to me. Played some 3.5 about 20 years ago. But now I've got started with CofC, WFRP 4th Ed, DCC and Alien RPG.

Fantasy Grounds Experience: Played a couple of one shots so far.

Character Type Preferred: Used to go the ‘knowledge is power’ route, trying to tap into some aspect of the power hierarchy of the game world - mage, spy, scholar, cleric etc. But recently I've really enjoyed playing more of a hard man.

About me: I'm hoping to become part of a steady group of players. Not so interested in old fashioned dungeon hacking or shiny heroic D&D. Prefer something gritty and noir, with a mix of political peril and monstrous horror (e.g. settings with political tyranny, criminal underworlds, sinister cults and malicious cosmic powers). I like books such as Glen Cooke, Black Company; Scott Lynch's Lies of Locke Lamora; Joe Abercrombie's First Law series and I like settings like The Old World, Lankhmar, Freeport, Midnight, Shadow of Demonlord and Call of Cthulhu.

Love to meet up with a group who are interested in something similar

July 23rd, 2021, 17:50
We are a group of four who are currently embroiled in a long term Warhammer Fantasy campaign (2nd Ed. with some 4th Ed. flavourings). Stories tend to be in the low fantasy mould, grim and perilous with a heavy emphasis on conspiracies, cults and horror. We are very roleplaying heavy, very rare to break characters during a session although that’s not to say we are all super serious, there’s laughter during each chapter, and always a bit of chat before and invariably a post session analysis after. May be your thing but I get it if not. Just putting it out there though so if it is of interest, drop me a line.
All the very best

August 30th, 2021, 22:24
Hi Mike,
Just got your message. Old World Warhammer is the setting I'm most interested in. Been reading a lot on it in last few months. Your game sounds right up my street. When do you play and how often? Very interested

We are a group of four who are currently embroiled in a long term Warhammer Fantasy campaign (2nd Ed. with some 4th Ed. flavourings). Stories tend to be in the low fantasy mould, grim and perilous with a heavy emphasis on conspiracies, cults and horror. We are very roleplaying heavy, very rare to break characters during a session although that’s not to say we are all super serious, there’s laughter during each chapter, and always a bit of chat before and invariably a post session analysis after. May be your thing but I get it if not. Just putting it out there though so if it is of interest, drop me a line.
All the very best

September 7th, 2021, 20:27
Im also looking for a D&D group. If you find something, let me know