View Full Version : LFP 3 (UTC) +0 Weeknights 5E Campaign: Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft

June 27th, 2021, 21:05
FG License: Ultimate
Time Zone: Will be looking to run around 6PM +0 UTC. I prefer shorter sessions on weeknights, so probably around 2-3 hours.
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Weekly
Term: See how things go. May be a story that could end in 4-8 sessions - may turn into something longer.
Voice/Video. Discord required and a decent microphone.

Game System Preferred: 5E (no Tasha's but I can buy if people really want it).
Game System Experience: Anyone is welcome. I'm happy to go through a basic FGU tutorial in our session zero.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Some experience, and I've got some helpful plugins running.

Character Type Preferred: I want a campaign that's going to have a Ravenloft (likely Mordent-ish, if not explicitly based there) feel to it. If you want to make a character named Mr Fuzzy who's a ghoulish bunny rabbit, or a vampire that behaves suspiciously like Sasuke from Naurto this isn't the campaign for you - nothing against that - but this won't be the place. No quirky comedic characters, no anime themes, no edgelords (they're impossible to scare!). The campaign is going to be somewhat RP heavy (60/40 at the very least) and it would be really great to see people craft believable characters within that type of setting so I, in turn, can craft stories around your character's goals and drives.

About me: I'm older-ish dude. Been playing on Fantasy Grounds for seven months. I've been DMing some Powered by the Abyss system games for family and friends lately but now I've got the urge to DM some 5e. The release of the new Ravenloft is just too good of an opportunity to start a new group. As a DM I really like the narrative side of things and creating my own NPCs, and I like writing stories and thinking about how to engage my players characters in them. However, if you're super into tactical gameplay and making sure every rule is adhered to perfectly I'm probably a bad DM for you. I suck, just a little bit, at running combat and that may annoy some people.

About you: You'll be cool (1) doing a session zero. It may turn out that people's goals for the campaign don't match up - but it is good to sort that out before hand and (2) If you are a very confident/experienced roleplayer you'll be able to give the less experienced/shyer players some space to talk and to develop their characters. One way to kill a roleplay focused campaign is just to have the most confident people dominate all of the discussion and narrative, and hopefully as a DM I can be as inclusive as possible.

June 27th, 2021, 22:39
I would certainly be interested. I played D&D for about 10 years from the first edition through to AD&D 2e as both a player and GM. Have returned after an extensive break and toyed with 5e amongst other things. Would really like to find a good group for a longer term campaign. I am UK based so the time is good for me.

June 27th, 2021, 22:42
I would certainly be interested. I played D&D for about 10 years from the first edition through to AD&D 2e as both a player and GM. Have returned after an extensive break and toyed with 5e amongst other things. Would really like to find a good group for a longer term campaign. I am UK based so the time is good for me.

Sounds good, welcome aboard. I'll set up a discord and we can do a session zero, sometime maybe in the coming week hopefully at a time everyone can make.

June 27th, 2021, 23:18
Excellent! Looking forward to it already.

June 27th, 2021, 23:54
I would be interested in this game, I have been playing d&d off and on for a few years and i have played a few games on fg

June 28th, 2021, 08:18
My Discord username is SCDragon64#4981 if you want to drop me an invite.

June 28th, 2021, 14:25
I would be interested in this game, I have been playing d&d off and on for a few years and i have played a few games on fg

Sounds good. PM me your Discord name and I'll set something up for all of us and we can chat about a session zero.

June 29th, 2021, 05:40
is there open seat?

June 29th, 2021, 05:42
Hey I want in is been a while since I use FG but yeah this seems fun

June 29th, 2021, 10:24
Hey I want in is been a while since I use FG but yeah this seems fun

Yes, we've got one/two more. Hoping to end up with 4-5 players in the end. PM me your Discord handle.

June 29th, 2021, 18:37
Cool I'm already notify you

June 29th, 2021, 19:53
Hey mate. 31 years old UK male. Currently looking for another game. Will be nice to have one around the UTC time as my other 2 are EST and PST at the weekends. Will happily PM you my discord handle to discuss and set up a session 0 just let me know.

July 3rd, 2021, 02:56
Hey ! Count me in !
I have been playing D&D 5E for around a month ! (Six sessions haha) As a player im not that focused on rules and dices I prefer a good story.
I have bought the Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft but not ready to DM YET (Im willing to LEARN)
English its not my main language BUT in one or two sessions will be ;)

UTC -3

FGU: Check
Discord: Check
Decent Microphone: Check
Quirky comedic characters: Fired

c u soon

July 4th, 2021, 08:02
Hello there,

I am very interested in playing in your campaign and look forward to your consideration!

- Background: I started to truly play D&D about a year and a half ago, DMing my own party. I've learn so much and have always DMed in a fashion that enables PC development and party cohesion. I can appreciate both RP and combat perspectives, but will always defer to the DM for their style of play. I have watched and loved CR campaign 1 and 2, as well as Adventure Zone Balance (but I promise, I will not attempt to copy nor base expectations on these shows! I always tell everybody that I know that the pros of these PC's and DMs should always be considered in order to learn the game.)
- About me: 27 year old that appreciates good art and story driven RP. I will work primarily from the PHB for my PC.
- Capability: Video and voice chat are all good to go on my end. I typically use Discord along with FGU. (I'd prefer to join a party that all had video and voice in this matter)
- Availability: At the moment I do live in Hawaii, but am 100% flexible for any time on any date. The only exception is towards late August, where I will be moving back to the mainland. I will be happy to discuss that with you at any point if selected.
- Expectation: Let's have a great session 0! I'm all about it and can create/flex one of my PCs. Once I have a better understanding of your world, I'm down to change their backstory however for your benefit.

Sir Bluto of Faber
July 4th, 2021, 18:43
Your game sounds cool. I can't play in it however but I wanted to let you know you did a great job selling it. You also spelled out clearly what kind of game you were running which people appreciate.
Good luck with it !

July 5th, 2021, 18:08
Your game sounds cool. I can't play in it however but I wanted to let you know you did a great job selling it. You also spelled out clearly what kind of game you were running which people appreciate.
Good luck with it !

Thanks dude.