View Full Version : [BUG?] Ability editor link missing from character UI in Starfinder campaign

June 24th, 2021, 17:53
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this but here goes.

When creating/editing a PC the "magnifying glass" editor link that should be above the ability scores is not there. Direct editing is possible but the various nuances can be missed.

Screenshot attached.


June 24th, 2021, 17:56
MOD: Moved to SFRPG forum as this is not a bug related to the Unity platform.

That was removed some time ago and you can edit the scores directly now.

June 24th, 2021, 18:02
Ah, okay.

It's in the YouTube video showing the character creation process but in the old (?) UI so I thought it was a bug or got left out of the most recent UI update by mistake.


June 24th, 2021, 18:07
Ah, okay.

It's in the YouTube video showing the character creation process but in the old (?) UI so I thought it was a bug or got left out of the most recent UI update by mistake.


There has been many many changes since the video in terms of clean up and making things less cumbersome. So you may see many changes as you navigate the character sheet and PC ship sheet.

July 2nd, 2022, 21:37
I was getting setup for a new Starfinder campaign. I would really like a place for players to show how they distributed their attribute points. The method that was originally there was clunky, but it makes it much simpler to validate or build characters if there is a place to enter in the 10 attribute points other than just directly adding them to the character sheet.

- Robert

July 5th, 2022, 15:42
I was getting setup for a new Starfinder campaign. I would really like a place for players to show how they distributed their attribute points. The method that was originally there was clunky, but it makes it much simpler to validate or build characters if there is a place to enter in the 10 attribute points other than just directly adding them to the character sheet.

- Robert
My personal recommendation for character build management is for your players to create their characters outside of FG. This may seem counter intuitive but when you build a character in FG and you need to make certain changes it's impossible to revert back. I have been running Starfinder in FG since 2019 and I now require my players to create their characters at https://hephaistos.azurewebsites.net/ . It's a free builder for all kinds of things related to Starfinder. Once my players have created their PC and I have approved it then they can use the online sheet to recreate the character in FG. Every time a character makes a level we level the online sheet first and then make the changes in FG. I also make regular backups of the characters in FG using the export feature before my players make changes.