View Full Version : Where is my campaign? O.o

June 24th, 2021, 17:47
So since today marks the end of support for FGC, I finally decided to try and switch to Unity. And... nope. Nope nope nope. Looks like my entire data set is non-existing. Or rather:

Images have been moved to the asset thingie so it goes (maps, portraits, tokens, and other shareable images) but what about the rest?

I purchased FGC back in 2016 and since then I've been scripting things over things since all of my campaigns are set in the same world (so I went to script monsters, feats, spells, notes, tables, NPCs, Characters, calendar data, moons...) and they are totally non-existing. No characters, no monsters, no tables... nothing.

I copied the whole campagin folder but there's nothing. I mean, nothing. I open the "characters" tab and it's empty. Same for notes, tables, NPCs...

Things I tried:

1) copied the WHOLE FGC folder in FGU and let it update/repair just in case some files were wrong.
2) checked if I have any read only or hidden folder (well, it DOES spot images in its folders so...)
3) reinstall FGU from scratch "just in case"

Now I'm thinking of sacrificing virgins to my Lord, but it's so rare to find some nowadays :F

I just don't want to waste 5 years of data if I want to switch to Unity :/ please help 😢

June 24th, 2021, 18:00
Normally, you'd only have to copy the campaign from the FGC path to the new FGU path.

Default, old path:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Fantasy Grounds\campaigns\<campaign name>

Default, new path:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\SmiteWorks\Fantasy Grounds\campaigns\<campaign name>

From what you've written it seeems like you can at least open the campaign. Can you post a screenshot of the (FGU path) campaign's folder content? If everything is empty, maybe your database file got simply corrupted.

June 24th, 2021, 18:12
FGC: C:\Users\Tharivol\AppData\Roaming\Fantasy Grounds

FGU: C:\Users\Tharivol\AppData\Roaming\SmiteWorks\Fanta sy Grounds Unity

I can open the campaign, but it's empty (save for images in the assets thingie), but nothing else is. No data at all. Characters, NPCs, monsters, feats, spells, notes, calendar entries (heck, calendar in general)...

June 24th, 2021, 18:19
Yeah, please post a screenshot of the folder content where your campaign resides.

Should look like this 47830

June 24th, 2021, 18:21
Have you followed the instructions here? https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?55522-How-to-Migrate-a-FGC-Campaign-to-FGU

Don't copy the whole application folder, that won't work. Make sure you can create and start a brand new campaign in FGU first to make sure things are wokring. Then do the steps in my link. If that doesn't work, then provide details and screen shots.

June 24th, 2021, 19:33
Like this?


LordEntrails, I did all of that but it doesn't work. It used to work at first (around.. march?), but thenI completely disregarded Unity in favor for Classic (since Unity is still extremely slow on my pc). Today I learned about FGC stoppage of support and decided to try out things... copied my campaign folders in FGU, ran the program and boom, nothing :(


June 24th, 2021, 19:38
Please open the campaigns directory in your screenshot and provide a screenshot of the contents of that directory.

June 24th, 2021, 19:48

And this is should you ask for what's inside my own "campaign" folder (which is that "Nome da Decidere").

June 24th, 2021, 20:02
Is that image from what's in Classic or what you see in Unity?

There should be many more files called db.session.xxxxxxx.xml files than shown in your image - and I would expect them to be a bit bigger in size too.

At any rate if you look you'll see that the db.xml file is much smaller than the only session file that you see in that list. So it looks like something (possibly an extension) is causing the database file (the db.xml) to become corrupted and not open correctly in Unity. You also don't mention what ruleset you are using for your campaign so that could be another factor. Can you say what that is? And can you say whether you are using any extensions in your campaign? And did you copy those extensions over into Unity?

Can you also go into the menu at the top of the folder for your campaign and click on View and tick the show extensions option (see image below) and then screen shot the entire folder for your campaign in Classic.

June 24th, 2021, 20:18
the db.session.xxxxxxx.xml are removed regularily to save space (I deleted 3 gb of files just today)

I play 3.5 and I do actually use a ton of extensions but they never gave any issue on Classic...

also, the db file that's so small is the same one but yes I now noticed when I open and load the campaign, it reverts down to 10kb or so

It shows some errors on startup but once it finishes loading I can't read'em anymore (and they're too fast for me to read)

June 24th, 2021, 20:24
the db.session.xxxxxxx.xml are removed regularily to save space (I deleted 3 gb of files just today)

You just deleted the backups FG does automatically. Pretty sure FG also cleans these up regularly too so you don't need to. If you do continue to manually delete these, make sure you check file sizes and keep at least the last large one so if you have an issue like this you can recover.

Check your Recycle Bin to see if you can recover one of more of these files so you can recover your campaign.

June 24th, 2021, 20:24
It shows some errors on startup but once it finishes loading I can't read'em anymore (and they're too fast for me to read)
This is a key piece of information - errors on startup mean there's at least one issue.

After you've started up the campaign and there has been errors, type /console in the chat window and then click the "Compile Logs" button. Attach the resulting logfiles here.

June 24th, 2021, 20:28
You should not delete all of your session files since those are backups of your campaign. FG keeps only the last 10 or so of them in each campaign. You can recover your db.xml by using one of the session files but if you have deleted them all then you have effectively deleted your backups. Hopefully you have a back up of your campaigns folder in Classic and can recover some of those session files.

If you type /console into chat (in Unity) you can get the console back up. You can also click on the compile logs button to compile the log files and you can post that log file here and we might have a better idea what is going on. Although some extensions will work in Unity many may not - you'll need to check the forum threads for the extensions you use to see if they have been updated to work in Unity. It might be possible to switch all of them off in the Classic campaign and then save the campaign and then transfer that to Unity. First though post those log files and the complete campaign files in the Classic folder with the file extension switched on. And see if you can recover some of those earlier session files if you deleted them. They may still be in your trash unless you also emptied that.

June 24th, 2021, 21:18
It's fine, before permanently deleting backups I usually move'em to another folder (just because I know something might pop up) so I easily recovered it all. The issue remains though.

This is the compiled log

What do you mean with "complete campaign files?" My current campaign folder (the one I'm working on) contains 1839 files for over 6 Gb of data

Also, it doesn't only save the last 10.. I had like 200 or so db.sessions, 70ish of which from 2020, that's why from time to time I go there and clean up some

June 24th, 2021, 21:26
You're getting errors in your campaign database - which will cause the data to be removed.

[6/24/2021 10:11:45 PM] [ERROR] Process Data File (): 'ShiftedSSize' is an undeclared prefix. Line 13176, position 3.
[6/24/2021 10:11:45 PM] [ERROR] Error while loading campaign database.

You're also getting other errors due to extensions, which you should remove and/or check for updates.

To try to identify the issue which deletes your data, please attach the db.xml file for your campaign from FGC.

June 24th, 2021, 21:29
You're getting errors in your campaign database - which will cause the data to be removed.

[6/24/2021 10:11:45 PM] [ERROR] Process Data File (): 'ShiftedSSize' is an undeclared prefix. Line 13176, position 3.
[6/24/2021 10:11:45 PM] [ERROR] Error while loading campaign database.

You're also getting other errors due to extensions, which you should remove and/or check for updates.

To try to identify the issue which deletes your data, please attach the db.xml file for your campaign from FGC.

I'll try out things out now, then. Also errors in campaign database. Where should I look at? It still works on Classic :S (now testing extensions)

June 24th, 2021, 21:30
To try to identify the issue which deletes your data, please attach the db.xml file for your campaign from FGC.

Or hack around yourself - the line number is shown in the error message.

June 24th, 2021, 21:32
As Trenloe says attach the db.xml file and we can have a look.

June 24th, 2021, 21:43
Ok coming :D

While testing, I ran FGU with zero extensions loaded, it still overwrote my db so it's not about extensions anymore.

For the db, here it goes (warning, it might be s a bit heavy at 18 Mb since I'm working on it since 2016)


June 24th, 2021, 21:48
Ok coming :D

While testing, I ran FGU with zero extensions loaded, it still overwrote my db so it's not about extensions anymore.


The SShifted comes from Diablobobs OneClickDruid / TokenSwapper afaik. It writes some of it's data into the db... as some other extensions do.

Edit: To reduce complexity and size aof your db you can safely export NPCs to a module that you then can load (that's 100k of lines). The 37 PCs are also mostly high level NPCs right? That are another 200k lines. Although I don't know if you can export them safely.

All in all, there are many non-default xml elements in that db.

June 24th, 2021, 21:51
Hm, I don't think I do have that extension though.. I did try it once but deleted it soon after because I didn't really need it and again it never gave any issues back on FGC... why would an extension I don't have anymore give problems now on fgu?

June 24th, 2021, 21:54
While testing, I ran FGU with zero extensions loaded, it still overwrote my db so it's not about extensions anymore.
To be accurate, the issue is caused by at least one extension.

The image below is a portion of your db.xml file, with just the first level of data shown. All of the entries up to <battle> are from extensions - that's over 13,400 lines of data from extensions. And... the error is at line 13,176 - in the data added by extensions.


June 24th, 2021, 21:59
...and again it never gave any issues back on FGC...
You keep mentioning this, it's really not helping; you need to realise that some things changed in FGU and you need to run FGU compatible data and extensions.

Try this db.xml file in FGU: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zarcm1w216zx2n3/db.xml?dl=0

And go through all of your extensions and made sure that you are running versions that are compatible with FGU, and with each other.

June 24th, 2021, 22:01
okay but it still gives errors even with zero extensions loaded?
Also I don't even have that file anymore (same for the OLE extensions, they don't work on FGU at all, those with "MJB")

So the thing is: What should I do? Delete all those lines from the db?

June 24th, 2021, 22:04
You keep mentioning this, it's really not helping; you need to realise that some things changed in FGU and you need to run FGU compatible data and extensions.

Try this db.xml file in FGU: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zarcm1w216zx2n3/db.xml?dl=0

And go through all of your extensions and made sure that you are running versions that are compatible with FGU, and with each other.

IT WOOORKS Q____Q How did you do?! (now saving it up and trying to load it with a few extensions at a time)

June 24th, 2021, 22:04
You're welcome.

June 24th, 2021, 22:06
And I still thank you and will probbaly worship you... what was the actual fix? Did you have to delete things? (but the file looks larger than before)

June 24th, 2021, 22:14
I got it to work by deleting everything from line 13106 up to just before <battle>. So I assume Trenloe did something similar.

June 24th, 2021, 22:23
I deleted the section where the error was - as indicated by the line number in the error message.

June 24th, 2021, 22:23
I love you, guys Q_Q you just saved a world :D

June 26th, 2021, 00:55
okay but it still gives errors even with zero extensions loaded?
Also I don't even have that file anymore (same for the OLE extensions, they don't work on FGU at all, those with "MJB")

So the thing is: What should I do? Delete all those lines from the db?

The thing is that (certain) extensions change and add to the db like the one you tested by diablobob :) The db stays like that then, even if you turn off the extension :) This can cause such things then (which is why I personally avoid such drastic changes of the db, such that extensions cannot possibly affect campaigns even if turned off; but I do not know the code explicitly, just speculating :) )