View Full Version : Getting the most out of your play time

August 5th, 2007, 02:01
I caught wind of this article on enWorld, but thought it useful enough to repost here as it can relate well with trying to organize, play, and run games over a virtual tabletop.

WOTC: Save My Game - Time Management (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sg/20070803)

August 5th, 2007, 07:47
I really like the idea of starting on time no matter what. I apologize to my past players who arrived on time then had to sit idle waiting for the late players. From now on, I resolve to start at the starting time as long as there is at least one player there :)

August 5th, 2007, 12:35
I hate waiting around for late players as well. Sadly, most DM's would rather wait than forge on ahead.

August 5th, 2007, 13:26
Third that!

(ps, I luckily have not been in a FG game where this happened yet, but I would imagine it to be pretty annoying)

August 8th, 2007, 15:03
I'll usually give 10-15 min where we chat/answer questions till everyone shows up. If I know someone should make the game but they are not there yet I'll start the game and we'll bring that character along but they won't be active.
