View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF weekday/night game Mon, Tue, Wed, or Fri, EST timezone, 5e preferred

June 13th, 2021, 17:54
Hello there!

FG License: I have FGU Ultimate
Time Zone: I am in the EST time zone
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I am available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, pretty much any time after 10am, late into the night. I'm most interested in a weekly game, though can do biweekly if needed.
Term: Long-term or module preferred, but I am up for some one-shots as well
Voice: I have and prefer Discord, but as long as it doesn't cost money, I'm willing to try anything.

Game System Preferred: 5e Preferred
Game System Experience: I've only ever played 5e, but I'm more than happy to learn a different system if it interests me.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I'm still pretty new, though I have no issue creating a character and, for the most part, navigating maps and encounters and such. I am also learning it as a DM.

Character Type Preferred: I prefer spellcasters, mostly warlocks and sorcerers, maybe druids, though I'd be interested in trying out swarmkeeper or drakewarden, as I haven't tested them out yet but like the idea of them flavor-wise.
About me: I like to play games with a good mix of roleplay, combat, and exploration, maybe a little heavy on the roleplay/lore side with some good fun puzzles and character bonding time to really get my immersion going. I create very fun characters to play, usually they are very bubbly, outgoing, and adventurous, almost always neutral good. I like to balance their combat and roleplay capabilities on their sheet, and therefore their spells won't be solely combat-focused. I like to have a good fun time! I'd prefer a game that isn't too grimy, but still feels very real, dark themes are welcome as long as it doesn't define my experience. I came to D&D to escape reality after all! As for my previous experience, I have been playing 5e on and off since around 2016, and am currently DMing a homebrew campaign on FGU thursdays and sundays. I love love love the game, and would like to participate as a player at least once a week amongst my DMing.
I would also be interested in playing something zombie-apocalypse based, superheroes, or fantasy highschool kinda thing! That could be really new and exciting and I love those genres.[B]

[B]Character Concepts I Have in Mind: I currently have a couple character ideas in mind.

- The first, my favorite character of all time, Elva Fjord, is a water genasi Fathomless warlock with her octopus companion. She's an orphan who found a sort of parent in her patron from the deep, who she doesn't know much about. She is a scholar who wishes to travel the world and collect stories and experiences. Personality-wise, think about a sweet southern belle type lady. Very neutral-good aligned, tries to get along with everyone. I have drawn a reference for her, so she's got a token already. Also, all of my IRL dice are based around her character, I love her so much.

- The second isn't as fleshed out and I don't have her drawn yet, but she's a bronze dragonborn storm sorcerer named Yoxir Dryswyn. She's pretty sickly after her time on a pirate ship, but it doesn't drag her down. Her ship and crewmates were taken out in a fierce pirate battle, where she was taken hostage. She was able to escape, but harbors strong resentment for the one who called the attack on her beloved pirate life and family. She, however, is a very upbeat and happy adventurer, sure that one day when she becomes strong enough, she will enact her revenge on those who have done her wrong. She is more chaotic-good than anything, very young and silly, but can certainly hold her own in battle, just preferably from afar.

- The third is Ro Mountainbane, a changeling shadow sorcerer. She has a pretty dark backstory, but needless to say her parents are dead because of her, and her six (human) siblings don't know about it, or about her status as a changeling. She feels absolutely horrible about it, and is looking to gain as much money as she can to one day buy them a great plot of land to sustain their family for generations while she protects them from the horrors of the world. Aside from that, she is a bubbly sweet gal, very sharp of tongue if needed, and stands up for what she believes is right and good. She tries to hide her changeling status and goes by her human form of Ro Mountainbane as much as possible, but does have a couple other aliases she slips into if she needs to. I also have drawn a reference for her, so she also has a token. She was created to run in the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign, but can be morphed to fit other campaigns as needed.

However, I can and am 100% willing to make a completely new character that is much better suited to any new world or campaign! I love creating characters and drawing them, and finding their voice.

Tooting Dog
June 14th, 2021, 00:43
I am a bit hesitant to reply because my group is all pretty much newbies and I am running my first game after one-year's experience playing. However, I'm down to three characters and really need at least one more, if not two. Everything you state sounds like a good fit if you aren't looking for an experienced group since we play Mondays 7pm PDT which is 10pm your time and we would need a caster. The group just made 2nd level after running The Joy of Extradimensional Spaces and we plan to start Sunless Citadel on the 28th. All of us are in our low 50's and we keep this light and fun and are not super serious.

My bad, I just noticed you wrote 10am. I read it as 10pm, unless you made a typo.

June 14th, 2021, 01:12
Hey there, Tooting Dog (love the username!)
I would be interested in trying it out using my dragonborn, who I now have an image for. I am, however, in my early 20s (22), so I'm not sure how comfortable you all would be with playing with someone out of that age range, though I would be fine with it since I've played with people from all different ages. The time could be a little difficult, but I could play for a three hour game if that's how long you play. Any longer would be a bit too late for me, though.

Tooting Dog
June 14th, 2021, 16:47
I sent a PM