View Full Version : Item's showing as identified even when exported as unidentified

June 9th, 2021, 04:07
I looked through older posts on this from a few years ago and everything I've found seems to indicate that with the newer versions items are identified unless you explicitly set them to unidentified.
Well, that's what I've done.. I've marked them as unidentified, exported the module, and it says unidentified in the XML. However, when added to the character sheet, it still gets added as identified.

Any thoughts?

I even took a item from the DMG to the module exactly (elven chain). I then changed the name.. Both of those versions still showed as identified.

Sample XML:
<dexbonus type="string">Yes (max 2)</dexbonus>
<isidentified type="number">0</isidentified>
<locked type="number">1</locked>
<name type="string">My Elven Chain</name>
<nonid_name type="string">Chain Shirt</nonid_name>
<nonidentified type="string">Without doubt this supple chain shirt was made by Elves; it is delicately made, light, and looks incredibly strong.</nonidentified>
<properties type="string">Magic</properties>
<rarity type="string">Rare</rarity>

Moon Wizard
June 9th, 2021, 04:53
Can you post a sample module that you exported with one of the items you set as unidentified?


June 9th, 2021, 22:21
Confirming that Moon Wizard and I worked through this with some additional testing. What was determined is that not matter what, if you export a module as Read Only from FG (and you aren't using Par5e like SW does), then the items get stored in the XML in the reference.equipmentdata path. Anything that is not in the reference.magicitemdata XML path will be ID be default. "The 5E ruleset will automatically identify anything not in reference.magicitemdata path". You will only notice then, if you are making RO supplements and not adventures.

To solve this problem, you have to edit the XML after the export. In my case, since I want everything to be nonID, I should just be able to rename the opening and closing tag from equipmentdata to magicitemdata. If I had a combination of ID and nonID items, I would have the move the subnodes themselves.