View Full Version : Opening the 'books' and multi-monitors

August 1st, 2007, 14:02
Small problem.

I have two monitors and change the system to using both when using FG and then one when not (to keep the system easy for the family). When using FG and both monitors I drag FG across both monitors but don't maximize it.

Yesterday I was trying to open up the d20 books while FG was only on one monitor. I kept clicking on it but nothing was happening.

I tried to open up the tokens box and that opened up fine. I finally got the idea to drag FG across both monitors and try again and there was the ref boosk window! Hidden on desk space FG wasn't using at the time.


August 1st, 2007, 17:45
If switching to two monitors to fix this is too much trouble, I guess deleting CampaignRegistry.lua would do the trick. It stores the last known position of any windows you opened.

August 1st, 2007, 18:54
Yeah if you do this commonly whats happening is the Windowmanager is saving the coordinates off screen so it draws it there.

You can disable this easily so everything opens in the default position if you have a custom ruleset.

In scripts/windowmanager.lua in the onInit() function just comment out the two lines there. This will stop Fantasy Grounds from saving window coordinates to the registry and just use the windowclass defaults.

August 1st, 2007, 19:59
Its not that much trouble. It was just odd and annoying until I figured out what was going on.
