View Full Version : LFP - 1 or 2 players - weekend game - 5E - Homebrew campaign

June 8th, 2021, 16:30
No further applications at this point, I believe we have a group formed.

FG License: DM has FGUnity ultimate license so players only require the demo/free/whatever it is called version.
Game System: D&D 5e

Time Zone: DM is in mountain time (UTC-6)
Day of week and time: Not set yet, but the game will be scheduled for Saturdays or Sundays in coordination with the group
If new game, planned start date: Ideally this weekend (June 12th/13th) for session zero but quite likely that we may not be able to start until the following weekend.
Planned Duration & Frequency: game sessions will be scheduled for 4 hours on a weekly basis. If DM has additional content ready AND the group of players want to and can keep playing longer some sessions may be longer. To avoid help avoid DM burn out expect a week off to be scheduled well in advance.
Term: initial commitment of 2-4 sessions. This will allow the group to get a sense of whether or not they enjoy each other's company and for the players to decide if the DM's style is a good fit for the kind of game they want. After the initial 2-4 sessions (a short adventure) a player(s) wish to leave that is perfectly fine. If the group wishes to remain together. we will then decide either to keep playing with the characters they have made (i.e., continue the story) or create new characters and start a didfferent adventure as a different group of adventurers.

Text or Voice: voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: Difficult to say. I aim to have at least one combat (or potential combat situation) in each session and I treat the NPCs in the world as people not quest givers that stand around waiting for the party. So RP is important to me but so is combat/conflict that supports the narrative.
Number of Players in game & needed: Currently have 2 (potentially 3) players. We are all 30-35 and are looking for 1 or 2 other reasonably mature adults to join the group.
Character starting level & equipment: level 1 or 2 as the 2 or 3 players already in the group are new to 5e and/or FG.
Character restrictions: Will be discussed as a group in session 0. I advise potential players to come to session zero with an open mind and a few loose concepts in mind as opposed to a premade character with a fully developed backstory.

Details of your scenario: Game world is of the DM's making (i.e., not a published setting). Initial scenario will find the PCs in the large town/small city of Blackport on the first evening of the Midsummer celebrations. A time that should be relaxing and full of merriment will take a turn and offer the PCs the opportunity to become heroes, seek glory, or at least add some weight to their coin purses.

Please reply to this thread with a little bit about you, your experience with 5e and FG (newbies are totally welcome, just want to know), and what you are looking for in a game and group. I may then send you a private message through the forum to arrange a one-on-one voice chat to get a better sense of you as a person before deciding whether or not to extend an invitation to join the group/game.

June 8th, 2021, 18:08
Hey, I think I would be interested to do this!

I also am in Mountain Standard Time, 33 years old, and have had some experience with 5e and FG (classic). Over the past 3 years I have Dm'ed a shorter campaign (7-8 sessions) and been a player in a shorter campaign (5-6 sessions). I have played DnD on and off over last 15 years.

As far as what I am looking for in a game, I think something that is engaging, not min-maxing, and allows for use of spells or abilities not normally taken to improve problem solving, roleplaying, or enhancing combat would be great. My favorite type of game to DM is Grim Dark, however, as a player I am open to anything as long as the campaign theme is agreed to before hand (Grim Dark, High/Low magic, Funny, Serious, ect.). As far as group, I would be looking for a group of people who are relatively dedicated to playing, being engaged while we play, and not on their phones or purposely derailing the campaign theme and context; it always feels awkward if the game is high magic and funny and someone is trying to be outcast and serious. Basically, a respectful group that values each others time and space when playing!


June 8th, 2021, 19:42
I would be interested in this game. I'm in central time zone, am in my mid 40's and I have slightly over a year's experience with both DnD and Fantasy Grounds.

I'm looking for a game to have some fun and rp in with a group that can have fun but isn't derailing the game just for the lulz. One thing I'm not looking for is a game setting with an unwinnable apocalypse type plot.

June 8th, 2021, 23:39
Put my name in. Gotta warn you ahead of time that I'm already in something on Sundays so I'd only be able to make the Saturday option.
Far as describing myself though, mid-twenties and like to think I know my way around fantasy-grounds. Been playing DnD for the last couple years, and feel like I'm reasonably familiar with it. Confident enough in both things that I might be a little help if your new players need it. As a player I'd say my preferences lean more towards the roleplay-and-exploration end and honestly I just like to see what kind of worlds and stories people can come up with. And, building characters with the setting and scenario in mind is the way I prefer to start off anyway.

June 9th, 2021, 00:36
If you still have any openings available, I'd be interested in playing. I live in Texas, so am in CST. I'm 53 and began playing D&D in the early 80s. I've only (relatively speaking) recently have had the time to begin playing again, and have begun looking for a regular campaign to join. I have some experience with 5E, but not a lot. The same is true for FGU. In addition to just being able to enjoy playing again, I am looking to get a little more experience in both the game system and software so that I can feel comfortable enough to begin DMing my own campaign. The group of friends I originally began playing with is still getting together for sessions 30+ years later; still playing 2E (modified) with their original characters. Had I not enlisted or if I had returned to CA after I left the service, I would have rejoined their game. I'm not necessarily looking for a game to campaign to go that long (I doubt I have the years left to last that long :P ), but I'd like to find a game to be able to develop a character over time. One-shots might provide a brief amount of entertainment, but it's not what I'm looking for.

June 9th, 2021, 01:11
Hello, 35 year old male. I live in east coast of the states, work a 9-5 on the Weekdays currently. (Weekends work best for me for gaming.) Presently looking for a game but haven't had much luck finding anything. I've played DnD since 3rd came out, played into 3.5, skipped 4th and came back for 5th edition.

I'm a roleplay heavy player, I prefer to build relationships and not play your stereotypical characters. Assuming you have a spot open I'd be happy to join. Seems you have some good applicants.

Sir Bluto of Faber
June 10th, 2021, 04:07
FG License: DM has FGUnity ultimate license so players only require the demo/free/whatever it is called version.
Game System: D&D 5e

Time Zone: DM is in mountain time (UTC-6)
Day of week and time: Not set yet, but the game will be scheduled for Saturdays or Sundays in coordination with the group
If new game, planned start date: Ideally this weekend (June 12th/13th) for session zero but quite likely that we may not be able to start until the following weekend.
Planned Duration & Frequency: game sessions will be scheduled for 4 hours on a weekly basis. If DM has additional content ready AND the group of players want to and can keep playing longer some sessions may be longer. To avoid help avoid DM burn out expect a week off to be scheduled well in advance.
Term: initial commitment of 2-4 sessions. This will allow the group to get a sense of whether or not they enjoy each other's company and for the players to decide if the DM's style is a good fit for the kind of game they want. After the initial 2-4 sessions (a short adventure) a player(s) wish to leave that is perfectly fine. If the group wishes to remain together. we will then decide either to keep playing with the characters they have made (i.e., continue the story) or create new characters and start a didfferent adventure as a different group of adventurers.

Text or Voice: voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: Difficult to say. I aim to have at least one combat (or potential combat situation) in each session and I treat the NPCs in the world as people not quest givers that stand around waiting for the party. So RP is important to me but so is combat/conflict that supports the narrative.
Number of Players in game & needed: Currently have 2 (potentially 3) players. We are all 30-35 and are looking for 1 or 2 other reasonably mature adults to join the group.
Character starting level & equipment: level 1 or 2 as the 2 or 3 players already in the group are new to 5e and/or FG.
Character restrictions: Will be discussed as a group in session 0. I advise potential players to come to session zero with an open mind and a few loose concepts in mind as opposed to a premade character with a fully developed backstory.

Details of your scenario: Game world is of the DM's making (i.e., not a published setting). Initial scenario will find the PCs in the large town/small city of Blackport on the first evening of the Midsummer celebrations. A time that should be relaxing and full of merriment will take a turn and offer the PCs the opportunity to become heroes, seek glory, or at least add some weight to their coin purses.

Please reply to this thread with a little bit about you, your experience with 5e and FG (newbies are totally welcome, just want to know), and what you are looking for in a game and group. I may then send you a private message through the forum to arrange a one-on-one voice chat to get a better sense of you as a person before deciding whether or not to extend an invitation to join the group/game.

Hi I am currently looking for a Saturday game, I already have a Sunday game. I have three years experience with 5e and six months experience with FG though I have averaged about three games a week since I signed up on FG. I will play any character the party needs because I love building characters so I have fun with any PC and I like the team having the guy we need be it rogue/cleric...etc. My fellow players have all liked me as have my DM's. I have been in seven campaigns two short ones and five that have lasted these past six months and about four 1 shots. My Saturday game is ending and would like to join yours if you have it on Saturdays. I like a mix of combat and rp, I never complain about too much combat. I don't want to kill every goblin but I don't want to adopt every goblin either. Bad things about me ....I don't do good voices so my character sounds a lot like me in real life. I don't know jack all about coding, I am over 35 by a bit and may miss some pop culture references but that's part of my rp I fake knowing them and see if people catch me ; )
I hope you consider me and good luck with your game either way.

June 20th, 2021, 06:15
DB -

Currently in MST. ABQ, NM if you are keeping score. Mature gamer is debatable. :) 30 + yrs gaming. Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]. Please title it - FG New Game so that it doesn't get lost in SPAM filters.

June 20th, 2021, 15:09
" I treat the NPCs in the world as people not quest givers that stand around waiting for the party. So RP is important to me but so is combat/conflict that supports the narrative."

This is music to my ears. I am seeking a DM who thinks like this. I want a game where the world doesn't revolve around us players but has a life of its own that we exist as a part of.

Age early 40s
DND exp: off and on since I was a kid. Several years experience with 5e and Fantasy grounds interface
I live in New Zealand but I am able to make typical American playtimes on the weekends. 3pm Mountain time or later would be times I could make, the later the better.

I am flexible about character but I do have some lose ideas ready. I really like to collaborate with a DM on backstory to make it fit the world when possible. Looking to play with other players who put at least some effort into creating a character that is more than just flawless self-insert vanity vehicles. I put a lot of thought into my characters and try to make them multiple-dimensional with flaws that won't irritate the other players. I'm no pro but I try to give my characters their own voice, it helps me to think in character and makes it clear when I am speaking vs my character. I'm big on PC to PC interactions and try to think of logical reasons why my character feels a loyalty to the other characters in the group.

I enjoy non-combat problem solving, and tactical combat but most of all I want our actions to have true impact. Good, bad or indifferent the group should succeed or fail by its own decisions. I consider dice to be a part of the storytelling and fudging is a violation of trust. Nothing should have plot armor ever in my opinion. If PC actions lead to an unexpected early dispatch of the BBEG, then some other NPC would see that situation and try take advantage of it for their own purposes and become the new BBEG. Negating reasonable PC actions because it disrupts a DMs plans just destroys the game because I stop trying to imagine what my character would likely do in a given situation and start trying to figure out what the DM wants us to do because any other actions will be empty gestures. I never intentionally try to break the game I just want the freedom to to think my way around a problem in more than one way.

June 21st, 2021, 06:13
Scribe and Shock,

How did you miss the very first line of my post?