View Full Version : LFP: D&D5e or Pathfinder 2 - New player

June 5th, 2021, 07:09
I'm a completely new player to both Fantasy Grounds and role playing overall, with the exception of a single Pathfinders game 9 years ago, where I had a blast riding my horse into battle as a samurai, using it as a battering ram in battle, then watching it drown during a swimming scene after it failed a save. I was given a pre-created character at the time, but I did what I could. Purchased a standard license, so hopefully I get to put it to some use.

I'm hoping to join either a short campaign or a one shot with a group that has a little patience for someone inexperienced to roleplaying. While I have tons and tons of experience playing RPG games from Icewind Dale and Neverwinter Nights through more recent games like Path of Exile, Skyrim, etc., I recognize this experience doesn't translate to role playing. That said, I really want to give playing with a group a shot. No edgelord stuff, murder-hobo, stupid team killing paladin stories will come from me, I've listened to enough of those DnD stories to know how I'm not supposed to play. I just want to have a good time with people who are also just wanting to have fun.

Thanks for giving this a read, and look forward to playing.

Days that work: Saturday/Sunday between 8 AM - 9 PM PST. *Edit: I should emphasize this is just a list of times that work. I don't want a 13 hour session.

-Varius (Var-i-us)

**EDIT** I should probably start with D&D5e since it comes with the standard license and perhaps later on I can purchase the Pathfinder 2 assets.

June 5th, 2021, 07:17
I'm also interested in playing Sunday sometime say 11a CST to 12a (13 hr period). I have some experience playing in real life the last 6-8 months, but this would be my first time online. I own all the core rulebooks and have read a lot and theorycraft :)
My discord is JalapenoTrellis#5959 I'm open to free or paid. I like a fair amount of combat and for my resources to be challenged, but not opposed to RP. Just not into RP forever with no challenge.

June 5th, 2021, 07:33
That's my problem...I'm starting with an online session when I know I (and most people) prefer in-person, but such is the world right now. I need to learn how to use Fantasy Grounds in addition to learning the game itself.

That said, I should probably start with D&D5e instead of Pathfinders 2 if only because D&D assets come with the standard license, whereas Pathfinders does not, and I want to find more about how much I enjoy tabletop rollplaying before putting even more money into it, if that's fair.

June 5th, 2021, 07:37
Well I'm willing to play with you also. I'm posting on the various LFG forums in hope of finding a group. It's so much easier to find groups online, I think, and more likely to find people who enjoy playing the way you want to play. In real life, you sometimes just get people who don't want to play d&d and then end up not learning it, which slows stuff down.

June 5th, 2021, 07:43
That sounds great. Are you a DM/GM, or another player?

June 5th, 2021, 07:45
I'm another player.

June 5th, 2021, 07:53
Cool. So, isn't the difficult part finding someone to host the game?

On a side note, I'm learning some of the limitations of Fantasy Grounds. It only contains 4 basic classes and races, none of the 'fancier' stuff like warlocks, sorcerers, rangers, rogues, etc. and need specific class packs to get the module. Should I hold off on buying any of that stuff until we find a GM? Additionally, if the GM has all the content, do we gain access to it while in the same session? Or do we need our own copies?

**EDIT: answered my own question regarding how modules look by reading the first paragraph that the DM can choose to share content while in-session.

June 5th, 2021, 07:55
I'm new here too. My understanding is that if the DM has the higher subscription, they share everything. That said, I am not against spending money myself if it is a good fit.

June 5th, 2021, 08:02
I'm new here too. My understanding is that if the DM has the higher subscription, they share everything. That said, I am not against spending money myself if it is a good fit.

My minimal amount of reading and clicking buttons confirmed what you said. Agreed on that front as well...if I need to spend some money while enjoying myself, then that's fine.

I originally created an account in Roll20 earlier today, but people were asking for entire applications, long detailed descriptions of their character and backstory...I'm not filling out a job application to interview, lol. I just want to play a game, and it felt kind of serious over there. I'll perhaps get more into rollplaying and character backstories with experience, but right now I'm kind of lacking in that department. Plus the interface looked like it was from the 90's with the lighting effects alone updated to maybe 2010. I figured that if I'm going to be staring at a screen, it could be a little nicer looking, and so here I am.

June 5th, 2021, 08:07
My minimal amount of reading and clicking buttons confirmed what you said. Agreed on that front as well...if I need to spend some money while enjoying myself, then that's fine.

I originally created an account in Roll20 earlier today, but people were asking for entire applications, long detailed descriptions of their character and backstory...I'm not filling out a job application to interview, lol. I just want to play a game, and it felt kind of serious over there. I'll perhaps get more into rollplaying and character backstories with experience, but right now I'm kind of lacking in that department. Plus the interface looked like it was from the 90's with the lighting effects alone updated to maybe 2010. I figured that if I'm going to be staring at a screen, it could be a little nicer looking, and so here I am.

Yeah I'm kinda a fan of FG graphics too, but I'm open to a lot if we can have some sort of a grid to play on. The full theatre of the mind is too non technical for me. Some battles that's fine for, but not all!

June 5th, 2021, 09:05
Yeah I'm kinda a fan of FG graphics too, but I'm open to a lot if we can have some sort of a grid to play on. The full theatre of the mind is too non technical for me. Some battles that's fine for, but not all!

I agree, I enjoy reading books and using my imagination to a pretty good extent, and don't feel like FG is necessary to have a good time. I'll go with whatever works, and doesn't get too expensive.

June 6th, 2021, 03:43
Varius & Jalapeno,

First, welcome. Always great to see new people coming into the hobby.
Second, LFP (on this forum at least) means 'looking for players' and is typically used by DMs looking for players to fill the game they are running/plan to run. I assume you made the common mistake of thinking it meant looking for party as it tends to mean in MMOs? If you are a player looking to join a game rather than run one yourself you should be posting an LFG (looking for group/game). Not a problem, just helps DMs searching for players (a rare thing, but some do look for players rather than have players come to them) and helps other players know which threads to look in to find games.
Third (and this is probably what you really want to hear/read), I would be alright with running a short game for you two and another player or two. I've DM'd 5e for years on and off and I'm feeling the itch to get back into it.

edit: I should add I have the ultimate license so all you need is the free/trial/demo (whatever they are calling it these days) license. I also have most of the source books except the newest one (Van Ricten's) nor do I have the Critical Role stuff (Explorer's Guide to Wildemount... I think??)

June 6th, 2021, 04:09
Varius & Jalapeno,

First, welcome. Always great to see new people coming into the hobby.
Second, LFP (on this forum at least) means 'looking for players' and is typically used by DMs looking for players to fill the game they are running/plan to run. I assume you made the common mistake of thinking it meant looking for party as it tends to mean in MMOs? If you are a player looking to join a game rather than run one yourself you should be posting an LFG (looking for group/game). Not a problem, just helps DMs searching for players (a rare thing, but some do look for players rather than have players come to them) and helps other players know which threads to look in to find games.
Third (and this is probably what you really want to hear/read), I would be alright with running a short game for you two and another player or two. I've DM'd 5e for years on and off and I'm feeling the itch to get back into it.

Thank you for informing me about that. In all the games I've played online, LFP and LFG are generally used interchangeably as Looking for Party/Group. So thank you for making that distinction for me, it definitely flew over my head.

As for you offering to host, that sounds great if you're up for it and I'd definitely be interested in playing (or trying anyways).

June 6th, 2021, 08:32
For any other players who see this: I have offered to run a game for these two. I want one or two other players to round out the group. If you are interested:
- reply to this tread saying how much experience you have with d&d 5e and with fantasy grounds (it's perfectly fine if you have none, I'll give you the crash course).
- I will send a private message to a people to arrange a chat to see if you are likely to fit with the group as people.
- Once I have one or two suitable people, we will schedule a time that works for the group to play (plan on 4-hr sessions that will be on saturday or sunday, time TBD).
- Ideally character creation/session 0 will be done as a full group but if that isn't possible then I will chat one-on-one with each- player to work out a character.
- The plan for the game is for it to be a short adventure (2-4 sessions) and IF the group (players & DM) get along and want to keep playing we can either keep going with the characters we had or make new characters and start a different adventure.

June 6th, 2021, 08:57
Hi there Im also kinda new in Fantasy Grounds but I have normal pen and paper experience...Not easy to find people to play...You have still place in your company ?

July 2nd, 2021, 10:16
Hey, I can't find or talk to anyone on our Discord server. Did it get updated or something happen? No other way to message you guys.

July 2nd, 2021, 16:07
Hey JalapenoTrellis. Weird, you're right. It went down for me too...I still have DealBreaker's info, but the server we were all on is down. Hope everything's ok with DealBreaker.

July 2nd, 2021, 16:08
Ok...strange, I can't send DealBreaker a message either! I hope everyone finds this thread. I want to play, and we had a good group and a good game going too.

July 2nd, 2021, 20:15
I'm hoping it is something like "my Discord subscription ran out/credit card declined due to expiration date" rather than ragequit stonewall :)

July 3rd, 2021, 00:31
Any chance for one more?

July 3rd, 2021, 01:26
Any chance for one more?

Right now, we're unsure of what's going on. It's only been about 24-ish hours since our discord server disappeared. We had a DM, and 2 other players for a total of 4 players and a DM. Because of the discord issue, we've lost contact with the 2 other players, and so the only people I'm aware of from our group that can see these messages are JalapenoTrellis, Myself, and DealBreaker (The DM). If our DM in the off-chance doesn't reconnect, then I don't really have any other way of getting ahold of the other 2 players, since the DM found myself and JalapenoTrellis outside of this thread on Fantasygrounds.

tl:dr - it's too early to really tell right now. Our next session was supposed to be this Sunday, so there's still some time for everyone to find a way to reconnect and get back together. Until then, and maybe a little longer, it's too early to say "let's start a new game and get a new group together", especially without knowing what exactly happened, or why.

July 3rd, 2021, 01:26
We're still trying to get back in touch with the DM. Not sure if the group was dissolved without explanation or something else happened.

July 3rd, 2021, 01:31
It could be just discord thing I hope, can you guys dm the DM through discord?

July 3rd, 2021, 01:33
Tried to message him via Discord, but you need to be friends on there. I sent a request. Also tried to message him on FG.