View Full Version : (5E) Writing an Effect that tests multiple Conditions

May 26th, 2021, 06:37
I'm sure I'm not parsing my search correctly and this has been answered elsewhere...but:

Can the IFT in an effect account for "or" when looking for conditions? I see that it can do so for the creature's type. But my syntax seems to suggest it cannot.

IFT: Condition (Incapacitated, Restrained, Unconscious); DMG: 1d6 necrotic

Incapacitated is an assumed condition within several others. So, if an attack were to deal bonus damage on the incapacitated, it would (logically) do so to those conditions which include the incapacitated condition - and testing for all of them as individual conditions becomes messy in the Combat Tracker.

Bonus Question: I asked this second question in the Constitutional Amendments extension thread, but I'll include it here as a bonus inquiry...

Can an effect test for kill shots?

May 26th, 2021, 20:07
You can chain conditions to test but there is no logical OR. What you get is a logical AND. So, if your effect is IFT: incapacitated, unconscious;DMG: 1d6 then the extra damage will only apply if the target is incapacitated and unconscious. And note both the conditions need to be present; FG doesn't search for 'hidden' conditions. So if a target is incapacitated because they are unconscious then it will only pick up on the unconscious condition and the above effect would fail.

Also no, an effect can't test for something like a kill shot.

See here for what you can do with If and IFT https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/996642031/5E+Effects+for+Advanced+Automation#Special-Components

May 26th, 2021, 20:26
Thanks for the insight. :)