View Full Version : Having problems with tokens on map

May 19th, 2021, 03:08

I am a gamemaster of Call of Cthulhu running the Doors to Darkness Module and I'm having issues with the tokens on the maps not being able to move thru areas of a map that I de-masked. The tokens will stop moving at a certain point from the area that was masked but is now unmasked. The tokens will get stuck for no reason. People are not doing abnormal with the tokens other than normal movement with arrow keys or mouse.

And additionally, I am getting doubles of character portraits that are linked together and change to copy another character sheet's portrait. If I change or if a the other player changes a portrait it changes the other portrait to match. This is only happening with a NPC and one specific character portrait.

May 19th, 2021, 03:31
Tokens will get stopped by occluders. Hold Shift while dragging.