View Full Version : Looking for GM for Kingmaker for

May 10th, 2021, 13:41
We have six players looking to play Pathfinder: Kingmaker. All of us are Roll20 native, but some of us are mulling over the idea of transferring to Fantasy Grounds as Demo players (at least to start with.)

The previous Roll20 GM was more than a little toxic and left a war story in his wake, with excessive homebrew, introduction of Starfinder stuff into Kingmaker, Meta knowledge, player favoratism, etc. The players are all on good report and we have a fairly synergistic party concept in mind.

The group favors both Combat and the roleplay aspect (which previous GM simply ignored,) so we hope to find a GM who wouldn't mind if the party gets on a twenty minute interpersonal tangent, or playing out scenes with more important NPC's.

Our previous time slot was 8pm EST on Mondays, but we can try to fit in another time if we find the right GM.

I had attempted to run the game (after the previous GM's meltdown), but health and family life prevented putting in the work to creating the entire AP from scratch. PRevious Character Creation was +1 bonus feat, 25 PB, Elephant in the Room and +100gp (on top of starting gold, for adventuring gear) and +2 Skill Points to each class (Kingmaker is a heavy skill-based game, from what I've read.) 3pp was available upon approval, though none of our party are particularly "power gamers" - most are greenhorns in Pathfinder, or more story-driven than combat driven.

GM is free to change or outright remove special starting bonuses, at this point the party is at the end of the rope looking for a non-toxic GM.

May 10th, 2021, 22:15
I might run KM at some point in the future but it would be from the beginning with my house rules and homebrew.

May 11th, 2021, 10:51
I was originally running Kingmaker on Roll20 and trying to set everything up myself. Eventually my group migrated over to FG and I just purchased the AP instead. If you guys can't find a DM, I would suggest doing the same. With the purchased AP, the only thing you'll have to prepare is RP and story stuff. Everything else is just neatly setup for you and makes running the campaign pretty easy IMO.