View Full Version : Show Party Hit Points?

July 17th, 2007, 18:10
Lots of searching and best I can tell no one has had a solution to this yet.

How do we go about this? I've looked the scripts and it just isn't coming together for me.

I need a way for players to easily be able to tell another players Hit point level at a glance with out asking the GM or the player.

Couple of ideas:
-/slash command linked into the combat tracker that /wispers back to the requesting player a HP summary.
-Another window that shows party hit points, shareable to all players?
-Shading on icons on map or at top of the screen.
-An overlayed bar that represents current HP.
-Mouse over shows text hit points on the icon its over.

Any of those would work great.... thanks in advance....


July 17th, 2007, 20:01
A quick-n-dirty approach I used in FG1 was to make the minisheet shareable and, as the dm, have them all open and shared.

July 17th, 2007, 20:41
I can get you started on some code, I had this as an idea and it works so far.

The scripts/characterlist_entry.lua file builds the potraits you see on the desktop at the top. I added a custom widget that I stuck a number in and it worked fine (appearing right under the name).

I modified the createWidgets function and added the following right below the colorwidget:

hpwidget = addTextWidget("sheetlabelsmall", "10");
hpwidget.setPosition("center", 0, 40);
hpwidget.setFrame("mini_name", 5, 2, 5, 2);

So all that really needs to be done now is handler that whenever the wound field is adjusted to either show the wounds or HP-wounds depending on your preference. I will get that working later tonight if I have time and post it.

You could probably also be very fancy and make it graphical if you were sly with bitmapwidgets and had several different states (sorta of wounded frame at 25% hp, hurt frame at 50% hp, etc.)

July 18th, 2007, 16:19
Oh excellent! I hadn't looked at any of those charlist scripts.... thats a very good direction.

I know some clerics that will be very happy if this works (and my guess is that it will).



July 18th, 2007, 16:42
Well I hit a snag and posted the question in the issues forum. Essentially no way to get at that list from the outside to set the widget whever the wounds are updated. This is a bug as the windowclass should be accessible.

We could create a seperate windowclass but thats not as cool but would be an approach, could probably use it for marching order and what not too.

July 18th, 2007, 20:50
I am not seeing a way to do it either.... that would have been perfect. Hopefully someone sees a way...

July 19th, 2007, 20:18
In your above example for hpwidget, how would you set that initial value to the players Hit Points (or wounds) from the character sheet? I am having trouble understanding how you would access that data....