View Full Version : Single Player LFG (Pathfinder 1st edition)

April 23rd, 2021, 10:48
Background: Moderate level of experience with the game. Currently running Kingmaker with some buddies and really miss being a player for once.

Style: Big fan of the GCP. I think they’re 50/50 in the seriousness-silliness slider. I probably bring more of a 40/60 type of energy to the table (40 serious, 60 silly)*

Looking for: Any first edition Pathfinder module, AP, or PFS (never done that, could be cool)

Role to play: Honestly, it’s been so long since I got to actually play that I think I would happily enjoy anything. I often make characters in hero lab for fun, when I’m getting that itch to play and can’t. So at this point I would be ready to excitedly jump into almost any type of role/class.

Time zone: GMT+3 (currently, and for the next few months, quite free)

*silliness can be toned down if offensive or too annoying, haha