View Full Version : Token title/name font size?

April 10th, 2021, 09:31
Simple question, is there any way in FG: Classic (5E) to increase just the font size of token titles when Show name: Title is enabled in Options? I know /scaleui increases everything, but I don't want to change everything, everything else is fine. It's JUST the title label font sizes that are super tiny to read, unless you zoom in really close. See attachment for example. An extension that does this would also be fine, if someone could direct me to one.



April 10th, 2021, 10:02
Like most token widgets they scale to the token size. You could effectively get them much bigger by having smaller token sizes, however then the letters are just truncated and clipped. I've always found the "Tooltip" setting to be the best. IE in the picture these are tokens scaled to 32 on a 25 pixel grid.

April 10th, 2021, 10:48
Hmm, I didn't realize they were scaled to token size4 If there's no other way to tinker with the font sizes, then at least I can release token scale (so the tokens go huge), then zoom in until the title font sizes are what I'm looking for, lock tokens, then manually scale the tokens the rest of the way. A bit clunky, but if nothing else this is a possible workaround. :D

April 10th, 2021, 10:50
To change the scale add one token to the map and then right click and select release token scale. Right click again and select lock token scale. Then delete the token and then replace it onto the map. This should then reset the scale for that an any future tokens.

April 10th, 2021, 10:52
Thanks Zacchaeus, I just had a similar idea to use token scaling to accomplish this after reading Griogre's feedback. The end result is much better IMO!