View Full Version : (5e d&d) (Sunday) LFG experienced player looking to relax and have a fun time.

March 31st, 2021, 12:25
Hello. Was pokeing my head in here looking for a game for my sunday nights. I have gotten most of my amazeing groups here in Fantasy Grounds forums and hopeing to find another wild adventure to join.

My time zone is CST and i would prefer games that start later then 5pm but wont argue with earlier just might be a bit tired given my schedule.

Despite haveing a ton of knowledge on the game I will admit to being shy for the first few sesions usually as it takes a second for me to grow comfortable around a group of people.

Now as far as modules i have done.
Curse of strahd, storm kings thunder, tomb of annilation, dungeon of the mad mage, and descent into avernus (ohh boy was descent dissapointing.... that module...) and im mid playing some of the candlekeep mysteries things.

I love homebrew campaigns and would be delighted in joining one but also will play in a module. I wouldnt mind joining something more long term actually..

Im willing to help a newer dm as im very well versed in the rules but also completely okay with a dm chunking out the ones they dont like or changeing them without arguing aslong as it isnt detrimental to everyones fun. Ive dmed a few things myself (the dungeon of the mad mage one was a thing i ran along with a theros campaign and a few homebrews.)

Hope to meet a good group of new friends see you out on the fields of battle!