View Full Version : Effect Automation - How to programm an effect invisible for players

March 28th, 2021, 19:45
Hi there!

My intention is to program effects that only a gm can see. I know there is a button in the combat tracker that switches from "visible" to "GM" if you click on it.
I want to program such effects in the automation field of a creature (like special diseases, etc.), so I can use them from combat tracker without the players knowing to be infested (until the first sickened occurs and the like).
Filth fever for example has a carrier time of 1d4 hours in stage 1 without any negative effects. I donīt want my players to know about this disease until it breaks out or a character with the appropriate ability detects it by spell or skill.

So, is there any command in brackets after the effect like for duration (e.g. [D: 10]) to make an effect invisible for players?

March 28th, 2021, 20:16
Not sure it can be done, it's not documented in the effects wiki as far as I've seen.

Advanced Effects has the ability to set an effect (on an item) to GM only in the CT (provided the item is equipped in the character sheet) but I it's in the extension code that automates it.

March 28th, 2021, 20:42
Yes, the wiki is very incomplete because of the early access status. I know and the duration command I mentioned isnīt mentioned there neither so I am hoping there is also one for the visibility.
The mentioned extension is definitely of no help for me but thanks!

March 28th, 2021, 22:03
The NPC ability automation is documented in the Google doc linked in this thread: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?64192-Pathfinder-Second-Edition-Bestiaries-and-Automation

It's not currently in the Wiki because this document is constantly changing; changes to the FG Wiki take a number of days to implement. Once the code stabilizes then it will be added to the Wiki. For now, use the document - but keep in mind that some of the functionality might only be in the test channel. The PF2 ruleset is constantly undergoing development, but it's not considered "early access".

I'll add a [GM] tag to the "Effect" NPC ability automation. This will go into the test channel with the R18t7 release in the next couple of days.

March 28th, 2021, 22:03
Create the effect that you want in the effects dialog. Click the eye icon to the right of the line and then drag it onto the character. It will be invisible to the player(s) but still visible to the DM

March 29th, 2021, 20:50
I'll add a [GM] tag to the "Effect" NPC ability automation. This will go into the test channel with the R18t7 release in the next couple of days.

Great! So I am looking forward for this new feature. Thanks!

March 29th, 2021, 20:54
Create the effect that you want in the effects dialog. Click the eye icon to the right of the line and then drag it onto the character. It will be invisible to the player(s) but still visible to the DM

Thank you, but I knew this feature already and it is not what I am looking for. I want to code an effect for the automation of creature abilitiess that appear as clickable (or drag and dropable) effect in the combat tracker.
The [GM] tag that Trenloe now is adding for testing is exactly what I wanted. Thanks all for the rapid answers!