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View Full Version : looking to join a game.

March 27th, 2021, 22:12
i am looking to join in a game, the games i am looking to want to if posable is VTM or D&D, but will be open to any other type. i have Fantasy grounds on steam as well, and have discord, just message and i will send you my info so we can talk about the game.

March 28th, 2021, 05:47
Hello Shadowsaber. I recently had to kick a player that wasn't showing up to sessions. I'm running D&D 5e on FG Unity, and we use Microsoft Teams for audio chat. I supply all paid content. At this time, we are playing every other Saturday evening. That will likely change as warmer weather comes along.

I'm looking for a player that can take a pre-rolled character and run with it. I need front-line combatants, and have several that be chosen from. My DM style is primarily 'railroad', as this story arc has definite goals. The party is currently 6 players, all 3rd level.

Let me know

April 2nd, 2021, 23:24
Hey, shadowsaber27,

I was wondering if you would be interested in joining my game (assuming you haven't already found the game that fits you). I am starting a Call of Cthulhu 7th edition (an RPG based upon the works of H.P. Lovecraft and his associates). The game is a LONG campaign, and I would prefer it if you could make it through the whole thing. Additionally, we will be meeting weekly, although the date is TBD. Although, if you're uninterested in gaming with minors (individuals >18), I'm not your guy, seeing as I'm 15. The game system is VERY SIMPLE, and easy to learn, and I don't expect you to read any quickstart rulebooks or any of that beforehand.
Also, just a bit of info on the game's setting -- it takes place in the 1920s, all over the world. The main "villains" of the campaign are the Cthulhu Mythos, and their cults. If you have no idea what the "Cthulhu Mythos" is, it is basically a group of deities and monsters who are so horrible and inconceivable that even just knowing about them threatens to shatter one's sanity. Even just witnessing one can send you into a nervous breakdown, or even cause a normally-heroic individual to cower in a corner until it passes.

So if you're interested, join the discord server (click here (https://discord.gg/HsZcer2775)), or just send me a friend request via Discord (Ethanos#2119).
