View Full Version : LFG 5e Experienced DM new to FG looking for players for Tales from the Yawning Portal

March 26th, 2021, 05:07
Hello friends, my name his John, and I've been playing dnd for 15 years, mostly DMing. I also have a lot of experience DMing online on roll20, and I've recently started to migrate to FG. I am using fantasy grounds Unity.

If you'd like an idea of my DM style, I have several old campaigns I've recorded on youtube:


I'm am interested in running each of the seven modules in Tales from the Yawning Portal in an episodic fashion, 2-5 sessions per module. This will be the first game I'm DMing on the FG platform, so bear in mind that I'm still trying to get my bearings, and may need to stop the game at times to learn the system. The party size for the first game will be capped at 4 players, and they start at level 1. The adventures in Yawning portal are classic dnd modules, e.g. dead in thay and tomb of horrors, updated for 5th edition, so if you are very familiar with them and can't resist spoiling or metagaming, then you may not want to join this game. (I know I've have that problem, which is why I'm DMing this, not playing.)

I haven't committed to a schedule yet, and this depends on others' availability, but it will be either Tuesdays or Thursdays, 2-3 weeks a month, 6-10PM EDT (UHC-4) starting in April, as my own work schedule allows.

If interested, please post below or private message me and answer the following questions:

1. What is your experience with 5e and with fantasy grounds?
2. Rank in order of importance to you as a player: combat & character building, roleplaying, exploration & world immersion
3. What is your availability? The game will be run in episodes, each containing one of its seven modules. you don't have to commit to the entire campaign, but I will need you to show up for anywhere from two to five sessions it would take to complete each module?
4. A call has gone out for adventurers willing to risk their lives for epic renown and innumerable treasures to come to Waterdeep, to seek a man named Durnan who owns the Yawning Portal Inn. Your squishy level 1 character has just walked through the doors of the inn looking to meet Durnan and answer the summons. The inn's taproom is bustling with activity as waitresses and patrons stumble about. A variety of oddities adorn the taproom walls on display as trophies, including a shining piece of magical parchment, a mummified clawed hand, a lute with missing strings, and a sealed vial of writhing magical tentacles. In the back of the taproom, you notice a closed door with a sign posted above it "ROPE TO UNDERMOUNTAIN, 1 gold piece. This establishment is not responsible for death, curses, magical imprisonment, and dismemberment of any of its patrons who choose to enter Undermountain. You do so at your own risk!" Amid the hustle, a middled aged human male with thick chops dressed in a bartender's apron comes out from a storeroom. he eyes you up and down and says, "The name's Durnan. And who might you be? Are you here for the summons?" Please describe your character and how the scene plays out.
5. What is your Discord ID? you may send through PM if you wish.

March 26th, 2021, 15:36
This is very interesting, PMing discord but I will answer your questions here.

1. I have been playing D&D since 1e, including any CRPG based on the ruleset that I could get my hands. I subscribed to Dragon magazine back in the day and couldn't get enough reading material. I am fairly competent with 5e, have played in FGU and am in a sandbox campaign on Saturdays. I am trying to teach myself 5e effects scripting on FG. I have taken several classed in FG College and plan on taking more but am fairly new to FG, a couple months.
2. exploration & world immersion, combat & character building, Role Playing, but they are all important to the overall experience
3. I am in EST (-4 UTC now because of EDT) I am available pretty much every evening but Sat. and am looking for a long term game.
4. Very nice intro
5.Pming discord I enjoy your youtube video, I like the way you are prompting your players to show them the style you want and draw out their more specific reactions. I generally play NG and dislike playing evil. Thanks

March 26th, 2021, 17:08
Hello, KliquidK, and welcome to Fantasy Grounds. I also enjoy Roll20, but like the functionality of Fantasy Grounds more - it's always good to see new GMs/players. Also, I enjoy the dynamic of small-party groups, as it keeps things flowing -- though admittedly it can make things more difficult if 'real life' strikes one of the participants.

1. I have played most versions of D&D (excluding 4E) and have been playing 5E since the books came out. Before we moved a year ago, I played with a bi-weekly group. I have run a (converted 2E) module in Fantasy Grounds Unity, and have played in a couple of games using the platform as well.

2. Of your list, the most important elements of the game to me are: roleplaying, exploration, character building, combat, world immersion. If the choices had included 'group immersion' I would have ranked that considerably higher.

3. What is your availability? I have flexible availability and do my best to be available (barring illness or emergency) to any time period I've committed to. Not only do I enjoy playing, courtesy to the GM and players is important to me.

4. Lynne stopped just outside the doorway of the Yawning Portal, adjusting the strap of her pack as she took it all in. Waterdeep was bigger than she'd thought it would be, much bigger. Part of her wondered if she should have listened to her grandmother and stayed put in Thundertree, but Lurue had called her, and she had answered the calling. She owed it to her goddess, her mentor, and herself to get out into the world and see what it had to offer ... and what she had to offer it.

With that in mind, she put aside her nervousness and walked boldly up to the door, and entered before she let doubts eat away at her resolve. Her eyes widened as she looked about -- there were more people in the Yawning Portal than had been in her town on market day, or so it seemed. She gripped her pack a little tighter, and stared at the items displayed on the wall, buying herself a little time in the hopes that what she should do next would become evident. Besides, the items were interesting. What had the clawed hand once belonged to, and was it displayed to give the forces of the dark warning? Fortunately, the answer to what came next strode up, wearing an apron and an oddly shaped beard.

Trying to hide her nerves, Lynne nodded firmly. "Yes, I'm here for the summons. I'm Lynne. Lynne Bernard." More seemed to be required to add substance to her suitability, but the speeches she'd rehearsed on the journey seemed to have gotten lost along the way. "A healer of Lurue. From Whitetree."

Before setting out, she had stared at herself long in her mentor's mirror, thrilled at the image of a capable adventurer that stared back at her. The scales of her new mail shirt had glittered in the moon's light, and the mace affixed to her belt gave off the aura of capable confidence. Her small shield had been polished, as had her boots. Now, she knew, those boots, and the rest of her, was dusty and spattered from travel, and she worried that she looked more like a country mouse than an adventuring cleric. Everyone had to start somewhere, and this was where her story started. She smiled, and held out her hand, fingers open and slightly splayed. "Are there others here? I do hope that I'm not too late."

5. Gypsy#4963

March 26th, 2021, 17:15
4. Lynne stopped just outside the doorway of the Yawning Portal, adjusting the strap of her pack as she took it all in. Waterdeep was bigger than she'd thought it would be, much bigger. Part of her wondered if she should have listened to her grandmother and stayed put in Thundertree, but Lurue had called her, and she had answered the calling. She owed it to her goddess, her mentor, and herself to get out into the world and see what it had to offer ... and what she had to offer it.

With that in mind, she put aside her nervousness and walked boldly up to the door, and entered before she let doubts eat away at her resolve. Her eyes widened as she looked about -- there were more people in the Yawning Portal than had been in her town on market day, or so it seemed. She gripped her pack a little tighter, and stared at the items displayed on the wall, buying herself a little time in the hopes that what she should do next would become evident. Besides, the items were interesting. What had the clawed hand once belonged to, and was it displayed to give the forces of the dark warning? Fortunately, the answer to what came next strode up, wearing an apron and an oddly shaped beard.

Trying to hide her nerves, Lynne nodded firmly. "Yes, I'm here for the summons. I'm Lynne. Lynne Bernard." More seemed to be required to add substance to her suitability, but the speeches she'd rehearsed on the journey seemed to have gotten lost along the way. "A healer of Lurue. From Whitetree."

Before setting out, she had stared at herself long in her mentor's mirror, thrilled at the image of a capable adventurer that stared back at her. The scales of her new mail shirt had glittered in the moon's light, and the mace affixed to her belt gave off the aura of capable confidence. Her small shield had been polished, as had her boots. Now, she knew, those boots, and the rest of her, was dusty and spattered from travel, and she worried that she looked more like a country mouse than an adventuring cleric. Everyone had to start somewhere, and this was where her story started. She smiled, and held out her hand, fingers open and slightly splayed. "Are there others here? I do hope that I'm not too late."

That was a great response! Good story telling...bravo!

March 27th, 2021, 08:04
That is a very good response to the question, Shannara. If we do end up playing, you may have an inspiration point for that! I sent you both friend requests.

boom shakalaka
March 27th, 2021, 23:01
very interested. pm sent.

March 28th, 2021, 00:14
Hello. My name is Josiah. I have been playing 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons for a few years on and off. I even played a campaign DM'ed by John one time.
I like the role playing aspect of the game and the world immersion. Next on my list would be the character growth/building both statistics wise and character development. The combat is the last thing , however I do find it fun depending on the campaign and he characters and I think it can be a great tool for all of the above! I believe out of all of those things the best ones are the ones that serve he story the most in whatever given situation.
I am currently available on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
I have yet to make my character... Will update you on that.
My Discord ID is JosiahJimy#6009.

March 28th, 2021, 00:36
I'm free on tuesday and thrusday and I'm open to either depending on people's availability. we can discuss it in the discord chat. of course, if there are a lot of people interested I could always run two games, although i'm tryin not to overcommit and then burn out on my very first FG campaign. :)

March 28th, 2021, 00:42
Hello KliquidK, I am also new to FG, heck I am new to DnD completely. The YT algorithm kept sending me fantasy RP content and it has sparked my interest to find a group to try and play. I figured to DND is a good way to use my creative and social side. Hope that the group that you are trying to build is willing to accept a noob. Anyways let get to your 5 points. I may not be a wordsmith like Shannara so lets see.

1. Noob, never played, however read thought Basic rules pdf, and watch a many tutorials on DnD(character creation, role playing, etc) and your video. the same can be said for FG and did some testing with the demo version.
2. It is hard to rank since actual experience would develop my preferences but my guess is roleplaying, exploration & world immersion, combat & character building.
3. Live in EST with normal 9-5 job, therefore Weekdays would be ideal except Wednesday.
4. From the corner of the room of the Yawning Portal Inn, Gilbarth keeps an eye on the closed door to Undermountain as he assess those that claim to be there for the summons. He thinks to himself “Are you strong enough? Will you be able protect yourselves, or will I have to protect you. I know my bow has range but…an arrow can only go so far. There are unknown creatures out there and I have fought some of them. However this summons makes me think there are creatures much more dangerous then what I have faced.” He looks and sees one young adventurer report to the bartender with a look of nervousness in their eye. It is at this time this gruff old ranger, reaches down, grabs sack, looks back at the adventurer and says to himself, “You can’t help, if you are not there to take the shot.” He then downs his ale and heads over to the bartender

March 28th, 2021, 01:37
Hello KliquidK, I am also new to FG, heck I am new to DnD completely. The YT algorithm kept sending me fantasy RP content and it has sparked my interest to find a group to try and play. I figured to DND is a good way to use my creative and social side. Hope that the group that you are trying to build is willing to accept a noob. Anyways let get to your 5 points. I may not be a wordsmith like Shannara so lets see.

1. Noob, never played, however read thought Basic rules pdf, and watch a many tutorials on DnD(character creation, role playing, etc) and your video. the same can be said for FG and did some testing with the demo version.
2. It is hard to rank since actual experience would develop my preferences but my guess is roleplaying, exploration & world immersion, combat & character building.
3. Live in EST with normal 9-5 job, therefore Weekdays would be ideal except Wednesday.
4. From the corner of the room of the Yawning Portal Inn, Gilbarth keeps an eye on the closed door to Undermountain as he assess those that claim to be there for the summons. He thinks to himself “Are you strong enough? Will you be able protect yourselves, or will I have to protect you. I know my bow has range but…an arrow can only go so far. There are unknown creatures out there and I have fought some of them. However this summons makes me think there are creatures much more dangerous then what I have faced.” He looks and sees one young adventurer report to the bartender with a look of nervousness in their eye. It is at this time this gruff old ranger, reaches down, grabs sack, looks back at the adventurer and says to himself, “You can’t help, if you are not there to take the shot.” He then downs his ale and heads over to the bartender

Thanks for your interest, Jonithor, and thank you for the great character description. If we do play, you may start with an inspiration point!
I am always happy to introduce a player who is brand new to dnd or tabletop rpgs, especially if you've put in the effort to read through the basic rules.
However, being that we are both brand new to fantasy grounds, I would have to ask that you take the free fantasy grounds university classes on connecting to a game and building a character, otherwise we may get into a blind leading the blind situation if we encounter problems. send me your discord ID for a friend request.

March 29th, 2021, 02:50
UPDATE: Game times either Tuesday 4/6 or Thursday 4/8 (or possibly both). They will be 6PM-10PM EDT/NY (UTC-4). Tuesday's game may need start a hour later. The first adventure in the Yawning portal should take 3-5 sessions. The games may not take place every week, but should at least 2 weeks per month.

March 31st, 2021, 18:44
If times change to a later game (7 - 12pm) I'd be interested. Good gaming to you!

April 1st, 2021, 07:26
The tuesday night game changed to 7-730 start time. However, we are full, both games, right now. If a spot opens up in the future I'll make a post!

The yawning portal is a collection of separate adventures, rather than a campaign. each adventure is several sessions. levels progression loosely lines up between adventures. I am ok with characters coming and going between adventures, although the players who want to stay are encouraged to keep playing their characters, and will keep all their treasure and storyline from the prior adventure, so it can feel like a campaign if that is how it evolves..

If anyone wants to answer the questions I posted originally and wait as an alternate for the next open spot, please send one!

April 1st, 2021, 17:06
Still very interested;

1. What is your experience with 5e and with fantasy grounds?
- I have played several 5e games and two Fantasy Grounds Classic games (both 5e). I have FGC and FGU Ultimates

2. Rank in order of importance to you as a player: combat & character building, roleplaying, exploration & world immersion
- Roleplaying #1, Exploration and World Immersion #2, Combat and Character building #3 (though I spend a lot of time on creation).

3. What is your availability? The game will be run in episodes, each containing one of its seven modules. you don't have to commit to the entire campaign, but I will need you to show up for anywhere from two to five sessions it would take to complete each module?
- Tuesday nights would be great.

4. A call has gone out for adventurers willing to risk their lives for epic renown and innumerable treasures to come to Waterdeep, to seek a man named Durnan who owns the Yawning Portal Inn. Your squishy level 1 character has just walked through the doors of the inn looking to meet Durnan and answer the summons. The inn's taproom is bustling with activity as waitresses and patrons stumble about. A variety of oddities adorn the taproom walls on display as trophies, including a shining piece of magical parchment, a mummified clawed hand, a lute with missing strings, and a sealed vial of writhing magical tentacles. In the back of the taproom, you notice a closed door with a sign posted above it "ROPE TO UNDERMOUNTAIN, 1 gold piece. This establishment is not responsible for death, curses, magical imprisonment, and dismemberment of any of its patrons who choose to enter Undermountain. You do so at your own risk!" Amid the hustle, a middled aged human male with thick chops dressed in a bartender's apron comes out from a storeroom. he eyes you up and down and says, "The name's Durnan. And who might you be? Are you here for the summons?" Please describe your character and how the scene plays out.
- Fayde looks takes a casual look around the inn and then looks Durnan directly in the eyes. "Here for the summons? No dear friend, I am here for the treasure. Now, what do you have in the way of drinks?" Fayde lightly drums his fingers on the pommel of one of his two swords and a half smile creeps over his face as he imagines all the ways he can spend his gold.....

5. What is your Discord ID? you may send through PM if you wish.
- Omalus

April 2nd, 2021, 15:53
Still very interested;

1. What is your experience with 5e and with fantasy grounds?
- I have played several 5e games and two Fantasy Grounds Classic games (both 5e). I have FGC and FGU Ultimates

2. Rank in order of importance to you as a player: combat & character building, roleplaying, exploration & world immersion
- Roleplaying #1, Exploration and World Immersion #2, Combat and Character building #3 (though I spend a lot of time on creation).

3. What is your availability? The game will be run in episodes, each containing one of its seven modules. you don't have to commit to the entire campaign, but I will need you to show up for anywhere from two to five sessions it would take to complete each module?
- Tuesday nights would be great.

4. A call has gone out for adventurers willing to risk their lives for epic renown and innumerable treasures to come to Waterdeep, to seek a man named Durnan who owns the Yawning Portal Inn. Your squishy level 1 character has just walked through the doors of the inn looking to meet Durnan and answer the summons. The inn's taproom is bustling with activity as waitresses and patrons stumble about. A variety of oddities adorn the taproom walls on display as trophies, including a shining piece of magical parchment, a mummified clawed hand, a lute with missing strings, and a sealed vial of writhing magical tentacles. In the back of the taproom, you notice a closed door with a sign posted above it "ROPE TO UNDERMOUNTAIN, 1 gold piece. This establishment is not responsible for death, curses, magical imprisonment, and dismemberment of any of its patrons who choose to enter Undermountain. You do so at your own risk!" Amid the hustle, a middled aged human male with thick chops dressed in a bartender's apron comes out from a storeroom. he eyes you up and down and says, "The name's Durnan. And who might you be? Are you here for the summons?" Please describe your character and how the scene plays out.
- Fayde looks takes a casual look around the inn and then looks Durnan directly in the eyes. "Here for the summons? No dear friend, I am here for the treasure. Now, what do you have in the way of drinks?" Fayde lightly drums his fingers on the pommel of one of his two swords and a half smile creeps over his face as he imagines all the ways he can spend his gold.....

5. What is your Discord ID? you may send through PM if you wish.
- Omalus

The tuesday game is 7pm, but I can't promise you a spot to play in the future unless someone else leaves. It's tempting as the DM to just accept everyone interested, but my instincts are telling me to keep the group size small. I've been involved in way too many games that were well intentioned, but ended up with 8-10 players, half of which are new and still trying to figure out some rules, and devolved into a crappy experience for all, whereas, it's not too hard to make adjustments on the fly to run a great game for just 2 players if the opposite becomes true, so I'll have to stick to my chops on keeping the group size where I originally set it for this adventure. I'll consider opening another spot to 5 players on the next adventure. If a spot opens up either way, you would be first in line.

April 2nd, 2021, 16:56
brand new to D&D in 4e when my friend ran his own campaign. ... play D&D, but I was the only one with any prior experience, so I became the DM

April 2nd, 2021, 18:30
Thanks, keep me posted.

April 13th, 2021, 23:07
I am interested in this or some other game in the future

1. I have played a few 5e games, and I have played 1 game on fantasy grounds

2. combat & character building, exploration & world immersion, exploration

3. I am available most of the time

4. A call has gone out for adventurers willing to risk their lives for epic renown and innumerable treasures to come to Waterdeep, to seek a man named Durnan who owns the Yawning Portal Inn. Your squishy level 1 character has just walked through the doors of the inn looking to meet Durnan and answer the summons. The inn's taproom is bustling with activity as waitresses and patrons stumble about. A variety of oddities adorn the taproom walls on display as trophies, including a shining piece of magical parchment, a mummified clawed hand, a lute with missing strings, and a sealed vial of writhing magical tentacles. In the back of the taproom, you notice a closed door with a sign posted above it "ROPE TO UNDERMOUNTAIN, 1 gold piece. This establishment is not responsible for death, curses, magical imprisonment, and dismemberment of any of its patrons who choose to enter Undermountain. You do so at your own risk!" Amid the hustle, a middled aged human male with thick chops dressed in a bartender's apron comes out from a storeroom. he eyes you up and down and says, "The name's Durnan. And who might you be? Are you here for the summons?" Please describe your character and how the scene plays out.

"Who am I, well my good sir I am William D'Tanion." He says with a bow sweeping his large feathered hat from his head. Durnan shrugs. "William D'Tanion, thee William D'Tanion." no look of recognition crosses Durnans face. "The William D'Tanion that saved Countess Regalia from John the Red, who defeated the orc pirate king Blacktusk in single combat, killer of villians and savior of damsels. Surely you have heard of that?" Durnan shakes his head. "Interesting, it seems my fame has yet to make it here to this great city, no matter soon my legendary deeds will be sung by bards and minstrels all over this fair city" William swipes an ale tankard from the tray of a passing waitress and gives her a big wink when she turns to glare at him. "Well then my good man" William says to Durnan "I am here to answer the summons" he hops up nibly onto a table, whipping out his rapier he raises it to the ceeling and holds out his tankard of ale, raising his voice to be heard above the crowd he yells "For gold and glory" "For gold and glory" the patrons roar in response.

"I AM GORTHUNK SON OF CRUSHER" the monstrous halforc roars, spittle flying as he bangs on what looks to be part of a door tied to his chest with thick ropes. "THIS IS CRUSH" he roars as he pulls a iron banded greatclub from his back. "WE GO DOWN HOLE, CRUSH MONSTERS"

5. What is your Discord ID? you may send through PM if you wish.

I watched your yourtube, I like your playstyle

April 15th, 2021, 00:16
Thanks for your interest and great in character response. Unfortunately, we are still full right now, and a few others interested once a spot opens up. If one does, I'll make sure to send you a pm.

I am streaming my tuesday games and will upload them on youtube later.


April 15th, 2021, 01:19
1. What is your experience with 5e and with fantasy grounds?
A. Recently played about 5 sessions of 5e on FGU. Lately been messing around w/coding and module building. Long time player and DM in earlier versions, from B/X through 2e (i.e., since 1981).

2. Rank in order of importance to you as a player: combat & character building, roleplaying, exploration & world immersion
A. World immersion, exploration, roleplay, and combat/character building.

3. What is your availability? The game will be run in episodes, each containing one of its seven modules. you don't have to commit to the entire campaign, but I will need you to show up for anywhere from two to five sessions it would take to complete each module?
A. Prefer 7-10 EDT most nights. Fridays are best, but open to any, if the opportunity presents itself. I work early mornings, so I don't play into the wee hours. Left the recent game I mentioned above because I had a hard time staying up until midnight & waking up at 0-dark-30.

4. A call has gone out for adventurers willing to risk their lives for epic renown and innumerable treasures to come to Waterdeep, to seek a man named Durnan who owns the Yawning Portal Inn. Your squishy level 1 character has just walked through the doors of the inn looking to meet Durnan and answer the summons. The inn's taproom is bustling with activity as waitresses and patrons stumble about. A variety of oddities adorn the taproom walls on display as trophies, including a shining piece of magical parchment, a mummified clawed hand, a lute with missing strings, and a sealed vial of writhing magical tentacles. In the back of the taproom, you notice a closed door with a sign posted above it "ROPE TO UNDERMOUNTAIN, 1 gold piece. This establishment is not responsible for death, curses, magical imprisonment, and dismemberment of any of its patrons who choose to enter Undermountain. You do so at your own risk!" Amid the hustle, a middled aged human male with thick chops dressed in a bartender's apron comes out from a storeroom. he eyes you up and down and says, "The name's Durnan. And who might you be? Are you here for the summons?" Please describe your character and how the scene plays out.

"'ello, Durnan," Mickel said. "'ow's tricks? Don't s'pose you 'member me. 'aven't been up t' Castle Ward in an age. Not since I was a li'l skinnah. Mostly 'ang about in the North Ward now, when I'm not at the Sleeping Snake."

Durnan eyed him. Standing just over 15 hands tall, the skinny youth had dark, unevenly cut hair hanging loosely over his brow and barely covering his ears, slightly pointed. Cheap clothes, poorly fitted - not manor-born, this one - Durnan decided he must be a native, and likely one of the countless denizens of the Dock Ward having a preference for dark alley dealings.

"No," he said. "Can't say I do. But so many pass through, and Waterdeep's big. So, are you here for the summons, or a drink? I'm a busy man, you know. Many to tend to." He stepped off in the direction of the bar, Mickel in tow.

"Depends, mate," Mickel said. "Any others lookin'? Can't go by meself. I may be 'andy enough wif a blade, but I likes a more quiet-like approach, y'know?" He leaned against the bar as Durnan moved to serve others already standing there. Looking around the taproom he considered the patrons. Many were clearly travelers, well-armed adventurers here to test their mettle. Others were quite obviously regulars; ever-curious Waterdhavians come to catch sight of the next company of fools to try their luck.

"Always," said Durnan, suddenly at his shoulder. "That group over there, for one. And that one too. Either might be looking to add someone of your, um, talents, to their number." Mickel regarded both groups, sizing them up. "Ye'll want to behave yourself, though. The adventuring types who come to my door don't take kindly to sneak thieves and cowards."

Mickel turned sharply, frowning. "Oi! Not nice, Durnan," he said indignantly. "I ain't no coward! And if I wanted their pretties I weren't be standin' 'ere talkin' t' you!" He paused. "No, I want somefin' more, and if it means a chance to get out of the city for a bit, so much the better." He thought for a moment and decided. "They look likely. Thanks, mate."

With that, he strode toward the group he'd chosen. Maybe they'd be willing to take him on.

5. What is your Discord ID? you may send through PM if you wish.
A. jcsamuelson#2543

I hope you'll let me know if a slot comes open. Thanks for your time!

September 27th, 2021, 07:41
Hello everyone,

I cast Raise Dead on this thread, because we just had a player drop out in our Thursday (not Tuesday) game. As previously stated in this thread, the game takes place 6-10 EST/EDT, average 2-3 times a month (the weeks that I am able to run the game varies due to my sporadic work schedule), the next game will be 10/7, and we are playing Tales from the Yawning Portal (presently starting the 3rd adventure in the series. I have recorded games from both groups here:


I know that there is always a lack of DMs and it's often hard to find a game to join, but sometimes in a rush to just join a game and play, you end up with a group that doesn't fit your play style. For instance, you may be hardcore on following rules, low fantasy, no exotic races, etc, and you join a game that is wild in genre, everyone is a warforged, it's loose with rules and full of house rules etc. You may be a powergamer that joins a group that spends half the session roleplaying by small-talking in the tavern. That's why I recommend you watch some of our games before you decide you want to play. The games recorded for "The forge of Fury" is the actual party the new player will be joining, minus the player that just left. If you watch some of them, you'll know exactly what you're siging up for!

I know there were many interested players when I first started the campaign, and I will definitely give you first consideration if you posted here or messaged me previously; however, my priority is to find a player that is a good fit. The Thursday group is good-aligned and very roleplay and narrative heavy; we do a lot of character development and we very rooted in and honor FR setting and lore. We are looking to find someone likeminded. The group is need of a tanky character, but that is not an absolute requirement, as well as someone with good leadership skills and wants to play a character that will eventually settle into a leadership role. If you're still interested, please let me know what your character concept is.