View Full Version : setAnchor script command?

July 7th, 2007, 12:26
Hi all,
Sorry if it's a dumb question but does anyone have the particulars on the setAnchor command (examples from "adventure_npcs.xml" below). In particular, what is each field for and what are the acceptable values for each? Any help would be much appreciated.

setAnchor("top", "specialqualities", "bottom", "absolute", 17);
setAnchor("left", anchor[1], "right", "relative", 5);
setAnchor("left", "specialqualities", "left", "absolute", -2);

For info, I'm trying to revise the stock NPC form to match the Star Wars Saga Edition statblock format. In my revision the saves (defenses in SE) would come at the top of a sheet, but this script wants to anchor to the bottom of a control. I'd like to make the saves at the top and then have controls that follow anchor off of them. I'm not quite understanding anchoring yet.


Edit: Nevermind...found the info in the reference documentation (bit hard to navigate, that). Though any tips on understanding anchoring would be appreciated :)

July 7th, 2007, 13:31
Heh, maybe not so hard to figure out after all. Woohoo. Screenshots attached. Not completely done but getting the saves and ability scores to cooperate with my layout was the hardest part. The rest, I think, is cake.

NB: The frame is temporary...background image won't overlap like that when I'm done with it.

Edit: Little update. Posted shots of the roughly finished npc sheets in the gallery: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?p=44962#post44962