View Full Version : Two groups needing more players

March 25th, 2021, 02:14
I'm running two 5e games.

The first is a sunday game, 2pm cst to 5 pm. We're playing modules in The Yawning Portal, and had two people drop out, the first because he got a job that works on sunday, and the second because he was so enthralled about me talking about how much I love GMing he decided he wants to try it himself.


anyway, I didnt mind the first one, but the second one brought our player count a little low, so I need to add one. Admittedly, we have a possible we are talking to, but he has to ask his wife.

Hm. :)

If you are accepted to the sunday group, there is a single specific stipulation for a character, mostly as a joke; see, completely by accident, everyone ended up making either a gnome, dwarf, or halfling. So you will be likewise restricted as we decided this is the Shortie Adventuring Guild!

Anyway, the second one hasnt gotten off the ground yet. Two of my sunday players are joining this one, but the others cant make it. It will be more of an original set of adventures in a custom home world. I'm allowing anything in print out of official books as long as I own it. There are a couple I don't such as Tashas, but I own most of them. That game will be Wednesdays from 8pm to about 11 pm cst. I need about three people for that one.

So, interested in either? let me know!

boom shakalaka
March 25th, 2021, 03:14
pm sent re: wednesday

March 25th, 2021, 19:41
I would love to play in your wednesday game, if you still have any openings. I own almost all the books including several other classes and found out those classes are not fully supported code effect wise.

Irish Sailor
March 25th, 2021, 21:38
PM sent about the Sunday game

March 26th, 2021, 00:08
ok i've received about 5 PMs here; I'm having a crazy week so I'll probably process everything this weekend.

However, I will tell you this, the sunday game is a little more iffy on availability as we are waiting to hear from one person. Depending on his answer, I MAY be able to accept one to two people. Since two people asked specifically about that one, if this guy doesn't choose to join I might be able to accept both of you.

As for the Wednesday game, I'm looking for three people, so a bit more open spots there; again, crazy week, will process this weekend.

March 29th, 2021, 05:02
My apologies everyone, I had a small family emergency, my mother in law needed an operation. Nothing life threatening as it was a SMALL family emergency, but we had to get her out of the hospital and here at the house where we can take care of her.

I'm going to dedicate myself to getting to all the messages tomorrow. We ARE actually recruiting one person for the sunday game; we werent sure, but the one guy fell through, apparently disc golf was more important, lol

I also have a rather messy but hopefully informative document for my wednesday game's setting. I will dispense that to those I recruit for the wedneday game.

TTY tomorrow evening!

March 30th, 2021, 02:41
So, wow, I had as many people for the sunday game, that really only had one slot, as i had for the wednesday game, which has 5!

So, had four each for the sunday and wednesday game, and two people that could do either.

I really can only accept one for the Sunday game. Sorry about that. I MIGHT be able to squeeze in two. I'm going to go through and read the messages from everyone and possibly send out replies asking more info. I'm re reading all the messages now.

March 30th, 2021, 22:28
Yes, I was asking to join the Wednesday game but I would only be able to play from 7-11pm cst. if that is not possible then my offer to you is I have an opening in my saturday game and an opening in my sunday game from 7-11pm cst for you Morfedel if you are interested. I am also talking to another DM, Icy....who is trying to find DM/Players to rotate out. As you are a DM, Icy is a DM, I am a DM, I do not see any reason why we could not discuss getting together. If you are interested PM me.

March 30th, 2021, 23:31
I would be interested in joining your wednesday crew.

experience: 40+ years of D&D, various editions, as player & DM. 10 months on Fantasy Grounds Unity, as a DM, using 5e
FG Client: FG Unity, Ultimate subscription, with quite a bit of paid content
Timezone: Central Daylight Time
Audio Chat: Discord or MS Teams
Player Classes: I've played almost all Classes at one point or another. I have no issues with being front-line or whatever is needed.

Discord ID: Splatter #6677

March 30th, 2021, 23:46
I would also like to play with you but I do not have time:(((