View Full Version : European players?

March 21st, 2021, 16:41
Hello all

I'm an experienced DM, new to d&d though.
Before I start investing in D&D, I was wondering if there are European players here?
Interested in starting a close group to discover all the adventures of D&D?
I just like to discover all the adventures, don't care how many centuries it takes ;-)

Let me know!

About me?

I'm from Belgium, speak dutch and english, and i'm 36 years old.
Have played pathfinder, starfinder, Call of Cthulhu, ... and many more.

I like games were:
- People just go with the flow
- Are creative and are good at roleplaying (playing your character and act a bit)
- Are supportive towards each other
- Social and casual minded
- ...

March 21st, 2021, 20:23

Well there's one European player here, based in Ireland.

I've been playing and DMing online now for over a year now using FG but on and off as a player and a DM since the mid 80's in quite a number of systems. I'm also into board games and wargaming. Systems I play at the moment are 5E and CofC however I own Starfinder and the Traveller systems but not really played them but would be keen too. There are a few European games that come up every now and then but the main bulk of stuff is in the states but if you advertise a game I'm sure you wouldn't have a problem filling it.

If you ever decide to run either 5E, CoC or Starfinder game then drop me a PM and if it's on a night I'm free Ill join if that's ok.

March 22nd, 2021, 00:34
There are many Euro players here.
If you are planning to run a game you will find plenty of players.

March 22nd, 2021, 09:49
Norwegian player/DM here.

Been playing tabletops since 1990's. My first experience was the Middle Earth Roleplaying Game, and since that time I was hooked. Been DM'ing since that. Now I'm running 5E and it familiar with Pathfinder aswell

March 22nd, 2021, 10:49

Swiss player/DM here.

Actually running a weekly 5e homebrew campaign on FGU, interested in playing 5e/Traveller (never played)/CoC/PF/SF

March 22nd, 2021, 17:24

UK GM here.

Been running games since 1e AD&D with many, many systems since. Currently running PF2 on FGU with what was my regular face-to-face group until the world closed. Debating with myself about running a dedicated online game. likely also to be PF2 for now.

March 22nd, 2021, 19:43
Greetings from Greece too,
I'm also running a PF1 adventure path for my friends and would like to be a player. I'm familiar with CoC, DnD 5e but mostly PF1. I also have the Conan 2d20 and PF2 rulesets for FG besides the three I mentioned. I've played and DMed LMoP and also read Descend into Avernus in preparation for the next campaign I will run for my group.
If a steady group is formed GMs can rotate with different rulesets. Perhaps focus on the 5e campaigns with smaller adventures in between for different rulesets, as a break for both the players and the main GM.

March 22nd, 2021, 20:42
Hi all

Thanks for the reply; I set up a discord channel, so we can get a more focussed talk with all who is interested.
Join here: https://discord.gg/XUjXDuQk

Meanwhile I'm reading up and learn to use Unity FG (now have a standard account).
I knew the classic FG, so don't think it will be too hard to learn.

Hope to see you in discord.


Maglar The Red
May 20th, 2021, 23:22
well met Friends! ive just joined fgu
and im looking for a game as a player in 5e im in the uk ,i played a d and d years ago and would love to get back into it

May 20th, 2021, 23:43
Hi all,

I'm UK based and started out with the very first edition of D&D and played extensively as a player and DM until 2e AD&D. Have dabbled a little with Pathfinder and 5e recently and am looking for a group to play in regularly.
In addition to 5e and Pathfinder I would consider playing SWADE, Symbaroum, COC, 13th Age
I have an FGU ultimate licence and am fairly familiar with the software

May 23rd, 2021, 19:28
hello !

I'm from Europe too (France) and if you do 5e games at night I'd love to join ^^
I can every day of the week but Friday.
I tried to use your discord link but it wasn't valid anymore ^^'
if needed my discord tag is _Ara0n_#6105

May 24th, 2021, 01:23
I've joined the site after reading this thread and I wanted to reply. I used to DM as a child in the late 80's (Basic/ Expert). I loved it but I stopped playing 1990 (life events) and I've just come back to it after reading Fighting Fantasy Books with my young son. I've realised how much I've missed it! I'd love to join an international game.

I'm interested in D&D 5E, Lankhmar (any), Warhammer RPG (e.g Enemy Within), Call of Cthulhu, Alien RPG, Shadow of the Demonlord, D20 Midnight Setting, D20 The Black Company, Savage World Solomon Kane. But I'd consider any game and get my head around any system to join a good group/game.

I'm really interested in gritty, perilous settings and dark, dangerous cities (criminal underworlds, cults, political tyrants) alongside the fantastical and uncanny. I should add, I've never played any of these games. Just spent a lot of time looking and hoping to get a chance some day.

Could I join your Discord chat? My tag is Gruber McPhisto#9110

May 25th, 2021, 20:43
Hi Hi
I am from Ireland and have been running on FG now over a year since the pandemic caused us to move online. be great to get in and play some games i have been playing since the early 90s.
Would play any game system.

May 25th, 2021, 21:15
No available D&D games at this point.
Still looking for players for:
- Call of Cthulhu (Ready to be played)
- Alien RGP (coming to the tables in July)
- Traveller (Coming to the tables second half of the year)
- Vampire The Masquerade (Coming to the tables second half of the year).

Goal of my discord is to connect European players from same time zone to get easier games.
I DM most of the games, but longterm goal would be to have a good mix of DMs on the different systems.

How many players can join my Discord?
I'm very mindful about this. I go for quality above quantity.

I'm looking for players who are skilled at roleplaying, can stay in character, move a story forward, can do some improvisation theatre, ...
This might look like a high standard. Good... :)
Altough everyone is welcome, even if inexperienced, roleplaying on a higher quality can be learned, the most important thing is you are willing to learn/grow.
Basicly, if you are here to roll dice and wait for the DM to do all the work, this is not the place for you. If you think players should tell 60% of the story, and a session can be just some meaningful dialogues between players, than this is the place for you.

This link is 7 days active: https://discord.gg/JX8bdhmq