View Full Version : Feature suggestion - Custom bookmark "icons"

March 15th, 2021, 20:05
I think customizable bookmark "icons" would go a long way to keeping the UI engaging. Sets of, or individually imported bookmark images (token-sized, probably) that can link to a Story entry.

As in the board game Mansions of Madness - the computer app that goes with that -

Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition - Fantasy Flight Games (https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/478980/ss_ce4429bcea379708518b26b51bbbd2aa8535ca4a.1920x1 080.jpg?t=1604597917)

There we see a very visually engaging top-down room map with question mark Search tokens, Lanterns for exploration tokens, and the sort of Character or NPC token we're familiar with in FG.

What if the Search and Exploration tokens were merely customizable bookmark tokens that linked to Story entries? It differentiates the bookmarks visually . . . and to the client player they look like other tokens! They can see SOMETHING is there to test there to investigate or test their skills against, but they still have no clue what that is.

It just facilitates game play with the map A LOT. Mansions plays so smoothe and quick - in much the way I gather 5e is meant to flow along.

Squareware (or Squareworks?) works this same way. They differntiate the bookmarks with quick visual references.

It's very effective, I think. Humbly submitted for your approval - Bookmark Tokens.


March 15th, 2021, 20:21
Suggestions go in the idea informer (otherwise they'll get lost in the forums). Link in my signature. I think there may already be something similar there already that you can vote for.