View Full Version : LFP: Starfinder (Fly Free or Die book 1) Saturday 2.30/1.30 PM UTC

March 12th, 2021, 21:55
Due to some players not being able to join due to work commitments, we have 1-2 spots free.

The party just started book 1 of Fly Free or Die.

Game details:

Classic or Unity: Unity

FG License: GM has Ultimate

Game System: Starfinder

Time Zone: UTC+1 [UTC+2 in summer] (sessions will take place on the weekend though to accommodate more timezones)

Day of week and time: Usually Saturday afternoon 2.30 PM UTC [will change during the next month to 1.30 PM UTC due to summer timezone adjustments!]

Planned Duration & Frequency: 3+ hours, weekly (with some exceptions in case of holidays etc.)

Term: Long term (should we have enough reliable players - we've already played through Dead Suns, Against the Aeon Throne, book 1 of Signal of Screams and Attack of the Swarm)

Text or Voice: Voice

Voice software used: Usually Teamspeak, Discord is a back-up

Roleplay & Combat mix: Usually we aim for a mix of both, with this AP, we'll aim for a bit more RP (though be aware that some parts are more heavy on RP, some more on combat)

Number of Players in game & needed: Currently 4 players, 1-2 players still needed

Character starting level & equipment: Level 1, 1000 credits.

Character restrictions: The ground rule is that if it is SFS legal, it should be good, everything else should be discussed on an individual basis with the GM.

Character background: The PCs compose the crew of BD514, working for EJ Corp. They are small cogs in an uncaring machine, hoping to get lucky.

Details of your scenario: Fly Free or Die AP.

A crew of scoundrels, rogues, and misfits finds it hard to survive in a galaxy where everyone has a price.

Current party composition: One operative, one mystic, one biohacker, one solarian.

Campaign management: Partly Fantasy Grounds (Unity), partly Obsidian Portal.

Requirements: You should have FG (free demo version), Teamspeak and Discord installed, a free Obsidian Portal account, a decent headset and push-to-talk configured.

Expectations: You (and your character) should be able to be part of a team. Don't be disruptive to the game and don't disrespect the other players (including the GM). Once you agree to attend a session, short term cancellations should be avoided if possible. There are of course times when important real-life issues interfere but if do know that you'll likely not be able to make it, please give another player the chance to attend.

How to apply: Either write me a PM or reply here, including
* whether you are interested in the spot and whether you think you can attend regularly
* your UTC offset so I can be somewhat sure you know when the game starts
* a sentence about yourself and your idea for a character background (one short paragraph that consists of more than a description of your class and race)
* any other questions/comments/...

If you already know the plot of the later books of Fly Free or Die be sure to mention that. As long as you can separate player knowledge and character knowledge it would still be fine, though. I might ask you to let the other players take the lead on discussions you know the optimal solution of however.

March 13th, 2021, 00:31
Hello, My name is Lex, and I'm 38 years old. I am very interested in a Saturday Starfinder Campaign. I have been looking for one for awhile now. I am still relatively new to Starfinder, I've read most of the Core Rule, and bits and pieces of the other books(characters operations manual, aliens archive1-4, armory, near space, pact worlds, starship manual operations...ect.), but I have not branched out to the module books-didn't want to ruin it for myself. I have played in only one Starfinder campaign so far, and for only about 2 months. We used Fantasy grounds at the time, so I have 'some' knowledge with it, but ill probably still need to be reminded of things, here and there(I do consider myself a competent person however).

My Current timezone is in the US - PST/PSD; -8 GMT/UTC . Games will start at 6:30am for me.

Character Description is a bit more difficult for me. I have a couple Character concepts on the side, but I have not gone and added any details or backstory to them yet. I usually like to hear from my DM for which type of character the current group would benefit from, and then make my decision from there. Currently I have vague concepts for A Melee Focused Mystic Shobhad "Wrecking Fists"(pg. 76 Character Op. Ma.). A Soldier Suli with a love for grenades. A Raxilite Mechanic-with the mindset of being a "TANK" or AC junky(still not sure on this one, seems complicated to create effectively.) It seems the last one I currently have is a Tryzairka Bio-hacker, who it apears I did write some backstory for...its about 1 page, so id try not to bore you on the forums, so a summary of it is...he was aspring to be a docter, did some medical things that were frowned upon, got arrested, got conscripted by force, narrowly escapes the military in an escape pod, escape pod malfunctions and goes into Cryo-hibernation mode, character wakes up a couple hundreds years later(no exact time specified-wanted it to remain vague[will potentially use the GAP]).

I am certaintly open to creating a character that fits the partys needs more to, in fact I would prefer to do so. but whatever works for you, works for me.
I also sent you a message on discord, if you like, feel free to reply to me there, otherwise ill check back here when I can.