View Full Version : Feat tags

July 2nd, 2007, 08:48
Does anyone know what the following tags in the d20 feat definition are for?

<mult type="number">0</mult>
<stack type="number">0</stack>

I don't see a reference to them in reference_basicclasses.xml with the rest of the feat related stuff so I'm trying to figure out if these are just artifacts in the d20 example ruleset, or if they actually mean something to the FG2 internals.

July 2nd, 2007, 09:03
Heya :)

Basically they define whether or not if the feat stacks (like Toughness), or can be taken multiple times (like Weapon Focus).

I think they define it as a kind of off/on switch (0 for no stack/multiple, 1 for stacking and multiples)

Think that's about right anyways, or at least as near as I can figure out.

July 2nd, 2007, 11:07
Hmm, let me re-phrase. I understand what you're describing and assumed as much myself. What I'm trying to figure out from a ruleset hacking perspective is where they are defined. I expected to find them in reference_basicclasses.xml with the rest of the featitem and featitemcontent definitions but they are not there. Since they are not defined there, it raises two questions off the top of my head.

Can tags be used without definition and still allow FG to load the db.xml? It may be that these bits are defined elsewhere but that doesn't make a lot of sense.

Secondly, since I don't see any definition for these two fields, are they actually hard coded feats related bits internal to the FG2 software? This doesn't seem likely but without a definition elsewhere I have to wonder if it's part of some more complex logic built into the client that for some bizarre reason lua couldn't handle.

July 2nd, 2007, 14:13
My vote is that they are for functionality that was at one point intended but ended up never being used.

You can call a tag anything you want, as long as it doesn't collide with one of the special names that FG recognizes (such as having a tag called "script" inside a scriptable object, but then using it to hold some value that isn't a script). The tag then becomes available for the script to use or for a drag-drop copy operation, although in either case, you have to specially design the code so that it recognizes your tag.

July 2nd, 2007, 18:22
There is also the other possiblity that it was included for planned future upgrades so they would "magically" work when it is implemented - though Dachannien's idea is more likely.

July 2nd, 2007, 20:33
Of course, they are not mutually exclusive.