View Full Version : NPC would threshold

March 7th, 2021, 18:47
Most of the NPC's I drop into combat tracker are incapacitated after a single wound. Is there any way to up their threshold? The PC's get three before incapacitation, I want that for the NPC's I drop in as well. That being said, is there any way to up the number of wounds past three one can sustain whether it be a PC or an NPC?

March 7th, 2021, 19:20
Make the NPC a wild card. In Savage Worlds extras have 1 Wound and Wild Cards gave 3. There are Edges / monstrous abilities and Size modifiers to number of wounds

March 7th, 2021, 19:21
Make the NPC a wild card. In Savage Worlds extras have 1 Wound and Wild Cards gave 3. There are Edges / monstrous abilities and Size modifiers to number of wounds

Thanks! Can you elaborate a bit, though? Are you saying make the NPC an actual PC with a PC record sheet? Or is there a setting to turn it into a wild card? Sorry, still a bit new to Savage Worlds.

March 7th, 2021, 19:29
No. There's an icon in the top left I think (sorry not at computer) that's either light (extra) or dark (wild card). On a copy of an NPC (assuming you're using the built-in NPCs which aren't directly editable) you can toggle it on or off. Take a look at the Dragon as it's a wild card to understand what I mean.

To copy something just drag and drop it back into the NPCs. You can then unlock it (padlock in top right) to make changes to it.

Keep in mind Savage Worlds assumes most NPCs are extras with only a few as Wild Cards. Besides having extra wounds they also roll Wild Die. Unlike D&D you tend to throw more extras into am encounter than giving more "hitpoints" to things

March 7th, 2021, 19:35
Thank you again for the help. May I ask, the icon is at the top left of their stat sheet?

March 7th, 2021, 19:37
Give me a second to go to m computer ... wife is giving me a dirty look

March 7th, 2021, 19:46
Sorry, I don't have time to do screenshots, but if you open the NPC button you'll see a list of NPCs. In front of the name of the NPC will be an icon (what that icon is might change based on the setting you are using...by default it looks like a globe with a flaming sword through it). Most of the monsters in the default list have a grey icon, but, the dragon (as I mentioned previously) is black (plus a few more like giant worm, lich, orc chieftan, etc). Black means it's a Wild card. Opening a NPC, I see I was remembering wrong. It's in the name field all the way to the right. If the NPC is unlocked you can click on it and toggle whether or not it's a wild card.

March 7th, 2021, 20:32
Sorry, I don't have time to do screenshots, but if you open the NPC button you'll see a list of NPCs. In front of the name of the NPC will be an icon (what that icon is might change based on the setting you are using...by default it looks like a globe with a flaming sword through it). Most of the monsters in the default list have a grey icon, but, the dragon (as I mentioned previously) is black (plus a few more like giant worm, lich, orc chieftan, etc). Black means it's a Wild card. Opening a NPC, I see I was remembering wrong. It's in the name field all the way to the right. If the NPC is unlocked you can click on it and toggle whether or not it's a wild card.

Thank you again! I've seen that icon. And sorry you got dirty looks from your other half trying to look that up. I've gotten that look from mine a time or two!

March 7th, 2021, 21:40
Thank you again! I've seen that icon. And sorry you got dirty looks from your other half trying to look that up. I've gotten that look from mine a time or two!

It is by design - most NPCs are extra's - think the guy in Star Trek that goes on away missions for one episode only, because he is going to die - Wild Cards are tougher and have their own Bennies to spend! The players are meant to be special, so they usually kill extra's off no problem.... unless the Extra aces a lot in which case - bye bye Wild Card player.

March 7th, 2021, 21:48
Yeah, exactly. It's one thing to make one wolf a Wild Card as it's the pack leader, but really you shouldn't make the whole pack wild cards. That's not really the Savage Worlds way...giving things lots of "hit points" is more d20 mindset

March 7th, 2021, 22:11
Some settings use extras that get a wild die or 3 wounds, instead of being full Wild Cards, to make them a little better in their role. Typically called Lieutenants & Henchmen respectively (might have misremembered the names).

March 7th, 2021, 23:04
Right...that's what I meant by monstrous abilities like Resilient / Very Resilient. There isn't a switch like Wild Card but you can add those abilities.

Still, the original poster came across as new to Savage Worlds and I just wanted to reiterate that giving more hitpoints isn't really "The Way"

March 8th, 2021, 01:16
Right...that's what I meant by monstrous abilities like Resilient / Very Resilient. There isn't a switch like Wild Card but you can add those abilities.

Still, the original poster came across as new to Savage Worlds and I just wanted to reiterate that giving more hitpoints isn't really "The Way"

Oh, for sure. I'm all for "one shot and done" like killing storm troopers in star wars or orcs in lord of the rings. There are just some NPC's that I needed to make tougher because my group was cutting through them like a knife through butter. Thanks for all the advice. I absolutely love this ruleset.

March 8th, 2021, 01:48
Just wanted to point out that even with multiple wounds some of your NPCs are going to die in the first round of combat from exploding dice. I personally did 57 damage to my GM's "Boss Monster" with my first bow attack in one adventure. You kind of have to just roll with it (there are setting rules you can use to help) as the nature of the game with exploding dice

Mike Serfass
March 8th, 2021, 07:55
There's a thread that explains how to make henchmen (a wild card with 1 wound) and right hand men (extra with 3 wounds). I use variations on these when I need a mini-boss or a group leader.

March 8th, 2021, 15:04
Just wanted to point out that even with multiple wounds some of your NPCs are going to die in the first round of combat from exploding dice. I personally did 57 damage to my GM's "Boss Monster" with my first bow attack in one adventure. You kind of have to just roll with it (there are setting rules you can use to help) as the nature of the game with exploding dice


March 8th, 2021, 15:44
What was even cooler was I had a -4 penalty on my bow shot and I only had a d6 Shooting. I got a hit with a raise and then all 3 d6s just kept coming up 6, over and over.....I should have bought a lottery ticket that night as normally the dice gods are bad to me