View Full Version : LFG 1 Player Tues, Wed, Thurs nights US EST (UTC-5) 5E

February 25th, 2021, 20:36
In a nutshell, I'm an FG newb and old school gamer looking for a 5E DM & players. Here's the skinny:

FG License: Unity Ultimate.
Days/Frequency/Times: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays after 1830 (6:30 PM) EST weekly or bi-weekly preferred.
Term: Ideally long term, but short campaigns & one-shots are great too.
Voice: Yes.

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E.
Game System Experience: AD&D 1E & 2E, Shadowrun, Star Frontiers - all old stuff.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Newb.

Character Type Preferred: Flexible.
About me: I lean toward roleplaying & exploration/problem-solving. Combat can be good. Pacing helps. Not too familiar with 5E yet but it appears to make things simpler and/or more streamlined. Hoping to connect with a long-term group but am open to gaming with almost anyone.

EDIT: Connect on Discord - jcsamuelson#2543