View Full Version : LFP Need 1 or 2 Players 5E D&D - Thursday Night 6PM PST USA

February 22nd, 2021, 22:25
LFP Need 1 or 2 Players Thursday Night 6PM PST USA - 5E Hoard of the Dragon Queen (heavily modified)

FG License: GM has Full license so players only need Demo version to play
Game System: 5th Edition D&D

Time Zone: PST
Day of week and time: Thursday night
If new game, planned start date:
Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly
Term: On going game, home brew rules, long term, have been playing for months.

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: 30 role-playing / 70 combat
Number of Players in game & needed: 1 or 2
Character starting level & equipment: 5th level
Character restrictions: Forgotten Realms, No other world's classes or races

Details of your scenario:
I am currently running 4 players in the Dragon Hoard adventure, which I have had to heavily modify to make it more interesting. All of the characters are currently 5th level and love playing every week. I have a great group and looking to add 1 or 2 more great people to it.
If you are interested, please send me a direct message which I will reply to.
We will talk over discord about yours and my experience playing D&D ad each others styles. If after we both want to try and play together, than I will work with you to create your character and run you in a 1 player one shot so we can see how we work under pressure (hahaha). If that goes well, then we can introduce you to the players and play in a one-shot together that I will tie into your background. If all is still going well, than your character will join the main game.

Please contact me by sending me a private message.
Thank you,

February 26th, 2021, 23:44
I have received a number of requests for my post and will be closing it and I have found what I was looking for.
Please do not respond or send me any more private messages. Thank you.