View Full Version : LFP Need 2 Players Fri 6-10pm MST USA 5E Homebrew

February 21st, 2021, 18:31
FG License: GM has Full FGU – Ultimate so players need at least Lite
Game System: D&D 5E

Time Zone: Mountain Time USA
Day of week and time: Fridays 6:00PM to 10:00PM
Duration & Frequency: 4 hours weekly
Term: Long term.

Text or Voice: Voice and video.
Voice software used: Zoom, players need web cam
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: Varies - typically 25/75 Heavy Combat
Number of Players in game & needed: Currently have 3, looking for 1 or 2 more.
Character starting level & equipment: Your character will be starting at 5th level. Any reasonable amount of equipment from the Players Handbook. DM will provide a list of magic items for you to choose from.
Character restrictions: Only core races and classes form the Player's Handbook.

Details of my scenario: Homebrew, similar to World of Greyhawk. I heavily rely on short published adventures which I link together and modify along with some of my own creation. Looking for 1 or 2 mature (18+) players. I have been a DM for 40 years. This group has been playing together since April last year. We started remote playing using Map Tool and Zoom. We switched to Fantasy Grounds and Zoom January 1 this year, so we are all relatively new at it and have only ever used FG Ultimate. We recently lost a player which brings the number of PCs down to three. I really prefer to have 4 or 5 players. We played through Storm Kings Thunder and a couple of other short campaigns. We are currently playing through a campaign of my own making and I am hoping it can last for several months at least.
Current player characters are a Dwarf Cleric, a Human Barbarian and a Half-Elf Fighter.

February 21st, 2021, 20:20
i would loke to join, i have zoom, a mic and a webcam and time works for me (i can stay for longer if necessesary)

February 21st, 2021, 22:25
i would loke to join, i have zoom, a mic and a webcam and time works for me (i can stay for longer if necessesary)

Sounds good. Send me an email to [email protected] and put "Fantasy Grounds LFP" in the title.
I want to ask you some questions and let you know a little more about the campaign. Hopefully it will work out for you to be my fourth player.

boom shakalaka
February 22nd, 2021, 06:14
Also interested. I have sent a PM.